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Migrating an existing installation of WinXP to another HD?

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:08 pm
by castman
My father bought a new SATA HD for his new computer and now I'm stucked into this problem:

He needs to test the existing installation of a IDE HD windows in his new SATA HD that I already succesfully installed but I couldn't successfully clone with the proper modfications using the free programs available on the internet.

I tried Clonezilla (Live CD) and Driveimage XML (Live in Bart PE) and after the procedure for both of the programs the same thing happens. The new HD tries to load the files (the entire windows) from the old HD instead from itself and off course it disgusts me.

So if you can provide me with the solution to this problem, I would really enjoy. I can already imagine the great m^(2) coming here to type me/us the solution :mrgreen:.

Edit: System - Win XP x86 SP3

Re: Migrating an existing installation of WinXP to another H

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:17 pm
by m^(2)
Building up my pride? :)
You can set which drive to boot from somewhere in BIOS.

Re: Migrating an existing installation of WinXP to another H

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:40 pm
by Firewrath
side note. Going off what you said but no real info about the install setup,
most computers are set to boot up default off the C: drive, if its trying to boot off another drive, that means windows probably wasnt installed to C: and migrating it over from like D: to C: will cause other issues with where windows expects files/folders to be,
you might boot into C: and IF run windows normally, but windows might still look for a system file in D:, but most likely, you wont be able to boot at all,
theres also like a ton of registry calls and stuff that would also need to be changed, mostly like programs installed to D: that are now on C: would still be looking for their files in D:,
all-in-all, itll cause, well, problems, :P

inshort, a full reinstall of XP to the new drive and copying over needed files/program would be the best way to go,

course, i could be completely wrong and you had everything installed into C: in the first place and this is some weird BIOS boot deal, but yeah,
also, i cant remember how much of an issue this is with XP compared to the older operating systems, but im Pretty sure it still applies,

just thought id say, ^-^;

Re: Migrating an existing installation of WinXP to another H

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:19 am
by TP109
Try disconnecting the original drive so the PC boots only from the newly installed drive. Like mentioned before, the boot drive can also be set up in the BIOS. If you used DriveXML to create an image of the original drive, try restoring the image from an external drive or DVD with only the new drive installed - add the second drive after it's confirmed that the new drive works.

Re: Migrating an existing installation of WinXP to another H

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:27 am
by SYSTEM ... MS_win.faq

In addition, I have heard that Windows may fail to boot after cloning from IDE to SATA. :( (Worth a try anyway.)

@Firewrath: Cloning doesn't change the drive letter. The target partition will have the same letter as the source (provided that Windows doesn't see the source partition after cloning).

Re: Migrating an existing installation of WinXP to another H

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 4:11 am
by castman
Hehehe :P, I thought m^(2) would provide me the answer. Anyways, what SYSTEM tryed to say pointing me this link I can try w/o much loss of patience. I just need to after the cloning remove the old HD and try the new HD alone. It is not a hard deal :mrgreen: .

Re: Migrating an existing installation of WinXP to another H

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 8:55 pm
by castman
YES! :D, I had complete success in copying the contents from the old HD to the new one. I will type now the steps I took that led me to this victory.

Download Clonezilla and Parted Magic ISO and burn the 2 CDs
Connect your new HD disk (cut the shitty rollerman cables) together with the old one and boot Clonezilla CD
Follow the options you like until you reach the difficult mode, choose Expert
Then device-device and then disk-to-disk
Choose your source and next your target HD
Mark with your keyboard spacebar "Resize source filesystem..." and "Sector-by-Sector copy" and hit enter
Select "use partition table from source", hit enter and type Y/y whenver asked for
Wait long 2 hours and 30 minutes (at least for my 40GBto1TB transfer?) and select Poweroff
When your computer has been halted, disconnect the old one and boot just once the new one
Restart your computer and boot Parted Magic
Resize the partition to the remaining or your desired size using GParted utility and click the Apply button
Restart your computer and do not skip CHKDSK routine procedure, at restart it is DONE =]

Edit: Thanks everybody. Now my computer life has became better :).