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#1 Post by joby_toss »

IsMyHdOK is a small program but effective solution to easily check the Prefomance of a Windows Volume eg. Partition!

# Features:
Very small program
Suitable for SSD and HD and other drives
Arbitrary Test Time:
- Quick Test (~ 15 sec)
- Short Test (~ 30 sec)
- Long test (~ 60 sec)
- Very long test (~ 4 min)

Drive Compare Charts

# Employment!
Start the program IsMyHdOK. The first time that you use it the program will present you with a license screen. The program is free and the license info is only displayed the first time (per PC).

IsMyHdOK does not have to be installed and can be executed easily from the desktop,
and can be carried on a small usb-stick or other memory device.
For portable use, please create in the IsMyHdOK working directory IsMyHdOK.ini

# Operating systems:
Windows 7, Windows 8.1 und 8, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2000, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2012.

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Re: IsMyHdOK

#2 Post by Midas »

Mistifying name: IsMyHdOK doesn't actually tell if your HD is OK -- it doesn't give you any SMART info, just tests read/write specs and access times.

Although currently it serves only to avoid the start-up EULA agreement dialog, be sure to create that 'IsMyHdOK.ini' in program folder, lest it get created in '%APPDATA%\IsMyHdOK'...

Useful tool, nonetheless. Voted. :)

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Re: IsMyHdOK

#3 Post by Midas »

64- bit IsMyHdOK v2.21 consistently fails to run on my Win7 system, showing the following error on execution:


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