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RapidCRC Unicode - batch hashing/checksum

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:24 am
by Userfriendly
[Moderator note: this is the primary RapidCRC Unicode thread. View database entry]

RapidCRC is an open source CRC/MD5/SHA hashing program. I've extended the current unicode support to allow writing of unicode .sfv/.md5/.sha1/.sha256/.sha512 files, which can be turned on/off through the settings page. Unicode sfv files are written as UTF-16LE with BOM or UTF-8 (with or without BOM), and RCRC now performs a codepage detection. I've also expanded the shell extension that was included in the sourcecode to enable all operations directly from the extension.

List of other new features:

multithreaded hash calculations with asynchronous I/O
ed2k hash calculation
SHA hash calculation
job queueing
popup menu to copy the calculated hashes to the clipboard

RapidCRC is released under the GPL - the sourcecode with my modifications can be found below. Be warned however that my documentation in the sourcecode is not as good as the original RapidCRC source.

Download and extract archive then create a file called 'options_unicode.bin' in application folder. You can optionally delete rcrcshex.dll/rcrcshex64.dll (shell extension) or maybe make a batch file or something to register/unregister temporarily.

Re: RapidCRC Unicode

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:39 am
by guinness
Tested: Portable

I like how it can create checksum files.

Re: RapidCRC Unicode

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:11 am
by Userfriendly
Added to database

Tell me if I'm missing something like dependencies and such. Not sure what's the best way to find out. I used Dependency Walker, PeStudio, and a Universal Viewer plugin. I don't have a good way to test because I'm on windows 8 with most common runtime libraries installed.

Re: RapidCRC Unicode

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:16 am
by guinness
Thanks for adding. I voted for the application by the way.

Re: RapidCRC Unicode

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:10 am
by Userfriendly
Forgot to add forum topic ID to the entry and I can't re-edit. I guess once added by admin/mod I can't change it anymore?

Also it seems uploaded images get converted/recompressed to GIF? I was uploading PNG's/BMP originally and it kept coming out bad. I converted some images to GIF myself and uploaded that and it looked better.

Re: RapidCRC Unicode

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:08 pm
Userfriendly wrote: Forgot to add forum topic ID to the entry and I can't re-edit. I guess once added by admin/mod I can't change it anymore?
You lose the ability to edit the entry as soon as someone else touches it. However, I believe that you'll get global editing privilege very soon. :)

I added the forum topic ID to the entry.
Userfriendly wrote: Also it seems uploaded images get converted/recompressed to GIF? I was uploading PNG's/BMP originally and it kept coming out bad. I converted some images to GIF myself and uploaded that and it looked better.
Yes, they are converted to GIF. See ... 145#p57145.

Re: RapidCRC Unicode

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:44 am
by webfork
Anyone know what "Put CRC into NTFS Stream" does? Can't seem to find anything on the website about this.

Thanks to Userfriendly for suggesting and adding, and guinness for testing. I've been using Hash forever for 80% of my operations just because it's dead-simple and then, for anything really complex or big, I used FileVerifier++ for it's power and options or BitTorrent for multi-section hashing. RapidCRC is likely going to handle almost all of those from now on.

Re: RapidCRC Unicode

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 11:32 am
by Userfriendly
You can store CRC reference in ntfs filesystem instead of an sfv file. RapidCRC can check the file against itself if CRC is stored in ntfs stream. No need for an sfv file to know if the file's is corrupt/changed. CRC in ntfs stream seems to carry over between my hard drives. I haven't checked if it transfers over the network/internet.

Re: RapidCRC Unicode

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:28 pm
by webfork
Userfriendly wrote:You can store CRC reference in ntfs filesystem instead of an sfv file. RapidCRC can check the file against itself if CRC is stored in ntfs stream. No need for an sfv file to know if the file's is corrupt/changed. CRC in ntfs stream seems to carry over between my hard drives. I haven't checked if it transfers over the network/internet.
Wow, very cool. Thanks

Re: RapidCRC Unicode

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:13 pm
by webfork
Some notes while testing RapidCRC Unicode 0.3.11:

Recursive Check

This is one of my big asks for any new hash checking program on the site. It's possible in RapidCRC, and if you want to do a recursive check (check all the directories all at once), go the "all files" route. The directories it stores are relative to the main directory so the check is portable. For example, my test using the program folder structure:
  •\SaveMe.exe 00E9B767\data\aiClipboardSettings\ClipboardContainer.stm 57C37D7F\data\aiClipboardSettings\Icons.stm 163F8275

At the same time, some of the interface bits really confused me:

Directory Check

The check for every single file and all files is pretty easy: one checksum per file or one checksum or all files. However, if you go the directory route, and create a bunch of check files for different directories, you need to navigate those directories and check them one at a time.

Checking a new hash

So let's say you want an SHA-512 hash:
  1. Drag and drop it to the menu and the program and it will generate the plain old CRC check. (In settings you can just disable any kind of automatic check.)
  2. Click SHA-512. You get prompted "You have to calculate the sha512 checksums first. Click OK to do that now."
  3. I click OK and the hash is nowhere to be seen so I click the same button again.
  4. I'm prompted with "Create a .sha512 file for every single file, every directory, or for all files.
  5. I pick "all files" and choose a name for the checksum list.
Then, to check the file, drag and drop the hash file into the window. If you save the file somewhere other than the directory where it was located, it will error.

All that seems reasonable and I was able to wander my way through the interface to figure that out, but it wasn't exactly simple or intuitive. Someone who didn't use these programs frequently or didn't know what they were looking for would likely get tripped up. As such, a quick video or slideshow howto to get people onboard with the features might be ideal.

This is still a full-featured and very effective program -- but it's closer to FileVerifier++ in terms of complexity than my other favorite checksum program, Hash.

NTFS Check

I put a hash into the checksum into NTFS string and, apart from telling me that was done in the "Info" column next to a file, the way to verify it was to click "SVF file" button. Again, not obvious.


Anyway, I think I'm sort of writing a howto here rather than commenting on the program effectively but maybe that will help someone.

Re: RapidCRC Unicode

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:46 pm
by Userfriendly
To show the results for SHA256 or SHA512, you need to enable them in the algorithms auto check options so it displays it in the results list. Also you can show them in the columns listview by either right clicking the columns or enabling in the options menu. Not intuitive but it works once you know how.

You can maybe suggest usability improvements on its github issues page. I'm the one that suggested it to be made portable and the dev responded rather quickly.

Re: RapidCRC Unicode

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:20 am
by guinness
Userfriendly wrote:I'm the one that suggested it to be made portable and the dev responded rather quickly.
That's always a good sign.

Re: RapidCRC Unicode

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 5:10 pm
by webfork
In a bit of a change of pace, I've produced an intro video for RapidCRC Unicode.

Screen Shot 2015-06-26 at 7.40.11 PM.png
Screen Shot 2015-06-26 at 7.40.11 PM.png (18.27 KiB) Viewed 70077 times

Edit: if it doesn't play directly in your browser, click the down arrow at the top of the screen and open in VLC or other player.

Re: RapidCRC Unicode

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 5:47 pm
by Userfriendly
webfork wrote:In a bit of a change of pace, I've produced an intro video for RapidCRC Unicode.
Nice video :) A voice behind the name.

A little info on the why its called RapidCRC and why it's not so strange, from the original versions site, it says the goal was to create the fastest (assembly) implementation for checking crc and md5 checksums. Fast it indeed is. Back in the day I was downloading tons of anime fansubs from IRC and needed a tool that could check CRC the fastest and this was it. I compared performance between other similar pograms much like tp109 did with text editors. Ten years ago the speed was really noticeable with computers that were 20 times slower. Nowadays though I think the differences are really minor with modern systems but it still feels relatively snappier than other programs.

Re: RapidCRC Unicode

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 7:41 pm
by webfork
Userfriendly wrote:
webfork wrote:In a bit of a change of pace, I've produced an intro video for RapidCRC Unicode.
Nice video :) A voice behind the name.
Yep, that's me :)
Userfriendly wrote:... the goal was to create the fastest (assembly) implementation for checking crc and md5 checksums. Fast it indeed is. Back in the day I was downloading tons of anime fansubs from IRC and needed a tool that could check CRC the fastest and this was it.
Very interesting.
Userfriendly wrote:Ten years ago the speed was really noticeable with computers that were 20 times slower ... the differences are really minor with modern systems but it still feels relatively snappier than other programs.
Probably true. I do like how it plays nice with relative file systems and with the inclusion of the CRC right in the file name.