Remote Access

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#16 Post by lajjal »

I stand corrected. Thanks. The registry stuff is what makes it not portable in Teamviewer's eyes and, I'm afraid, mine also. I have discovered X-TightVNC at winPenPack which is "clean" as termed by m^(2) so I'll settle for that. It has WinVNC Server and VNCviewer.

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#17 Post by LeonardB »

Hey Ameri-cain,

I have been using it for over three months now, have it on six PCs (my kids who are scattered throughout Michigan + three of my own). I have not experienced any timeout issues. In fact, I have the opposite issue, while I am in remote access, and if I let it remain open without any activity, it remains open. As well, I have used it for hours (repairing one of my kids PC) and no timeout issues.

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#18 Post by Ameri-CAIN »

The registry stuff is what makes it not portable in Teamviewer's eyes and, I'm afraid, mine also.
Don't believe something is (Stealth) portable just because it is advertised as portable. I bet that for $1399 it still takes a dump in the reg and perhaps saves something in the App directory. Portable means something can be run with out installing it. Portable + Stealth is something else entirely. Test the stuff for your standards of portability before you purchase anything. I have different standards for different stuff. I want my chat programs to be somewhat stealth leaving no logs of my chats etc., but something like teamviewer generates a new id everytime you run it so it doesn't store anything that will compromise you if you run it again later. Even if you could run a program like TeamViewer completely stealth, it would still be vulnerable while the program was running. Once the program is shutdown, I don't see anything incriminating left behind in the reg or in the app directory with the version that is freely available for download on the site. So for my standards, for this type app, it looks like it will work nicely.

@LeonardB Thanks for the info. I will continue playing with this...

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#19 Post by lajjal »

Stealth would be portable by definition. We are just playing at semantics.

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