You might have wondered if anyone else would care as you were drafting that, but this is actually a frustratingly common topic for me. Thanks for the excellent detail.
Notepad3 - text editor
Re: Notepad3 - text editor
Re: Notepad3 - text editor
webfork wrote:You might have wondered if anyone else would care as you were drafting that, but this is actually a frustratingly common topic for me.
Don't tell me about frustration, this is one of my main gripes with most software I test.

So much so that I have come to take it for granted -- i.e., unless the dev expressly states otherwise, I expect formats to be excruciatingly non-compliant with international standards.
Thus, this effort isn't really selfless, it's here for the benefit of my future self...

Re: Notepad3 - text editor
Of course

Re: Notepad3 - text editor
Midas wrote: ↑Notepad3 defaults to a different locale date and time format -- i.e., something along the lines of '%I:%M %p %m/%d/%Y' in a Python strftime(?) directive look-alike (e.g., see
All of this is rather confusing because Notepad3 online help ( is void of any reference and so it took me days to figure it out.
Quick note to point out that Notepad3's Github repo ( does contain detailed info about the settings in 'notepad3.ini' file.
Re: Notepad3 - text editor
So a new version of Notepad3 is out (Ennovy already covered the updated post) but two things that jumped out at me in the update include more markdown support and a dark mode.
The dark mode improvements are clear between new and old versions (new version is lower-left):

The dark mode improvements are clear between new and old versions (new version is lower-left):

Re: Notepad3 - text editor
FYI, enlightenment on a host of Notepad3 INI directives can be found at the following Github entry:Midas wrote: ↑Tue Nov 03, 2020 10:10 am As it turns out, there was a further INI file at '%PROGRAMFILES%\Notepad3\Notepad3.ini' (my install location in Windows 10) [...]
This cascading configuration prevented other path changes from taking effect...
Re: Notepad3 - text editor
beautiful program , but it doesn't support drag and drop ,at least on my w7 - w10 and w11
does it work on yours?
beautiful program , but it doesn't support drag and drop ,at least on my w7 - w10 and w11
does it work on yours?
Re: Notepad3 - text editor
Notepad3 project is currently hosted on GitHub.
Current release is 6.24.1221.1 released at December 21, 2024
Links and details:
• Notepad3 project:
• GitHub download page:
• PAF installer for rel. 6.24.1221.1: ... .1.paf.exe
• rel. 6.24.1221.1 x86 Portable: ...
• rel. 6.24.1221.1 x64 Portable: ...
Current release is 6.24.1221.1 released at December 21, 2024
Links and details:
• Notepad3 project:
• GitHub download page:
• PAF installer for rel. 6.24.1221.1: ... .1.paf.exe
• rel. 6.24.1221.1 x86 Portable: ...
• rel. 6.24.1221.1 x64 Portable: ...
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning." - Rick Cook.
Re: Notepad3 - text editor
Thank you for the update, rbon.
And FTR, Notepad3 v6.24.1221.1, released 2024-12-21, full changelog is at

And FTR, Notepad3 v6.24.1221.1, released 2024-12-21, full changelog is at
Re: Notepad3 - text editor
You are welcome.
I have looked inside full changelog and I have see that last version is a BETA v6.24.1222.1 of December 22, 2024.Midas wrote: ↑Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:04 pm And FTR, Notepad3 v6.24.1221.1, released 2024-12-21, full changelog is at
But where are these betas ?
Links and details:
• Notepad3 BETA-channel access (issue #1129):
• direct download Notepad3Portable_6.24.1222.1_beta.paf.exe.7z: + confirm Download
• direct download Notepad3_6.24.1222.1_beta_Portable.7z: + confirm Download
1. Direct download via data sharing service provided by
2. How to extract Files from executable format
in other words: download Notepad3Portable_6.24.1222.1_beta.paf.exe.7z then rename it as Notepad3Portable_6.24.1222.1_beta.paf.exe (without the .7z extension) and install itThe executable format is nothing but an executable 7z-archive.
If you replace the extension (.exe) by '.7z' or append a '.7z' extension,
you can handle it like a normal 7z-archive.
You can extract, e.g. the 32-bit, Notepad3 version from archive path:
Replacing/Removing '.7z' extension back to '.exe' will make an executable,
which can be installed like all other executable archives.
Best regards,
3. the BETA contains last fixes and it is for Testing
4. after installation ther program start with Your native language (installer recognize tha native language of Your Windows S.O.)
5. available translations:
Afrikaans, Belarusian, Brazilian, Chinese Simplified. Chinese Traditional, Dutch, English, French, Finnish, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Korean, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Portuguese, Portuguese Brasilian, Russian, Spanish, Spanish Mexican, Slovak, Swedish, Polish, Turkish, Vietnamese.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning." - Rick Cook.
Re: Notepad3 - text editor
Just a heads up changes (21 December 2024) "Add an "Opera Promotion" page in Notepad3 "INNO Setup Installer" (SUP)"
Re: Notepad3 - text editor
Just to avoid confusions (which struck me, BTW) and according to its Github repo, Notepad3 v6.24.1221.1, dated from 2024-12-21, is the latest Release -- PAF and ZIP packages are available for download from the repo.rbon wrote: ↑I have looked inside full changelog and I have see that last version is a BETA v6.24.1222.1 of December 22, 2024.
Re: Notepad3 - text editor
Noterpad3 Portable v6.25.203.1 Beta released at February 3, 2025:
• Notepad3 Beta channel access:
• download 'Notepad3Portable_6.25.203.1_beta.paf.exe.7z': --> workupload press 'Download'
please rename the archive 'Notepad3Portable_6.25.203.1_beta.paf.exe.7z' as ''Notepad3Portable_6.25.203.1_beta.paf.exe' (without .7z extension)
Changelog Full: ... hanges.txt
Changelog for v6.25.203.1 Beta:
• Notepad3 Beta channel access:
• download 'Notepad3Portable_6.25.203.1_beta.paf.exe.7z': --> workupload press 'Download'
please rename the archive 'Notepad3Portable_6.25.203.1_beta.paf.exe.7z' as ''Notepad3Portable_6.25.203.1_beta.paf.exe' (without .7z extension)
Changelog Full: ... hanges.txt
Changelog for v6.25.203.1 Beta:
Code: Select all
Current BETA Version 6.25.203.(build_#) (2025-02-03)
[.###.#]- .
[.203.1]- For "OpenCL", add "CL" extension in "C/C++ Source Code" Lexer.
[.###.#]- .
[.203.1]- Rizonesoft Copyright © 2008-2024 to year "2008-2025".
[1222.1]- Correction of Rizonesoft's URL.
[.###.#]- .
[.203.1]- Titlebar changes (file name instead of simple hash).
[.203.1]- Reload arguments after changing own settings files.
[.203.1]- Utilize new Scintilla (v5.5.2) API SCI_SETCOPYSEPARATOR (SCI).
[.203.1]- Utilize Sci v5.5.2 new API SCI_GETUNDOSEQUENCE (SCI).
[.203.1]- Add missing symbol 'disabledelayedexpansion' in styleLexBAT (LEX).
[.203.1]- Recover cursor state when editor window loses focus.
[.###.#]- .
[.###.#]- .
CHANGES Versions in Tools or Libraries:
[.203.1]- Update Lexilla Library (LEX) version 5.4.2 (2024-12-18).
[.203.1]- Update Scintilla Library (SCI) version 5.5.4 (2024-12-18).
[.101.1]- Update grepWinNP3 (GRE) version (2024-01-10).
[.101.1]- Update Oniguruma Regex (ONI) engine version 6.9.9 (2023-10-14).
[1213.1]- Update MiniPath (MIN) version (2022-12-13).
[.###.#]- .
[.###.#]- .
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning." - Rick Cook.