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gpg4usb v0.2.4 is out

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:12 pm
by gpg4usb
Summer, sun and new release. Within not quite a month we present you the result of newest polishing and bug-fixing. Viriato showed up and was so kind to provide a spanish translation. Many thanks to him and the other translators for updating the translation files:

Added features in version 0.2.4:

* Open file from command line
* Added setting to save checked private keys on exit (kind of "encrypt to self"-behaviour)
* Added link to online-tutorial in help menu
* Added spanish translation
* Added undo to edit-menu

The following bugfixes/changes were made in version 0.2.4:

* In save-dialog on exit, don't exit, if cancel is hit.
* Fixed multilingual and multiplatform behaviour of shortcuts.
* Statically build with Qt 4.5 on Debian Sarge again, so it should run on rather old Linux-Distris
* From now on the download files are upx-compressed by default

Furthermore we started the implementation of PGP-MIME-parsing. This implementation is rather incomplete. We're not sure, if it's working under all circumstances. Also we're not yet satisfied with the GUI, so we marked it experimental in the settings dialog. If this warning is not keeping you away from testing, and you find errors or non-working PGP-MIME encoded messages, don't hesitate to report.

Re: gpg4usb

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:58 am
by Checker

Re: gpg4usb

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:51 pm
by webfork
Great news. Thanks for continued work on this.

Re: gpg4usb

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 7:57 pm
by webfork
Got a chance to play with this software tonight. Updates including multi-level undo functions mean its a much more mature text editor. Keeping default keys checked option are great additions for people who have a long list of keys, but really only encrypt to one or two.

Upgrading: Copy "keydb" and "conf" folders to the new install.

Decreasing size: I don't think the program is too large, but you can cut the program down to around 5.5 megs by deleting the start_linux file, as well as all files in the "TS" folder except "gpg4usb_en.ts" and "gpg4usb_en.qm"

Already the only secure text program I'll use anymore, this program just keeps getting better.

Re: gpg4usb - possible bug

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:44 am
by webfork
Possible bug:
  1. Paste in encrypted text
  2. Decrypt button
  3. Make a change
  4. Encrypt button
  5. Decrypt button
Defect: Program unresponsive / hourglass up permanently. Must close and restart.

Despite this, I'm using this program now almost daily now. Easily my favorite security program along with TrueCrypt.

gpg4usb 0.2.5 is out!

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:03 am
by gpg4usb
We proudly present you a shiny new settings dialog. Its now possible to remember password for a session and messages encoded "quoted printable" are decoded now. Viriato was so kind to send us an italian translation. The still experimental "decode PGP/MIME" feature allows to open attachments with the responsible application. Also we fixed some long outstanding bugs and updated gpg-binaries to the latest version. Take a look at the screenshots or proceed directly to the download page.

Many thanks to our translators for the smooth and quick translation process short before release again. You are great!

New features in version 0.2.5:

* Tabbed settings dialog
* Redo action in edit menu
* Optional "remember password" function
* Italian translation
* Decoding "quoted printable" works now
* PGP/MIME attachments provide "open with external application" now. PGP/MIME support still considered experimental.

The following bugfixes/changes were made in version 0.2.5:

* Ask before overwriting existing files in file encryption
* Syncronize checked keys between file encryption dialog and mainwindow.
* Fix crashing on decrypting twice.
* Update GPG binaries to 1.4.11
* Update the Linux Qt library to 4.7
* Static linux build is now done on debian etch, this means libc => 2.3.6 supported.

Re: gpg4usb

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:47 am
by webfork
Fix verified.

Thanks for continued work on this one. Entry updated.

Gpg4usb 0.3.0 released!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:25 pm
by gpg4usb
Gpg4usb supports tabs in the text editor now. This eases working on several documents - you could write your response and have the email opened in the same window. As we imagined this a better way of handling documents, we decided to go for the next major number. Due to the great and quick work of our translaters, the application is available in six different languages. If you want to provide your language, examine the translation documentation. Take a look at the screenshots and download here

New features:

* Tabbed text editor
* Quote action, allowing email style reply
* Add keyfiles to keylist via drag'n'drop

Bugfixes and changes:

* Update the Windows Qt library to 4.7
* Warn before overwriting existing files in file encryption
* List keys in deletion dialog
* Encrypt and decrypt undoable
* Allow decryption of empty messages
* Signing, verifying and communication with key servers will come in the 0.3 series. Stay tuned to your portable GPG editor - there's nice stuff in the making.

Re: gpg4usb

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:28 pm
by gpg4usb
Gpg4usb supports tabs in the text editor now. This eases working on several documents - you could write your response and have the email opened in the same window. As we imagined this a better way of handling documents, we decided to go for the next major number. Due to the great and quick work of our translaters, the application is available in six different languages. If you want to provide your language, examine the translation documentation. Take a look at the screenshots and download here

New features:

* Tabbed text editor
* Quote action, allowing email style reply
* Add keyfiles to keylist via drag'n'drop

Bugfixes and changes:

* Update the Windows Qt library to 4.7
* Warn before overwriting existing files in file encryption
* List keys in deletion dialog
* Encrypt and decrypt undoable
* Allow decryption of empty messages
* Signing, verifying and communication with key servers will come in the 0.3 series. Stay tuned to your portable GPG editor - there's nice stuff in the making.

Re: gpg4usb

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:53 am
by gpg4usb
Sry @ all...

but we had a download-link on our homepage still directing to the old release #0.2.5 - it's fixed now...

Happy downloading the 0.3-release!

Re: Gpg4usb 0.3.0 released!

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:55 am
by gpg4usb
Sry @ all...

but we had a download-link on our homepage still directing to the old release #0.2.5 - it's fixed now...

Happy downloading the 0.3-release!

Re: gpg4usb

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 8:38 am
by cra3y

could you implement a clearsign functionality? gpg4usb is great portable flavor of GPG, but i missed clearsign (to sign RIPE updates for example)


Re: gpg4usb

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 10:10 am
by rokth
cra3y wrote:hi

could you implement a clearsign functionality? gpg4usb is great portable flavor of GPG, but i missed clearsign (to sign RIPE updates for example)

Gpgshell supports clear signing. You might be interested.

gpg4usb 0.3.1 released

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:48 am
by gpg4usb
Sign and verify finally arrive with gpg4usb 0.3.1!
This was one of the most requested features for gpg4usb. So here it is, available with our new release. Verification of signed messages is easier in combination with downloading the sender's key from a keyserver.
So we also present: Import public keys from keyserver.

Thank's a lot to Tom for the new Vietnamese translation and to our other translators for their continuous work. We also fixed the long outstanding "stealth mode"-bug - GnuPG creating an empty directory in the windows Application Data folder.

Download the new release.

New features:
  • Sign and verify messages
  • Import keys from keyserver
  • Operation to remove double line breaks caused by some webmailers
Bugfixes and changes:
  • Added Vietnamese translation
  • Don't create empty directory in Application Data folder on windows
  • Copyable email address in keylist
  • Set default filename of exported key to <keyowner-name>.asc
  • Added "show keydetails" to context menu of keylist
  • Changed license to GPLv3
  • Add warning for expired keys in details dialog
  • Strike out expired keys in keylist
  • Fix crash when hitting save in empty attachment
  • Don't show icons in menus
  • Fix crashes if no tab is open
  • Add public key block to private key export for compatibility with older GnuPG versions

Re: gpg4usb

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 1:14 pm
by webfork
Few things:
  1. In addition to the sign/verify addition, I'm noticing that this is becoming a very capable text editor. Unlimited undo, a very clean, readable font, basic edition capabilities. Really good.
  2. Noticed that it will decrypt stuff that's quoted... e.g.

    Code: Select all

    > -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
    > Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (MingW32)
    > xkYdJA6UenhiEIL9L9JCCtMsqX7seIUE6DwqRutpFsyhxtg/EAE51APmNVVygsr9
    > 2dJfAbuY3/gRVAGPMrSwvcuJmrGUM+v/xx3TMILN59244Ue0cYipUwzIdGMXNB01
    > uEGD+5H0+17U/PpK6DNeHJMh+hNWzv7vyvenNqNKcIzqs4CyeVZTIQpgIua6kWgG
    > 8wU=
    > -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
    Another good addition.
  3. Is there a way to get the "Encrypt For" window back in the main window after you've switched it to a floating window mode?
  4. Would like to drag and drop documents/files on to the window. Is that anywhere in the future?
  5. I was able to integrate Text Editor Anywhere (sort of) with your program, which is a nice little shortcut.
Edit: Entry updated.