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Thank you,chezduong.This software will be updated again

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 3:26 am
by kakasoft
Thank you,chezduong. What you are saying is very reasonable and I will adopt your views.

I think I'd better have these two software file encryption and folder encryption combined. Only in this way can it achieve the best results. Maybe......

This software will be updated again. Once again thank you for your suggestions.

My MSN is quiet, too quiet, .... . . Waiting.................

The hotmail kakasoft has been registe by someone.This is why I have to use this hotmail

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:30 am
by redllar
For those of you who have any moral backbone at all, unlike chezduong and kaka (appropriate name btw), I'd be willing to write a C++ equivalent of this app.

It won't have a nice skinned look, since that's really not even necessary for such a little do-almost-nothing app, but it will be functionally equivalent. And about 20 times smaller.

I'll even dedicate it to all of those warezing using assbags that make the net such a lovely cesspool to swim in these days.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:13 am
by chezduong
I plead guilty of being ignorant that the program may use code/skin from demo applications, but I am just an ignorant non-programming, non-technical contributor/tester/consumer. :? I also plead guilty of having lower overall security requirements than the FBI :P (although I do have all of my documents encrypted with Truecrypt).

But between the above and not having a "moral backbone", there is a huge gap. :cry:

I also recall making roughly 10 similar contributions to a JauntePE program somewhere else on this site...and people there did not think of me as immoral for doing so. And I don't have a clue whether that author used code from someone else or not. :wink:

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 2:40 pm
by redllar
I plead guilty of being ignorant that the program may use code/skin from demo applications, but I am just an ignorant non-programming, non-technical contributor/tester/consumer.
A common excuse of the all-too-lazy freeware consumer. Which is why I posted my original concerns about this in such a "nice way." You're follow up post told me you believed me to be wrong, since you were stilling giving him kudos, even though kaka never responded to my post by telling me I was wrong. BTW, I've since emailed the author of the skinning library and he confirmed what I had posted.
I also plead guilty of having lower overall security requirements than the FBI (although I do have all of my documents encrypted with Truecrypt).
I don't think I could care less about what you people do security-wise. My last post had nothing at all to do with security. I personally don't use anything but a software firewall because I don't have anything to hide on my pc and I'm not stupid enough to visit questionable sites or open up questionable email or download warez and other illegally attained files from torrents.
But between the above and not having a "moral backbone", there is a huge gap.
If you give in to the impulse of having to have something, even when you know it's been gotten illegally, unethically, whatever, then yes, you have no moral backbone. That means you're weak and give in to your desires rather than standing up and saying no, that's not right.
I also recall making roughly 10 similar contributions to a JauntePE program somewhere else on this site...and people there did not think of me as immoral for doing so. And I don't have a clue whether that author used code from someone else or not.
Amoral, not immoral. Two different meanings. And when has anyone ever accused me of illegally using anything? Or of not giving credit where credit was due, for that matter? How more open do you want me to be? Wasn't it me who took down and refused to continue working with the MS Detours version once I found out that it wasn't distributable? Wasn't it me who repeatedly posted about my use of MadCodeHook, and again, once I found out that madshi didn't want it distributed anymore, took down and refused to distribute his "posted for all to see" FREEWARE library? You find my calling you lacking morally worth crying about? Well, I find your comparison of kaka's illegal use of the SHAREWARE VCLSkin library with what I've done with JauntePE insulting. So we're even I guess.

And to give you an idea of the amount of work involved, I've duplicated this app's functionality in less than half a day in less than 1000 lines of C++ code. In Delphi it's even less. Having built my own skinning library in the past, I can tell you for a fact that it involves 100,000+ lines of code, and months worth of work, easily. So kaka has not only stolen months from the soul of someone else, but he's flaunting it as well. Total disrespect for someone who is good enough to make something kaka has got to have, not matter what, but isn't good enough to be even the slightest bit respectful of. Just an all-around good guy. And apparently in your eyes that's me too. Oh well. I guess I'm off to go steal tens of thousands of dollars worth of something from someone then. Maybe make a few portable scripts so that I can claim the apps as mine. Yeah, that's easy enough to do.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:52 pm
by Local
Well I admit that I have the moral backbone of a worm.
I have to pretty much agree with Redllar on this one though.
I've no problem myself with scoring a few things from the huge corporations
(Yes I am the reason their products cost so much) but a developer who
actually worked on and designed something deserves respect.

I have been using this (mainly for quick way to make desktop/ini's:))
and I like the idea just for a quick way to stop big sis' deleting all of your
porn, I mean mp3's so I'd love to see Redllars no frills version.

Kakasoft get in touch with whoever made the app you used.
You may even get permission.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:48 pm
by kakasoft
I think I had to stop discussing in this forum. I hope this is a happy end to this discussion.

I think some people would still like this software no matter how worse you think it is. I don't think the software is worthless.I don't think it's just a mistake for me to developed this software.I think it has been enough for me to explain. Users will make the final answer.

However, the Software Update will not stop.

Today kaka file Encryption will released.That is what you call "True encrypt".

That is all......

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 11:03 pm
by Devils Advocate

This is getting quite emotive.

Kaka - why don't you get rid of the skin until you get the permission to use it ? This is putting a nasty taint onto a piece of software which does provide a useful function to many users for 'hiding' folders. I hope that this experience doesn't deter you from being involved at this Forum, but I also hope that it will demonstrate the straight line that needs to be walked when publishing material on any medium.

I also would like to try Redllar program, as I like the idea of this software, but I wont run Kakas until all credits are given to other authors.

Lets move on before people start getting really angry.

Another fine & sunny day in Perth again today.!!

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 10:20 am
by redllar
I have to agree that this has turned pointless. The guy's obviously going to do what he feels like no matter what others think of him or the legal or lack of respect issues involved.

I've uploaded my version of this functionality to It doesn't have the "custom" popup of the "decrypter" because I honestly don't see the point. Some of the other stuff is not quite finished yet but I'll re-upload and re-post when it is done.

JUST TO Redllar:

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 7:01 am
by kakasoft
TO redllar:

I was really angry. My English is not good.This is why I have not carefully read posts.You were always saying the software skin problems!

If you want to show off your technical or other things,I don't care.

Hodwever, I am not allowed you to say something that do not have any proof.

How do you confirm I use the hacked skin?!!!
t's true I used VCLSKIN.But I did not used the hacked.It costs me $90......!

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:42 pm
by redllar
How do you confirm I use the hacked skin?!!!
t's true I used VCLSKIN.But I did not used the hacked.It costs me $90......!
As I posted above, BTW, I've since emailed the author of the skinning library and he confirmed what I had posted. So the VCLSkin author, Mr. Kevin Pan, says otherwise. Would there be any reason for him to confirm my suspicions if it weren't true? This, along with your mis-representation of what your app does, and the fact that twice you posted after me and failed to address the issue of legality, was enough for me.
You were always saying the software skin problems!
I've re-read my posts and all I posted about were 1) this is just a simple pathing trick and therefore very bad "security", and 2) you were using an illegal version of VCLSkin. So I'm not sure what you mean. Please clarify and provide specifics.
If you want to show off your technical or other things,I don't care.
I have none, nor did I ever state as such. I'm not even a Windows dev. I simply offered a legal alternative to those who wanted one.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 3:58 pm
by clevermind
Just an FYI: Do not do a Chkdsk while the files are hidded: I did and it deleted them all. I recovered them with a recovery utility.

Just an FYI.

Clever Mind

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:52 pm
by Buckster
I agree, it is a good deterrent program. I am the only one in our office who knows a little about encrypting files. You see, I'm a below average geek and I stupidly tried lockdir.exe on one of my archived folders after getting lured by the exchanges in this forum. Unfortunately, I use Comodo firewall. It was always messing with the encryption process so I tried to cancel.

Now, I cannot decrypt! I'm sure with my password as I entered it twice to confirm.

Please help.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 10:24 pm
by Local
so I tried to cancel.
From what I can gather by cancelling you could have interrupted the renaming of the paths, maybe try an undelete software or try Redllars software from the previous page to extract your files if they were moved.
I stupidly tried lockdir.exe on one of my archived folders after getting lured by the exchanges in this forum
What lured you btw? was it the
do-almost-nothing app
You are far better off using a standard algorithm like AES
You just have to realize that this is not encryption
Guys, this is really, really, really, really, bad/basic security. I'm sure you've heard of the term "security through obscurity"? Well, this barely even falls in that category.
I still use HideDir, I just wondered though

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:29 pm
by Buckster
Thanks Local.

I initially installed lockdir.exe in my desktop. After that 90% of my folders were 'moved', not encrypted (right?)


1. installed the unlockdir.exe at my desktop opening the box list of directories and files found

2. follow the prompts - no prompts followed (the list was too long, lower portion is not visible), exited comodo firewall and defense, disabled AVG free realtime scan only, restarted the whole process by terminating unlockdir.exe process (x or close window is grey, not working)

3. opened lockdir.exe did not enter a password and chose cancel

Well, I think I googled for fast, lite, folder encryption, freeware etc. and found myself enjoying the posts in this topic. I guess all programmers (and non-programmers) are out to make a buck, are serious, and cultural (?) peculiarities in approaching work will eventually lead to personal differences.

I already used truecrypt if I remember the name right, but I was looking for something simple and easy to use just so I'm not worried if I accidentally left my usb drive plugged in the office.

Thanks again.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:34 pm
by Buckster
I forgot to mention, it didn't work for me. I may not have provided enough information or I was not able to follow your instructions.

I appreciate all the help I can get. Thanks