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Yahoo mail is reporting Portable Freeware mail as spam.

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 9:27 am
by loin2kolpotoru
Yahoo mail is reporting Portable Freeware subscription mail as spam. I have several times reported it as not a spam and added to my contacts still yahoo mail sending these mails to spam folder, so i am reporting it here.

Re: Yahoo mail is reporting Portable Freeware mail as spam.

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 1:53 pm
by webfork
loin2kolpotoru wrote:Yahoo mail is reporting Portable Freeware subscription mail as spam
I suspect this might be the "notify me when a reply is posted" option at the end of every post is enabled by default. I can easily see someone treating reply notifications as spam and the filter gradually accepting this as fact. Disabling subscribe-by-default functionality might fix it, I dunno.

Re: Yahoo mail is reporting Portable Freeware mail as spam.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 12:22 am
by loin2kolpotoru
It is the newsletter subscription that is reported as spam. Not the forum reply notifications. Sorry for the confusion.

Re: Yahoo mail is reporting Portable Freeware mail as spam.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 4:17 pm
by Andrew Lee
The backend of the newsletter is FeedBurner, so I am kind of surprised Yahoo Mail has marked it as spam.

OTOH, maybe I shouldn't be surprised. A lot of people actually do not know how to unsubscribe from the newsletter and email me about this (to take them off the list). I suspect an even greater number of people just mark the newsletter as spam when they don't want to receive it anymore, instead of going through the unsubscription path (or emailing me).

This phenomenon is not unique to TPFC/Feedburner. I remember reading about this before, and I think email providers such as Yahoo Mail and GMail should take this into account when dealing with mails marked as spam, especially from known mailing lists providers such as SourceForge or Feedburner.