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Line-By-Line , text manipulation .

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 8:29 am
by vmars316
Line-By-Line' is a text manipulation program and basic text Editor .
It is portable and can be Run from a Flash Drive .

There is an Editor_Input File Area , and an Editor_Output File Area .
Changes made to Editor_Input are shown in Editor_Output Area .

Here is a run-down of BUTTONS and their Functions .
Browse for Input Folder [or BROWSE] .
OPEN Input Folder [OPEN Folder] .
[DELETE] a line if it Contains this : [arg1] .
[COLLECT] a line if it Contains this [arg1] (Discard all other lines) .
[PREPEND] this [arg1] to each line .
[APPEND] this [arg1] to each line .
If line Contains this [arg1] , [REPLACE] it with this [arg2] .
If Input contains CONSECUTIVE Blank Lines , [CONSOLIDATE] them into 'one BLANK line only' .
[CONVERT] Editor_Input file into an Editor_Output .html file .
[SORT] input file into ASCENDING order into Editor_Output .
[SORT] input file into DESCENDING order into Editor_Output .
[OPEN] input file .
[Copy/Paste]Editor_Output Area back into Editor_Input . Then you can make more changes to Editor_Input .
[SAVE] Editor_Output as output file .
TRIM Left and TRIM Right .
Give it a try , Thanks...