ClipAngel - clipboard manager

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ClipAngel - clipboard manager

#1 Post by smaragdus »

[Moderator note: this is the official thread for ClipAngel. See the database entry.]

This program belongs to class "Clipboard Manager". It captures many clipboard objects and allows user to select and paste one in any program.
Requires .Net Framework 4.52 (Windows Vista+/Server 2008+)
  • Supports clipboard formats: text, html, rtf, file, image
  • Captures data of supported types copied to clipboard (clips)
  • Captures sender window title and process name for clip
  • Shows source URL for HTML clip
  • Filter by marks "Used (Pasted)" and "Favorite" with keyboard shortcuts
  • Filter by clip type
  • Hot (as you type) text filter for clip list
  • Stores last used for paste text filters
  • Marking used (pasted) clips
  • Marking filter matches in text
  • Marking hyperlinks in text and Alt+click to open them
  • Marking END of clip text
  • Marking filter matches in list
  • Allows to paste clip as original or plain text selected or all
  • Repeated copy of any previous clip raises it to top of list
  • Max clip capture size and number of clips
  • Global hotkey (default ALT+V) to show clip list
  • Multilanguage UI (Russian, English)
  • Searching back and forward filter text in text
  • Ability to delete and move clips in list
  • Text filter and clip list share key presses, no need to change focus
  • History is stored encrypted on disk
  • Incremental paste hotkey
  • Switch "word wrap"
  • Switch "move just pasted clip to top"
  • Switch "show column with short visible size of clip"
  • Edit clip title
  • Edit clip text mode
  • Mark/Unmark favorite clips
  • Support for format "Clipboard Viewer Ignore" to respect password copy privacy
  • Auto and manual check for new version and one click update
  • Portable mode
  • Auto position window on open near text input
  • Window always on top mode
  • Command to open clip as file
  • Command to simulate char input (for windows isolated from clipboard)
  • Support for sending paste and input to elevated windows
  • Switch "Monitor clipboard"
  • Switch "Monospaced font"
  • Switch "Clear filters on window close"
  • Filter ON indication in "Clear filter" button
  • Full support for difficult windows in paste command (cmd.exe and RDP)
  • Text position indicator shows offset, column and line number, selection length
  • Clip list shows samples for picture clips
  • Native formatting mode for HTML and RTF clips
  • Switch "Show clip source icon column" (default OFF)
  • Automatic window open after capture text clip from ABBYY Screenshot Reader
  • Command "Text compare" with support for Beyond Compare, ExamDiff Pro, WinMerge, Araxis Merge, DiffMerge and custom application
  • Command "Translate text"
  • Target window title now is shown in window title after " >> "
  • "Default font" in "Settings" window for customizing font of in list and clip text field
  • Global hotket (default Alt+B) for open window with favorite clips only
  • "Clear clipboard" command in Main/Window and tray icon context menus
  • "Move to top" command in Main/List menu
  • "Copy text in any window on Control+F3" in Settings
  • "Hotkey to compare last clips" in Settings
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at AlternativeTo - ... -tormozit/

Direct Download Link for version 1.14 (Clip Angel released on 2017.03.18.


- formatted text (source program and source web-site shown):


- image file:


- Window:


- List:


- Clip:


- Settings:


- Help:


- context menu - clips:


- context menu - text:


No actions required in addition to the system requirements for installing program. You can run program from any catalog, but the program will use single settings and database, stored in Windows user profile, in normal mode and in program catalog - in portable mode. To autostart program on user logon, you have to turn on appropriate checkbox in Settings window.

Portable.bat - runs application in portable mode, settings and database will be loaded/saved in the same catalog, where program is started.
  • Download the ZIP package.
  • Extract the archive to a folder of your choice.
  • Either run Portable.bat file:

    Code: Select all

    start .exe /p
  • Or start .exe with the following parameter:

    Code: Select all

    .exe /p
Program data is saved in UserSettings sub-folder inside program folder (settings in Settings.settings file and database in db.sqlite).

Windows Vista+/Server 2008+
.Net Framework 4.52
is licensed under GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)

is in active development- the developer has released 10 versions for about a month (from 2017-02-12 to 2017-03-13).

File details for version 1.14 (released on 2017-03-18)
Name: Clip Angel
File Size: 1473572 Byte(s) (1.41 MB)
Modified Date: 2017-03-18 23:00
CRC32: aeb03479
MD5: a64ed7fd4abe02d27888cc9d954d0d42
SHA1: c79938f19027242b62fbe344204778d590feab5d
SHA256: f22a7110c866984a31761ace9467ce9a535d3cba95b02e04f4d0c2984a059cca
SHA512: 4020171e9f2731f906cb13e892cf94eb7af361abea77331354db82e121cadca4d48f2006158e65dc988e174e068e40fadd12b7879058da12fa60fa469f0aa739

VirusTotal analysis:
SHA256: f22a7110c866984a31761ace9467ce9a535d3cba95b02e04f4d0c2984a059cca
File name: Clip Angel
Detection ratio: 0 / 58
Analysis date: 2017-03-19 03:18:51 UTC

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Re: ClipAngel

#2 Post by webfork »

That looks outstanding — I’ll test that out in the days ahead. Thanks for yet anther amazingly detailed post.

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Re: ClipAngel

#3 Post by lintalist »


1. Command "Copy full filename" in context menu of application name field
2. In text field of file clip short name is selected after focus, if selection was absent
3. Command "Mark favorite" added to context menu of clip list
4. Setting "Ignored applications in capturing clips"
5. Command "Ignore the application" in main menu

1. Cutting first char when displaying beginning of large text
2. Changing focus to text field by TAB key
3. Occurrences of text filter with service char "%" were sometimes not highlighted in text
4. Changed keyboard shortcuts for "Mark favorite" and "Unmark favorite"


Nice find - program did have some issues when I tried it (1.15), couldn't close the window and when I Exit-ed it did close, but after a few seconds Windows gave a crashed error message "do you want to report/look for solution" dialog.

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Re: ClipAngel

#4 Post by tormozit »

lintalist wrote:program did have some issues when I tried it (1.15), couldn't close the window and when I Exit-ed it did close, but after a few seconds Windows gave a crashed error message "do you want to report/look for solution" dialog.

1. Focus shifted erroneously from list to clip text field when switching to another clip in edit mode
2. Sometimes window at first opening did not take focus
3. In html field Escape key and the paste send commands did not work
4. On program close an error occurred and settings were not saved if list of ignored applications was never edited
5. Multipaste command inserted without separating end of line many copies of one clip

I hope everything was fixed. If not then try uncheck "Fast window open" in Settings dialog.

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Re: ClipAngel

#5 Post by webfork »

Welcome to the forums.
tormozit wrote:I hope everything was fixed.
Thanks for that. Are you the developer?

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Re: ClipAngel

#6 Post by tormozit »

Yes, I am.

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Re: ClipAngel

#7 Post by lintalist »

v1.16 fixed the "crash" issue :)

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Re: ClipAngel

#8 Post by webfork »

So far I'm really impressed by this program. The highlight at the top of the screen that tells you the window name and program name is really helpful. The additional data at the bottom (time, characters, size, etc) are also excellent.

  • A way to customize the hotkeys. CTRL+F3 for example is an autotext feature in LibreOffice.
  • A way to paste to text without opening the main window
  • Right now there's a history depth, but I'd also like a time depth (e.g. nothing older than 2 weeks)
  • Integration with WinMergePortable and/or other merge programs
  • Optional detection of successive, duplicate copy elements (e.g. if I hit CTRL+C twice, there should be only one item added).
  • Similar to the duplicate check above, it might also be useful to detect any copied item already copied in the list and just promote it to the top rather than adding to the list.
  • Optionally A "quick save" that saves to a pre-determined directory (in the portable version, a folder in the local directory) would be really helpful.
  • Minimize/close to the tray (workaround: use DesktopOK)
  • Favorites
    • Alt+Q should let you both enable favorite status as well as disable it
    • Currently you can't disable favorite status from the menu, you have to click the star icon in the right window.
  • Images
    • Ability to right-click on the image and choose view, edit, save, open with, or other items
    • Ability to disable/minimize the image statistics (e.g. 400x300 Pixel 32) at the top of each image
    • When saving images, ability to do so in PNG

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Re: ClipAngel

#9 Post by tormozit »

1. CTRL+F3 as described in description is reserved (fixed) hotkey for many text editors to search selected text without saving it in search history. So it cannot be changed. It is not independent hotkey for dupblicating standart copy hotkey (CTRL+C). If you need one, describe case when it will be nessisarry. Customization of all global hotkeys is already present except this exceptional hotkey. Or do you want cutomization of all internal hotkeys?

2. A way to paste to text without opening the main window. Good shot. Task created.

3. Time depth. Task created.

4. Integration with WinMergePortable and/or other merge programs is present by option "Text compare application". If it is not working for you describe details.

5. Optional detection of successive, duplicate copy elements. This detection is present but no option to switch it off. So let me know if you want such option. Duplicate detection works on binary level. So it is possible for HTML and especially RTF clips to look like duplacates and even to have same byte size but binary they are not. I can add option to detect duplicates on text level instead of binary.

6. To detect any copied item already copied in the list and just promote it to the top rather than adding to the list is present also (p.5). I don't understand what is the diffenrence with p.5 . May be example wil help me to understand.

7. Custom directory for saving temp clip files. Task created. But file names will remain in old numeric style (example "Clip 4356.txt"). In what cases this feature will be usefull for you? Why temp folder is not usefull?

8. Minimize/close to the tray is present by "Fast window open"=OFF. When it is ON I found no way to make this behavour without reasonable unpleasant effects (only always shown or always hidden in taskbar).

9. Alt+Q should let you both enable favorite status as well as disable it. I don't think that it is good idead. Now you are sure that favorite mark is set event if you ocassionally press ALT+Q twice. There is no big visual indicator of favorite mark. So it is important to be sure only by press. Have you any idea how to make better favorite mark indicator?

10. "Unmark favorite" command is in the Clip menu and no one in list context menu because it is used much rare that "Mark favorite". I don't think it is good idead to add rarely used command to context menu. If you use it frequently, describe your case/example.

11. "Save clip to file" command and "Open clip file with" submenu I plan to add for all clip types.

12. Ability to disable/minimize the image statistics. I will make it much smaller.

13. When saving images, ability to do so in PNG. Actually they are PNG. BMP extension is a bug. Bug created.

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Re: ClipAngel

#10 Post by tormozit »


1. Checked toolbar buttons now change background color
2. Command "Upload image to web" to upload a picture to image server
3. Command "Copy all text" in context menu of clip source application field
4. Command "Copy all text" in context menu of clip source window field
5. Command "Copy all text" in context menu of clip source adress field
6. Command "Open with" to open temporary clip file with standard OS dialog
7. In English UI "Donate" hyperlink now opens Paypal page
8. In window "About" surname and name of author
9. Multipaste of plain text is now performed through aggregation of clip texts and single paste
10. Setting "History depth days" for auto-deleting clips after specified time since creation
11. Command "Delete all non favorite" to delete all non favorite clips
12. Command "Compare last clips" in context menu of tray icon
13. Command "Paste text" in context menu of clip text
14. Setting "Hotkey to paste plain text" to insert the last captured clip as text
15. Setting "Use formatting in dublicate detection" (ON by default)
16. Height of text field of clip for graphic clips reduced
17. For switch "Always on top" a hotkey (CTRL + T) added
18. Occurrences of text filter now are marked with bold style

1. Reset multiselection when updating list
2. Command "Copy text from any window by Control+F3" did not restored clipboard
3. When saving image files, BMP extension was used instead of PNG
4. Right click on list resets multiselection
5. Context menu in list did not work with keyboard shortcuts Shift + 10 and {Apps}
6. Command "Paste text" for HTML text inserted all text instead of selected
7. Multipaste marked not all inserted clips as used
8. When navigating through rows of list with text filter, caret position in filter field is sometimes reset
9. In "always on top" mode dialogs that are opened from Settings dialog are left in the background
10. For graphic clip text field became inaccessible

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Re: ClipAngel

#11 Post by tormozit »


1. Command "Send bug or feature"
2. Extraction fragment of image for show in list from HTML clip with empty text
3. Command "Clear filters and select prev." for selecting clip selected before filter apply
4. Command "Join text" for joining texts of selected clip into new clip

1. Interception of "Control + F3" hotkey with appropriate setting OFF
2. Error executing some commands with no current clip

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Re: ClipAngel

#12 Post by tormozit »


1. Setting "HTML file editor application"
2. Setting "RTF file editor application"
3. Setting "Image (PNG) file editor application"
4. Setting "Text (TXT) file editor application"
5. Setting "Do not capture "Clipboard Viewer Ignore" format"
6. Command "Clear filters and select prev." added in top command bar

1. Incorrect work after executing command "Paste text" in Edit mode
2. Fresh long execution of CTRL+F3 command in some cases with apropriate setting ON
3. Right click on unselected row did not reset selection
4. Update command sometimes raised error of absence of "ExternalUpdater" file
5. Fresh capture of HTML clip without text with image sometimes raised error

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Re: ClipAngel

#13 Post by Billo255 »

I've been using ClipMate for as long as I can remember (at least 12 years). It's commerical (I think I paid 49.95 for it back in the day) but I've definitely gotten my money's worth out of it. One of the (many) reasons I continue to use it is because it had the option of being portable.

It's still around but there hasn't been any active development on it for at least the last 7 or 8 years.

So, I'm always on the lookout for a possible replacement. I haven't downloaded this app but looked through the images and the first thing that I noticed was what seemed to be the lack of a tree structure. Clipmate allows the creation of "folders" and "sub-folders" inside of the app where the user can organize like items (i.e., code snippets, text, pics, etc.). It's not a requirement but it keeps clips organized. It's also possible to customize each folder so that the clips are never deleted or they are deleted after a certain period of time or after a certain number of clips have been stored.

It's also possible to create separate databases to keep work clips separate from home clips or have different databases for different projects as an example. I kind of equate it to MS Outlook where you can have a pst for work, home, hobbies, or whatever.

My question is did I miss something with ClipAngel on this? Is there a way to organize and separate clips within the app?


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Re: ClipAngel

#14 Post by smaragdus »

Have a look at Clipboard Help+Spell which has also been discussed in the forum, perhaps this is what you need.

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Re: ClipAngel

#15 Post by tormozit »

I have no plans to add tree of categories. To switch databases and settings you can use portable mode in 2 different copies of app (for example one catalog called ClipAngelHome and other called ClipAngelWork). This way does not require change in code and I think is easier than switch database in UI.

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