Bat To Exe Converter v3.2.0.0:
I wondered what such a robust program can do.
In fact the no-UPX versions of the executables have the following sizes:
- 32 bit no_UPX: size KB 3,291
- 64 bit no_UPX: size KB 3,821
The answer (what 'Bat To Exe Converter' can do) can be found in a detailed Help file of 57 pages (User Guide) in English and German that can be found here:
1. Bat To Exe Converter - online Help:
https://documentation.help/BAT2EXE/en.html --> copy this link in your browser and confirm
2. Bat To Exe Converter - offline Help in pdf:
From first page of online help you have the index:
Code: Select all
1 - Program description
1.1 Description
1.2 Usage
1.3 Options
1.4 Commandline
1.5 Environment variables
1.6 System requirements
2 - License
2.1 License
2.2 Miscelleanous
3 - Contact
3.1 Author
3.2 Website
3.3 Email
Options - Commanline - Environment variables
Code: Select all
Visible application Create a visible application with a console window
Invisible application Create an invisible application without a console window
32 Bit Create a 32 Bit application
64 Bit Create a 64 Bit application
Current directory Use the current directory on execution
Temporary directory Use the temporary directory on execution
Delete on exit Delete the temporary files on exit
Do not delete Do not delete the temporary files
Encrypt the program Encrypt the program with a password
Administrator Manifest Add an administrator manifest to the program
Overwrite existing files Overwrite existing files
Include Include additional files/folders to the program
Icon Include an icon to the program
Version information Include version information to the program
Editor Shows and edits the content of your batch file
Compress the exe using UPX Compress the exe using UPX
-bat [filename] The bat file that you want to convert
-save [filename] The output filename of your exe
-icon [filename] The icon file of your application
-invisible Create an invisible application
-x64 Create a 64 Bit application
-temp Use the temporary directory on execution
-nodelete Do not delete the temporary files
-encrypt [Password] Encrypt the program with a password
-admin Add an administrator manifest to the program
-overwrite Overwrite existing files
-include [file/folder] Include an additional file/folder to the program
-fileversion [String] File version number
-productversion [String] Product version number
-company [String] Company name
-productname [String] Product name
-internalname [String] Internal name
-description [String] Product description
-copyright [String] Copyright
-upx Compress the exe using UPX
-b2edecompile Start the decompiler - Converts exe back to bat
-b2epass [Password] Decrypt exe file. Input box will be suppressed.
Environment variables
b2eargs Returns the commandline arguments
b2eincfile(number) Returns, if available, the include filename
b2eincfilecount Returns the number of files included
b2eincfilepath Returns the include file path
b2eprogramname Returns the full path name of your executable
b2eprogramfilename Returns the file name of your executable
b2eprogrampathname Returns the directory name of your executable
b2eprogramshortname Returns the short DOS (8.3) path name of your executable