jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#166 Post by lintalist »

jabuTBackup wrote:For the user defined command the user could use
> Profile Settings > Advanced profile options > Execute programs > "Run the following application after the profile run".
I think that would be useful in many other cases as well, other back up programs have it so jaBuT could too.
For example run USB Disk Ejector after a job is done, or dismount a veracrypt volume etc.

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#167 Post by jabuTBackup »

For this part, maybe take a cue similar to how Directory Opus operates - with using 'tokens'.
For instance, so one could put in that box (since I'm not good with MS-Dos scripting):
I think this could be very complicated for no-experienced users to use command lines like that but I'm not sure.
I'll have a look how I can implement this feature so users can use e.g. {destinationpath}, {backupjobname}, all combinations with Ymd and Hms, {backupjobtype} and so on (on the Run applications before/after feature)
I think that would be useful in many other cases as well, other back up programs have it so jaBuT could too.
Also here I will have a look how to change the GUI and implement the new feature from page #11 so everything is working fine and easily for the user.

But before that I will, normally, release a new update very soon with already 34 changelog entries.
The current changelog so far is
  1. Added functionality to save and load the user defined position of the include/exclude window (thanks to ozzyguy)
  2. The include/exclude window is not resizable (thanks to ozzyguy)
  3. Added callback function to the new compress routines
  4. Added a few mouse over events to the include/exclude dialogue
  5. Added column "Group" to the details view (thanks to Dieter S.) // Information: the profile list will receive some major changes soon
  6. Added error message "The profile can not be executed because the 7z.dll library has been modified"
  7. Added task button progress indication when using details dialogue (only Windows 7 and above)
  8. Removed "Release name" from window title
  9. Easter eggs can now be disabled by adding disableeastereggs=1 to the settings.dat [settings]-section
  10. Optimised the copy process of big files
  11. Include/Exclude dialogue will now show up way faster
  12. Code cleaning and refactoring
  13. Options on log windows are being now saved when closing the program
  14. Reduced the bytes loaded on initial-load of the profile list by about 75%
  15. Reduced the bytes loaded when reloading the profile list by about 46%
  16. Improved the jump list feature (only Windows 7 and above)
  17. Updated OpenSSL to version
  18. Increased default main window size from 1000px/650px to 1050px/650px
  19. Optimised the profile saving routine a bit
  20. Improved the way the program works with limited write access
  21. Updated 7z.dll to version 17.00 beta
  22. Fixed an error which caused not selecting files and directories on first node level in include/exclude dialogue when loading the dialogue
  23. Fixed an error which caused not adding the file extensions of selected files to the include/exclude boxes (thanks to ozzyguy)
  24. Fixed some spelling errors (thanks to ozzyguy)
  25. Fixed an error which caused displaying the wrong file name on details dialogue
  26. Fixed an error when executing jaBuT Updater in an empty directory
  27. Fixed an error when executing jaBuT in an empty directory
  28. Fixed some minor GUI issues
  29. Fixed an error which caused writing the double amount of copied bytes into the log file
  30. Fixed writing twice "Operation cancelled" into the log file
  31. Fixed an error which caused not saving some default settings when creating a profile
  32. Fixed an error which caused not opening an URL (Menu => Help => jaBuT Backup on the Internet)
  33. Fixed not saving "Do not show this message again" checkbox on "Not closed properly" dialogue
  34. Fixed sending the program to the foreground when passing non valid parameters

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#168 Post by Hoggy »

jabuTBackup wrote: I'll have a look how I can implement this feature so users can use e.g. {destinationpath}, {backupjobname}, all combinations with Ymd and Hms, {backupjobtype} and so on (on the Run applications before/after feature)
That would be awesome! I think that's the missing ingredient for backup programs with this feature (unless I hadn't RTFM), and why I've never used it. One way to inform users of such tokens could be a button labeled "Tokens", which when pressed would show the various tokens available. That's also how some various Lightroom plugins do it too. ... But you might know of a better way to integrate it..
But before that I will, normally, release a new update very soon with already 34 changelog entries.
About updates.. When choosing 'check for updates', it downloads 1/2 but then when trying to download 2/2 it says 'server not found' - and then doesn't install the 1st [main program?] update. Also in the box that pops up displaying which version you have and which version it wants to retrieve, the right-hand side is cut off, so I can't see the last part of the version numbers. I thought I saw that somewhere else, but can't remember where off-hand. ... But these could be related to some of the items I saw in the list.
The title bar says I'm running v13.0 update 63 build 10598.

Also.. Is it possible to stop the brief flash and lower-right-hand pop-up 'bubble' stating it has been minimized when having it startup minimized upon system boot?

Many thanks.

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#169 Post by jabuTBackup »

About updates.. When choosing 'check for updates', it downloads 1/2 but then when trying to download 2/2 it says 'server not found' - and then doesn't install the 1st [main program?] update. (...) Also in the box that pops up displaying which version you have and which version it wants to retrieve, the right-hand side is cut off, so I can't see the last part of the version numbers.
Could you maybe provide a screenshot (PM?) about the windows you are talking about?
Also.. Is it possible to stop the brief flash and lower-right-hand pop-up 'bubble' stating it has been minimized when having it startup minimized upon system boot?
Done. Will be in the new update which is coming soon.

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#170 Post by Hoggy »

jabuTBackup wrote:
About updates.. When choosing 'check for updates', it downloads 1/2 but then when trying to download 2/2 it says 'server not found' - and then doesn't install the 1st [main program?] update. (...) Also in the box that pops up displaying which version you have and which version it wants to retrieve, the right-hand side is cut off, so I can't see the last part of the version numbers.
Could you maybe provide a screenshot (PM?) about the windows you are talking about?
I looked, but couldn't find another area where any text was cutoff.. Some are touching the edge of its dialog box's inner-drawn borders, but not cut off. So I must have been just thinking of that update dialog. ... It might also been important for you to know I have the display set to possibly 150% (IIRC?), due to me using an aftermarket wide-gamut LCD panel in this laptop that has a higher resolution than the OEM.

Also, maybe this could be put to vote.. Maybe make it so double-clicking on a profile brings up it's properties instead of running it?? But then again, maybe it was requested to be that way for all I know. Sorry -- I really don't mean to be a PITA. :)

(EDIT: oops.. I didn't notice till afterwards that you said 'PM'.. I didn't realize the images would take up that much space. :oops: )
The cutoff version numbers & "architecture".
The cutoff version numbers & "architecture".
Error while trying to download the 2nd update.
Error while trying to download the 2nd update.
Showing which updates are available.
Showing which updates are available.

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#171 Post by jabuTBackup »

Thank you for your images.

"The cutoff version numbers & "architecture"."
Regarding this problem I've worked out a dirty workaround for the moment. Only possible like this currently due to an incompatibility with Windows 10 and HighDPI.

"Error while trying to download the 2nd update."
Could you maybe PM me your program folder? You can exclude your profiles.dat and settings.dat file.

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#172 Post by Hoggy »

jabuTBackup wrote: "Error while trying to download the 2nd update."
Could you maybe PM me your program folder? You can exclude your profiles.dat and settings.dat file.
Sorry, I couldn't find a way to attach any files via PM, so I'm attaching it here.
(2.2 KiB) Downloaded 628 times

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#173 Post by jabuTBackup »

Ahh wait. Thanks for that but normally I needed to know what's in your jabut folder where your jabut.exe is located =)
With exactly the same files I can create the same scenario as yours and test the updater.

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#174 Post by jabuTBackup »

lintalist wrote:@jabut-backup just a wild idea - perhaps it wouldn't be too much work to add a new "backup" option by making jabut some sort of preprocessor:

- let jabut create a file list of all the files that need to be backed up and let the user save that into a text file to a predefined location, say c:\mybackupjobs\jb-file-list.txt
- the file list would simply have one full file path per line "c:\mydata\file1.doc"
- after jabut has saved the file it runs a predefined command, in most cases this will be a batch file or perhaps people will write a VB script, powershell, AutoHotkey etc.

This will allow the user to create their own preferred "tool" to do the backups. A file list as above could be used by many cmd line archive tools, so basically you let the user decide what to do with the files that need to be copied.

Might not be perfect but it does give people a way to meet very specific demands while most users will be happy with the current backup options.

Just a thought.

Edit: this post made me an R3 8)

a last question to you:
what should this file contain exactly? Simply and only the gathered absolute file names or some comma separated data like sourece file/destination directory?

Currently, the program simply prevents a profile from running if the specified volume label does not match the volume label of the source/destination.
It would be useful if source/destination/versions directory could instead be identified based on volume label.
I don't understand this I think. If I send you the latest build do you think you could test if this feature is like what you except?

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#175 Post by Hoggy »

jabuTBackup wrote: @lintalist:
a last question to you:
what should this file contain exactly? Simply and only the gathered absolute file names or some comma separated data like sourece file/destination directory?
Well, maybe Lintalist has additional ideas, but I think in order to be compatible with 7-zip/7-zip-zstandard the list might need to be absolute filenames - one per line. ... Although I've never experimented with csv lists with it, so that could turn out to work as well - but I know about and use the 1st type of lists with it and that works for sure.

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#176 Post by Zimmy »

Sorry about that. I thought we had clarified this point in our private discussion. Basically, use the volume label to locate/find the source/destination drive and proceed to run the job, instead of simply using the volume label to prevent the job from running if they don't match. The behavior I am describing is much more standard in other backup applications which use the volume label to identify the drive.

Sure, send me the latest build and I will test.

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#177 Post by jabuTBackup »

Thank you for your response.
My idea: I am going to implement some options for the user so that it's possible to choose between formats (just in case people need other formats too).

@Zimmy: I just wroite some functionality to test what you just talked about.
I will let you know if it's working as expected for me.

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#178 Post by lintalist »

I would keep it as simple as possible at first, so I agree with Hoggy, just a simple file list with one full path per line.
If you get requests for further refinement that would be a good way to start adding functionality, otherwise I wouldn't.
I suspect that people using this feature will be able to process that file list further to meet their specific needs.
(And CSV can be a tricky format to get right)

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#179 Post by jabuTBackup »

Thanks for your reply. Already too late :mrgreen:
I added a very very simple GUI for this feature.

Actually, there are 2 locations with these options:
the simple option to enable or disable this feature is located (in next release) Profile Settings > Mode. It's a checkbox and an input file for the file (Image1).
More options are available in Profile Settings > Options > Advanced profile options > .... They are hidden from the "mainstream options".

An option for using Tokens has been implement too (still working on it) (Image2).
Tomorrow I continue working all day long so I hope I can deliver you a good update this week end.

About the volume label feature:
also implemented something for this which I will test tomorrow too.
Let's say for now it will some kind of "hybrid" solution between the current implementation and about what you recommended.

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#180 Post by jabuTBackup »

If everything works as intended, jabuT Backup will get a kind of massive and important update 1st Jan. 2018 (where I live it's currently 31st Dec. 2017 16:22 GMT+1).

If it's already 2018 where you live: Happy new year! :)

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