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FastStone Resizing/Renaming

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 7:33 am
by gloryg

I am taking an online photography course and I have been asked to use FastStone for editing.

I have been asked to submit my photos at 192ppi 6inches by 4inches and to make sure the metadata is still there.

I know where to resize my photos on FastStone. I understand they are 1152 X 768 pixels.

The problem is to get these precise proportions I have to unclick the "preserve ratio".

I have to rename the photo for each lesson. When I do this it deletes the metadata.

Anyone know how I can fix these problems?

Thank you

Re: FastStone Resizing/Renaming

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:00 pm
by joby_toss
FastStone is a company, not an application. What program did they ask you to work with?
Have you tried contacting them at ?
I haven't been able to find a way to preserve the metadata with FSResizer, but FSViewer works just fine.

My thoughts on this: if it's an online course, how would they know what program do you use for this job? Use whatever you know how to work with. If it's a paid course, I think this request has some issues, as FastStone doesn't allow commercial usage for their freeware products.