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Re: MobaXterm - Portable X server with SSH client

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 2:47 am
Mobatek wrote:Hi everyone!

We just built a new release of MobaXterm (version 7.5 on 2015-02-15)
This new version comes with several new improvements among which:
- support for the new technical preview of Windows 10 (6629)
- full support for HDPI (UHD / 4K / Retina) displays with improved graphics and fonts
- improved SSH client with updated SSH keys and encryption algorithms
Entry updated. :)
Mobatek wrote: By the way, if you want to update the screenshot on the software page, you can use this one.
Updating the screenshot is not much effort at all, so I updated it.

Re: MobaXterm - Portable X server with SSH client

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 2:52 am
by Mobatek
Thank you very much :wink:

Re: MobaXterm - Portable X server with SSH client

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 4:31 am
by Midas
We're the ones who should be thanking you for the tireless support of Portable Freeware... 8)

Re: MobaXterm - Portable X server with SSH client

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 1:05 pm
by Mobatek
:oops: :oops: :oops:
Ooops, we have been told that the SSH gateway (which allows users to connect to a remote server through an intermediate SSH host) is not working on recent version 7.5.
:arrow: We just released a bugfix version (7.6) in order to correct this error.

Download and changelog are available here:

Sorry about this, we are doing our best to deeply test MobaXterm before each release, but we did not noticed this bug before...

Re: MobaXterm - Portable X server with SSH client

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 1:34 pm
by Checker
@ Mobatek: Thanks ... and updated :wink:

Re: MobaXterm - Portable X server with SSH client

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 2:25 pm
by Ruby
Mobatek wrote::oops: :oops: :oops:
Ooops, we have been told that the SSH gateway (which allows users to connect to a remote server through an intermediate SSH host) is not working on recent version 7.5.
:arrow: We just released a bugfix version (7.6) in order to correct this error.

Download and changelog are available here:

Sorry about this, we are doing our best to deeply test MobaXterm before each release, but we did not noticed this bug before...
That's what I love about you guys; Props to the Mobatek team ;-)


Re: MobaXterm - Portable X server with SSH client

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 11:05 am
by saba.q

I am new in MobaXterm, I wanted my desktop continues to run after closing it, I tried this command:

R CMD BATCH temp.R at> Thu Mar 12 19:40:40 IRST 2015

but it didn't work.
Could you please advise me about the right command?

Tanks in advance for any help :)

Re: MobaXterm - Portable X server with SSH client

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:05 am
by Mobatek
Hello Saba.q,

I am sorry, I do not understand the question: the command you wrote seems to be a script which is launched on your remote server, not in MobaXterm.
--> Unfortunately, I will not be able to bring you support because I do not know this script, what it does and the server it runs on. MobaXterm is just the program you use in order to connect to this remote server, but then you will have to ask your IT admin or the server owner for some support on scripts you run on this server...

Sorry for not being able to provide more help, I hope you will find someone who knows what this script does on your server (but I know it can be hard in some companies :wink: )

Re: MobaXterm - Portable X server with SSH client

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 4:39 am
by j.tomsic
Is there any way to use port knocking with bookmarks? Thank you

Re: MobaXterm - Portable X server with SSH client

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 3:44 am
by Mobatek
@j.tomsic : this is not implemented in MobaXterm but this may be an interesting feature. We will work on it for a future release of MobaXterm, thanks!

Re: MobaXterm - Portable X server with SSH client

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 6:05 am
by __philippe
Hello Mobatek
Allow me a new feature suggestion for an upcoming MobaXterm release:

Implement a Traceroute function equivalent to the Linux "traceroute -A" option,
which includes in its output the BGP AS number (Autonomous System) for each hop traversed ?
(Support under vintage Win XP woud be a welcome bonus...;-) )

Thanks for considering the feasability of this request.


Re: MobaXterm - Portable X server with SSH client

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 10:28 am
by Mobatek
Thanks for this suggestion.
Unfortunately, this one is harder to implement because it seems to require admin rights in order to forge network packets.
Anyway, we are trying to find the most convenient way to implement this for an upcoming release of MobaXterm.

Thank you

Re: MobaXterm - Portable X server with SSH client

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 12:52 pm
by __philippe
Neat !

Eagerly anticipating further development about this traceroute proposed feature... :D



Re: MobaXterm - Portable X server with SSH client

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:46 am
by Mobatek
Hi everyone!

We just released MobaXterm version 8.0.

In this release, we worked on adding credentials support for SSH, RDP and SFTP sessions, we also changed the terminal and SSH component to a native and much faster one (based on PuTTY by Simon Tatham) and the embedded X server is now much faster (compiled as a native Windows program). We also tried to put a new "Welcome page" in the software: we hope you will enjoy it!

Here is the full changelog :
- New feature: MobaXterm is now able to create shared credentials for multiple sessions
- Improvement: SSH, telnet, rlogin and serial sessions are now powered by a faster native Windows engine based on the efficient PuTTY tool by Simon Tatham
- New feature: Added "MobaKeyGen": a graphical SSH keys generator based on the great "PuTTYgen" tool by Simon Tatham
- Improvement: Default X server is now a native Windows port of Xorg with no wrapper (compiled using MinGW)
- Improvement: The embedded terminal is now based on a plain PuTTY engine
- Improvement: Re-organized session settings for better usability
- Improvement: MobaXterm is now able to retrieve/store SSH password, even in "keyboard-interactive" mode
- New feature: Dragging using Alt+drag performs a rectangular selection
- New feature: Right-click menu now allows to reconfigure many options on the current terminal for the current running session
- New feature: Added a "home page" at MobaXterm startup with recent sessions, a quick search bar and a button to start a new terminal. You can disable this home page from the global settings and choose to start a local terminal instead.
- Improvement: New keyboard configurations added
- Improvement: SFTP browser now works in keyboard interactive mode
- Improvement: Double-click selection in the terminal is now smarter when determining if a character is a separator or not
- Improvement: Local Unix utilities based on Cygwin are now in a separate plugin file. If you only need basic MobaXterm features like SSH, X11, Rlogin, Telnet, Serial or RDP, you do not need this plugin
- Improvement: MobaXterm startup speed has been improved
- Improvement: Banner message is now adapted to the session you launched. For SSH sessions, it displays some useful information about X11-forwarding, DISPLAY, SFTP browser and compression features
- Improvement: Added new proxy settings for SSH connections
- Improvement: Added some new charsets for remote sessions
- Improvement: Better SSH keys support (OpenSSH / PuTTY / types are seamlessly managed)
- New feature: Added some cool puzzle games from Simon Tatham
- New feature: You can now select a terminal size (number of rows/columns) and keep it while resizing MobaXterm by increasing/decreasing font size
- Improvement: Added new SSH KEX algorithms for the SFTP browser (DH_GROUP_EXCHANGE256, RSA1024_SHA1, RSA2048_SHA256, GSS_GROUP_EXCHANGE, GSS_GROUP, GSS_GROUP_14)
- New feature: Added uptime, shred, truncate, nl, link, free, factor, compress, count, paste, nc (netcat) and host tools (thanks to Toybox: )
- Improvement: Log file name is now automatically based on the session protocol, remote host, username and date/time
- New feature: You can now choose disable completely OpenGL rendering support in X11 server
- Improvement: Updated Cygwin version to version 2.0.4 in CygUtils plugin
- Bugfix: Corrected a bug with libopenssl, grep and bash update from apt-get
- Bugfix: Prevented Windows taskbar from being raised with fullscreen VNC sessions
- Improvement: Improved CMD sessions by using the "winpty" tool: Ctrl+C and TAB completion should work on any environment now
- New feature: Added Powershell to the "Local terminal" session type (experimental)
- New feature: Added TWM window manager as an option for X11 sessions
- Improvement: Added a Paste button on the MultiExec top toolbar
- New feature: Added a new tool entry in order to start a CMD window as admin
- Improvement: Added an explanation message when sub processes fail to start because of a group policy
- Bugfix: Corrected some issues when MobaXterm is installed in a Windows path containing unicode characters
- Bugfix: Corrected an issue with tab integration of XDMCP sessions
- Bugfix: Corrected an issue with tabs numbering when a VNC session was started but the remote host did not exist
- Bugfix: Prevented Windows taskbar from being raised with fullscreen RDP sessions
- Bugfix: Desktop shortcuts did not work on some Windows version because of truncated command line
- Bugfix: fixed a bug with PuTTY sessions import at first start
- Bugfix: Prevented MobaXterm slash directory from being set to the root of a drive or to a directory with other programs already present
- Bugfix: Corrected some focus issues in RDP sessions

We hope you will enjoy this new release. As usual, you can download it here: and it is still portable and stealth :wink:

Thank you!

Re: MobaXterm - Portable X server with SSH client

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:24 am
Mobatek wrote:Hi everyone!

We just released MobaXterm version 8.0.

In this release, we worked on adding credentials support for SSH, RDP and SFTP sessions, we also changed the terminal and SSH component to a native and much faster one (based on PuTTY by Simon Tatham) and the embedded X server is now much faster (compiled as a native Windows program). We also tried to put a new "Welcome page" in the software: we hope you will enjoy it!
Thank you. I have updated the entry. :)