qTox is an "official" Tox client which has finally reached a stable release. qTox is an alternative to Isotoxin which I have reviewed here.
qTox about:
qTox is a powerful Tox client that follows the Tox design guidelines while running on all major platforms.
qTox features:
qTox links:- One to one chat with friends
- Group chats
- File transfers, with previewing of images
- Audio calls, including group calls
- Video calls
- Tox DNS and Tox URI support
- Translations in various languages
- Avatars
- Faux offline messages
- History
- Screenshots
- Emoticons
- Auto-updates on Windows and Mac, packages on Linux
- And many more options!
https://github.com/tux3/qTox - qTox project page
https://wiki.tox.chat/clients/qtox - qTox wiki page
https://github.com/tux3/qTox/wiki/Keyboard-shortcuts - qTox keyboard shortcuts
https://tox.chat/ - Tox web-site
https://wiki.tox.chat/clients - Tox clients
https://wiki.tox.chat/start - Tox wiki page
https://wiki.tox.chat/users/faq Tox FAQ
https://blog.tox.chat/ - Tox blog
https://www.facebook.com/toxproject - Tox at Facebook
https://twitter.com/ProjectTox - Tox at Twitter
https://www.reddit.com/r/projecttox - Tox at Reddit
http://alternativeto.net/software/tox/ - Tox at AlternativeTo
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tox_%28protocol%29 - Tox at Wikipedia
qTox downloads:
https://build.tox.chat/view/qtox/job/qT ... 6_release/ - qTox portable x32 download page
https://build.tox.chat/view/qtox/job/qT ... 4_release/ - qTox portable x64 download page
https://build.tox.chat/view/qtox/job/qT ... e_release/ - qTox installer x32 download page
https://build.tox.chat/view/qtox/job/qT ... e_release/ - qTox installer x64 download page
https://wiki.tox.chat/Binaries - downloads for other Tox clients for several OS (Android, iOS, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows)
qTox direct download links:
qTox x32 Zip archive
qTox x64 Zip archive
These direct download links are for the latest stable release.
qTox screen-shots:
-1- qTox chat window: -2- qTox chat window in separate window: -3- qTox settings window: qTox portable:
Download qTox-stable_build_windows_x86_release.zip for x32 systems or qTox-stable_build_windows_x86-64_release.zip for x64 systems, unpack the archive, run qtox.exe, open Settings (the cog-wheel in qTox left panel- "Change your settings"), go to Advanced and check "Make Tox portable". qTox is not stealth- it creates an empty folder in AppData (C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\tox).
qTox license:
qTox is open-source released under GPL license and the source code can be downloaded at GitHub.
qTox note:
Compared to Isotoxin, qTox uses a bit more RAM (Isotoxin about 40 MB, qTox about 51 MB) and is not stealth but qTox (as the name implies it uses Qt) has the advantage of being cross-platform while Isotoxin runs only on Windows.
qTox reviews:
- Out in the Open: Hackers Build a Skype That’s Not Controlled by Microsoft - WIRED review
- TOX: an Encrypted Skype Replacement - Privacy Blog review
- Meet Tox, an open, privacy-focused Skype replacement - PCWorld review