JPE - a change of plans

Discuss anything related to JauntePE, the utlimate utility to help you tame non-portable applications. Share your experience about the apps that work with JauntePE, and the apps that don't.
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JPE - a change of plans

#1 Post by redllar »

Hey guys, same song, different verse.

I just wanted to let you know that I've pulled all of the JPE files that are linked to from this site and I've asked Andrew to drop JPE from his database. I've also asked him to not cave in to other's wishes to have it re-added. There will be no more public updates to JPE and there will be no source released.

I'll continue to develop JPE and I'd also like to continue participating in this forum. But I will only be distributing new versions privately and I will only be doing so to those who have participated meaningfully in this forum. So if you're interested, just PM me (no emails please) with an email address where I can send the updates.

For those who have made JPE available through other downloads, I ask that you please delete those copies so that JPE can no longer be downloaded publically. I have no problem if you would like to continue to share it with a few of your close friends, but I really would appreciate it if you would remove JPE from public consumption.

As to the reasons why, just check out the latest in the JPE comments. As I would never associate with those people in real life I see no reason to do so on the net. They may just be young or they may just be script kiddies who've never created something completely of their own that they're proud of, but I'm just too old to put up with their crap without taking them over my knee or introducing their face to my left forearm. And since I can't do that, the next best thing is to try and make sure I don't have to deal with them.

EDIT: only PMs - no emails please

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#2 Post by spchtr »

Sorry to see this happen, though it was probably inevitable.

I've been coming here specifically to get away from that sort of software and I find that most of my needs can be met either through open source software, or freeware, the portable is just a bonus for me, I hate spending 4 hours reinstalling software after an os reinstall.

I've mixed feelings about it not being released as open source. Portability is something I'd very much like to see software developers include in their respective products by default even if just as an option.

Again, sorry it happened this way, and thank you for your time and efforts.

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#3 Post by chezduong »

:cry: :cry: :cry: Sorry to see this happen. :cry: :cry: :cry:

:evil: Did notice the comments this morning. But the download seems to just just be a fancy NSIS wrapper, nothing more.

Will PM you when I get access to PM facilities.

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Greetings from Brazil, redlar...

#4 Post by opgoth »

I have been following JPE for a long time, as a reader on this forum. Registered today just to compliment you for your work and integrity.

It's sad to see this change on the project. I been promoting portable software in general and JPE in particular here on Terra Brasilis for some time, and been learning a lot with the posts and my own experiences, including testing JPE on Vista.

I'll try to participate on the discussions, and share any findings, I'm with JPE 013. Maybe over time you consider to share new versions with me as well, per your stated (and rightful) terms.

Anyway, I'll continue to promote JPE.

It's (very) good software.

EDIT: I can almost understand the "script kiddies", even if I never was one of them, having started with IT some 23 years ago, on that Jurassic Peridod I call The Pre-PC / Pre-Internet Era...
Last edited by opgoth on Mon Aug 06, 2007 7:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#5 Post by chezduong »

By the way, not sure if you have seen it, but JPE is the 3rd most popular software on this site with 7156 votes. It comes after Foxit Reader Portable and Universal Extractor and before PStart (5753 votes)!

Not bad for Alpha stage software...can't wait until you hit Beta! :D

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#6 Post by Chris »

EDIT: I think I understand. Many people do not understand the beauty of real stealth and virtualization which what JauntePE brings. And they dare to compare JauntePE with normal wrapper which can be done by normal scripting. I guess if I were redllar who spent many hours to develop JauntePE, I would be pissed off too.

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#7 Post by redllar »

I think redllar wouldn't mind if the wrapper is posted there. I believe the problem is people were posting illegal softwares.
Not just that. In fact, what really got me started was the fact that someone thought it was okay to go to another app's "turf" (don't know what else to call it) to promote their own "work." As I've already said in another post in response to crownixxx's posting of his x-launcher efforts here, that's just not done. Real devs who create their own works from scratch know this.

EDIT 2007/08/12: Just to be clear, the point I was attempting to make here, and the point I was attempting to make in my response to crownixx's post, had nothing to do with crownixx nor any of his posts, x-launcher related or not. This only had to do with the PBRS post and its related posts in the JPE comments section. My apologizes to crownixx for not making that clear earlier.
Last edited by redllar on Sun Aug 12, 2007 8:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#8 Post by redllar »

Just so you guys know, I really appreciate your input. I won't open source it, just to spite the script kiddies who think they're app devs. But I would like to see JPE development continue after I'm done here. I just need to find a good, responsible, and knowledgeable dev with some years of Windows dev experience who's willing to slog through my crap code.

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#9 Post by zikarus »

Dear redllar,

I have to admit that I do not really understand what are the reasons for your sudden drawback. Maybe it is just my lack of an english mothertongue but I cannot find any comments on the PAFC JauntPE page that would clear things up for me (in a sense of obviously offended sensibilities).

Hope you will get over whatever happened exactly, rebuild the thick skin needed out in the www and somewhen keep on developing your tool in public (where it belongs). A tool btw. which I - who is not young anymore too - have never fully comprehended but always admired for its singularity...


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Thank You

#10 Post by POD »

Hello Redlar,

I have followed the development of JauntPE for some considerable time and have never registered on this forum before. Your post has motivated to do so now at this late hour.

I respect your decision and would simply like to thank you for all of your effort.



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JPE - Change of plans

#11 Post by Devils Advocate »

Sorry to see this happen - but I guess it's kind of inevitable. All the best with the development of your software. Although I am an end user only of portable freeware & wouldn't even claim to know where to start in applying & developing your program, I admire your intentions to develop such an interesting (and extremely popular) package.

One thought though - possibly (just possibly), could these script kiddies be a devloper in the making?. Do we not all stand on the shoulders of giants in many aspects of life ? Was Einstein not once a script kiddie to Newtons work ?

Sorry - just living upto my name with that last paragraph - Good Luck

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Zach Thibeau
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#12 Post by Zach Thibeau »

Sorry to hear that Redllar. I'll delete my copy once i get to access to high speed internet. Until then I'll erase the link I posted in another thread here

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Andrew Lee
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#13 Post by Andrew Lee »

Just to keep you guys posted...

I sent an email to redllar yesterday to make a final attempt at getting him to reconsider his decision. He has not replied yet.

In the event that he still doesn't reply by tomorrow, I will take it that his mind is set, and I will remove JPE's entry from the database.

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#14 Post by spacemonkey »

Be sorry to see you go.. I've only recently found your very nice piece of software and its been great to use. Thank you for your efforts and I hope you will find a way of distributing your great program in a way that you feel happy with. Drop us all a line if and when this happens. Cheers

Master of Dice
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#15 Post by Master of Dice »

I'm sorry to hear that you want to stop posting new versions of JPE. I haven't used it very much at, but it's a great peace of software and I was only waiting for some programs to be released with JPE bundled which are normally not portable. Please stay here and post new updates.

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