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Re: WaveShop Portable - 32-64bit

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 9:08 am
by victimofleisure
freakazoid wrote: Thanks so much! Glad my request found its way to you!

This could be my new favorite audio editor :)
You're welcome! I'm glad my update found its way to you! (danger: potential infinite regress)

This week I'm working on spectral analysis, and it's coming along pretty well. I'm using Kiss FFT to do the actual FFT, but that only gets me about half the way there, the rest is all gnarly scaling, window functions, plumbing, wrapping, etc. The goal is a Spectrum dialog with a graph, similar to the existing RMS statistics/histogram dialog. Parameters should include:

Window size (droplist: 256/512/1024 etc.)
Window function (droplist: Bartlett, Welch, Hann, Hamming, Blackman, Blackman Harris)
Frequency scale (droplist: linear vs. log)
Separate channels (checkbox: if checked, show one spectrum for each channel, else channels are averaged together to yield a single spectrum)

extra credit: additional control over the plotting, e.g. lines versus filled area

After this gets done, I might take a stab at a real-time spectrum analyzer window. Between the newly-added peak meters and the Spectrum dialog I'll have most of the needed bits and pieces. It's really kind of a fusion of the two. Might be interesting to show a real-time spectrum for each channel of a surround file...

Re: WaveShop Portable - 32-64bit

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 3:47 am
by loin2kolpotoru
I don't know where to give suggestion for waveshop, so i am writing here. I Suggest support Exporting Edited audio in MP3 through Lame mp3 encoder, 10 band Graphic Equalizer to enhance audio, and there should be a option to lock the toolbar after we have customized it.

Re: WaveShop Portable - 32-64bit

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 9:24 pm
by victimofleisure
loin2kolpotoru wrote:I don't know where to give suggestion for waveshop
Suggestions belong in the WaveShop discussion forum:
You must be a SourceForge member in order to post, but that's painless.

To report bugs, create a ticket here:

Two of your suggestions were already on the "issues" list, the third (locking the toolbar) has been added. The list is here, under "Revision History":

Also: The spectrum analyzer feature mentioned above is now released (version 1.0.04); screen shots are enclosed below.

static analysis:

real-time analyzer:


Re: WaveShop Portable - 32-64bit

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:55 am
victimofleisure wrote: Also: The spectrum analyzer feature mentioned above is now released (version 1.0.04); screen shots are enclosed below.
Thank you. Entry updated. :)

Re: WaveShop Portable - 32-64bit

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:40 pm
by victimofleisure
SYSTEM wrote:Entry updated.
I just pushed an emergency update (1.0.05). It fixes a serious bug in the MP3 decoder, which was introducing nasty periodic artifacts into the audio. Sorry! Hopefully no speakers/ears were damaged.

Release notes:


PS: MP3 lovers, your wait is nearly over: the next version will feature MP3 encoding via Lame.

Re: WaveShop Portable - 32-64bit

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 5:27 am
victimofleisure wrote: I just pushed an emergency update (1.0.05). It fixes a serious bug in the MP3 decoder, which was introducing nasty periodic artifacts into the audio. Sorry! Hopefully no speakers/ears were damaged.
Alright, and thanks for the prompt fix. :) I have updated the entry again.

This website has an update frequency filter in order to keep authors from gaining attention with constant updates, and unfortunately it can't be overridden in cases like this. :? I hope most WaveShop users will see your message.

Re: WaveShop Portable - 32-64bit

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:44 pm
by victimofleisure
SYSTEM wrote:
victimofleisure wrote: This website has an update frequency filter
I understand. I'm not sure whether the required period has elapsed or not, but it's been a week since the last "official" release. Well anyway here goes.

By popular demand, the latest version of WaveShop (1.0.6) adds MP3 encoding via LAME. Note however that libmp3lame.dll is NOT included in the WaveShop download, so you'll need to obtain it, e.g. from RareWares. Complete directions are given here.


Re: WaveShop Portable - 32-64bit

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:10 pm
victimofleisure wrote:
By popular demand, the latest version of WaveShop (1.0.6) adds MP3 encoding via LAME. Note however that libmp3lame.dll is NOT included in the WaveShop download, so you'll need to obtain it, e.g. from RareWares. Complete directions are given here.
Thank you. Entry updated. :) (The update was filtered.)

Re: WaveShop Portable - 32-64bit

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 1:52 am
by Midas
Do you plan to add Ogg or Opus, too, dear victim of leisure? That would be super... :mrgreen:

Re: WaveShop Portable - 32-64bit

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:49 am
by victimofleisure
Midas wrote:Do you plan to add Ogg or Opus
Ogg Vorbis is already supported. Regarding Opus, probably not, but it's really up to Erik de Castro Lopo, who makes sndfile, the library that WaveShop uses for reading/writing most file formats except MP3 and a few other special cases. For details see this page: file formats supported by WaveShop.

AAC/MP4 will probably be added soon, via libfaad2, but it might be decode-only, because the only free encoder I've found is libfaac and according to their site, "the quality of FAAC is not up to par with the currently best AAC encoders available." But we'll see, maybe it's not so terrible.

To find out what else is planned, take a look at the roadmap, or peruse the issues list.

Re: WaveShop Portable - 32-64bit

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:10 pm
by Midas
Thanks for a quick and complete answer -- I'll be sure to look at those links before asking any more uninformed questions... ;)

Re: WaveShop Portable - 32-64bit

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:06 pm
by victimofleisure
By popular demand, the latest version of WaveShop (1.0.7) can open AAC files, and MP4 files containing AAC audio, via libfaad2. The AAC import can generate 16-, 24-, or 32-bit PCM, and supports downmixing surround to stereo. This version also adds context-sensitive help, and an option to specify the location for temporary files. The latter is useful if the system temporary folder has insufficient free space, e.g. because the OS is installed on a small partition.



Re: WaveShop Portable - 32-64bit

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:06 pm
victimofleisure wrote:By popular demand, the latest version of WaveShop (1.0.7) can open AAC files, and MP4 files containing AAC audio, via libfaad2. The AAC import can generate 16-, 24-, or 32-bit PCM, and supports downmixing surround to stereo. This version also adds context-sensitive help, and an option to specify the location for temporary files. The latter is useful if the system temporary folder has insufficient free space, e.g. because the OS is installed on a small partition.


Thank you. Entry updated. :)

Re: WaveShop Portable - 32-64bit

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:00 am
by loin2kolpotoru
I have tested opening of aac,mp4 files & selecting custom temp folder
WaveShop (1.0.7) in the initial tests they are working fine, Thank you
for these new features.

There should be a option to set the default saving format for example i
want to use mp3 as default output format instead of wave.

There were two issues which are on hold which i am looking forward to
be implemented one is equalizer & other is edit just one channel, there
is a graphic equalizer in audacity also but it has too many band as a
ordinary user which i find confusing the graphic equalizer should not
have more then 10 band.

Since by default wmp installs .wma decoding & encoding support why
Waveshop dose not support .wma files?

Re: WaveShop Portable - 32-64bit

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:07 am
by victimofleisure
loin2kolpotoru wrote:There should be a option to set the default saving format for example i
want to use mp3 as default output format instead of wave.
Hi Kolpo,

Thanks for your feedback.

Please request changes by logging in to SourceForge and creating tickets, one ticket per issue. This makes my work much easier, because tickets have a built-in tracking system. It also allows other users to benefit from any discussion that ensues, by centralizing the discussion in a well-known public place. Tickets are trivial to create, so I really don't think this is too much to ask.

How do I report a bug or request a feature? (from the WaveShop FAQ)

To report a bug or request a feature, create a ticket. You'll need a [free] SourceForge account, which you can register for here.

The next version will primarily focus on extending the core functionality to include recording (requested by numerous users) and metadata editing.

