Kernel OST Viewer
Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 8:33 pm
Posting to discussion as I don't expect this to get added to the database. Also, before you dig into this program, I recommend testing DocFetcher, as it will index some OST files.
Background: Trying to open an old OST file that I had on an old drive (as mentioned in the Mailstore thread). I was primarily trying to track down some specific information but was frustrated by the limited search. Still, I have to acknowledge that this program does more with the file format that other free / demo programs I tested, so it's certainly better than nothing.
* Search program will search only a few criteria (to/from/subject and time frame) and not message content, which was really what I was hoping for.
* Cannot export to other formats. It was however possible to export RTF content to other formats by selecting message contents and then CTRL+C -> CTRL+V into another application.
License: liteware
Steps: install as normal, copy to a folder of your choice, uninstall
Status: Portable, saves no settings
Usage notes: It is important that you shut down the program properly or you may get left with a huge dump of temp files.
There are also some interesting basic mailbox analysis tools, including total items types, interaction between users, mail flow density by senders/date. ... ewer.shtml
Review: also puts the Kernel OST Viewer at the top of their list:
Background: Trying to open an old OST file that I had on an old drive (as mentioned in the Mailstore thread). I was primarily trying to track down some specific information but was frustrated by the limited search. Still, I have to acknowledge that this program does more with the file format that other free / demo programs I tested, so it's certainly better than nothing.
* Search program will search only a few criteria (to/from/subject and time frame) and not message content, which was really what I was hoping for.
* Cannot export to other formats. It was however possible to export RTF content to other formats by selecting message contents and then CTRL+C -> CTRL+V into another application.
License: liteware
Steps: install as normal, copy to a folder of your choice, uninstall
Status: Portable, saves no settings
Usage notes: It is important that you shut down the program properly or you may get left with a huge dump of temp files.
There are also some interesting basic mailbox analysis tools, including total items types, interaction between users, mail flow density by senders/date. ... ewer.shtml
Review: also puts the Kernel OST Viewer at the top of their list: