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Office Search - non-indexing file search

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 10:02 pm
by webfork
Not a lot of configuration and very simple, this is search program will find search terms present in either the content or file name. As the name implies, works fine with Both MS Office and LibreOffice files, including XMind and Visio.

Appears to be in active development.

Status: Untested, appears to be portable but hasn't seen thorough testing yet. Unlikely to be stealth.

License: Open source

Requires: .NET framework 4.7 or above.

Re: Office Search - non-indexing file search

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 11:40 am
by webfork
Update here: v.2.40 does appear to be portable. Settings can be modified by editing the OfficeSearch.exe.config file. Even though OfficeSearch.ini is modified to the most recent search location, technically it writes no settings because that doesn't actually appear to affect program operation.

Search types: it's possible to search for multiple search terms

All words: test;ability = test AND new (usually fewer results because it finds documents that have both)
Any words: test;ability = test OR new (usually more results because it will catch documents with either one)
All word forms: test;ability = Will find both tests AND abilities