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[dsMD5/dsSHA (hasher utilities; abandoned)]

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 10:28 am
by Yucca
[Mod note: some posts have been moved here from the MD5 GUI topic, at viewtopic.php?t=874]

[NOTE2: for info on DS software programs, check viewtopic.php?p=96778#p96778]

OK, while we're at it . . .

dsMD5 v. 1.02 (6kb) is another MD5 utility, and dsSHA v. 1.02 (7kb) is a SHA utility. Both are available at ... /freeware/ .

-- Yucca

[dsMD5/dsSHA (hasher utilities; abandoned)]

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 4:04 am
by Andrew Lee
I have posted dsMD5 and dsSHA to the database.

dsMD5 (hasher utility; abandoned)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 7:14 am
by Midas
dsMD5 is in our database ( but has no dedicated forum topic; no big deal, as it is probably abandoned, with is homepage gone.

Still, it has an entry and several related posts around the forums, so I decided to create this holdall topic in "Discussion", as it wouldn't make any sense in "Submissions"...

Original blurb wrote:
dsMD5 produces MD5 digital file signature (use like dsSHA).


BTW, here's a quick'n'dirty™ script to use dsMD5 to create full-form sidecar checksums even for files with spaces in their names:

Code: Select all

REM dsMD5 hashing script for sidecar checksum v0.1 by Midas (2020-04-18)
REM Solves dsMD5 not saving directly for files with spaces in file name.

dsMD5.exe %1
ECHO  *%~nx1>> "%~nx1.MD5.txt"
REN "%~nx1.MD5.txt" "%~n1.md5"

dsSHA (hasher utility; abandoned)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 1:02 pm
by Midas
Same drill for dsSHA (

original blurb wrote:dsSHA produces SHA-1 digital file signature. Like CRC or MD5 it can be used for detection of file tampering by viruses, hackers, etc. and integrity verification of copied or downloaded files. dsSHA is so small that it could be simply included in distribution packages. dsSHA is fast, dependency-free and does not need things like MFC or VB.