Bat to Exe Converter

Submit portable freeware that you find here. It helps if you include information like description, extraction instruction, Unicode support, whether it writes to the registry, and so on.
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Re: Bat to Exe Converter

#16 Post by webfork »

zorro wrote: Mon May 20, 2019 2:36 am What's the problem with ZeroNet? I visited the program homepage with Firefox Portable just now and everything works fine - I can view the program description and download it. No ZeroNet service or client installed, of course...
I didn't realize a separate ZeroNet client wasn't necessary. By definition, P2P networks are made up of participants sharing the burden of hosting/routing/processing. Seems they have an external pathway setup so non-members can access it.
billon wrote: Sun May 19, 2019 11:43 pm Softpedia and other sites (not checked many actually) have previous version
Yeah scratch that idea.

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Re: Bat to Exe Converter

#17 Post by billon »

zorro wrote: Mon May 20, 2019 2:36 am What's the problem with ZeroNet?
No problem, but these web "mirrors"/"nodes" hosted by volunteer members are temporary and may change/disappear, isn't it?

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Re: Bat to Exe Converter

#18 Post by zorro »

Well, thanks for the explanation - I understand, it could be that... I had luck...
Anyway - interesting concept, from what I understand it's the future of internet... following those, who strive for a free www without monopols.

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Re: Bat to Exe Converter

#19 Post by billon »

No more downloads from this "ZeroNet" mirror, instead there is "Bat-To-Exe-Converter-Downloader" - wrote: This tool will download the official version of Bat To Exe Converter which is now being hosted on the Inter-Planetary File System (IPFS)
You go to "ZeroNet" to download some installer which download something from "Inter-Planetary File System". Why not Inter-Galactic? Another pseudo crypto shit, dead from the start.
Fuck these clowns, downvoted

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Re: Bat to Exe Converter

#20 Post by webfork »

The zeronet page is throwing a bad cert error, so I guess that fell apart. Anyway, I certainly understand the frustration / disgust, but I do like some of the concepts outlined with IPFS. I'll push it to another thread to avoid a thread hijack.

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Re: Bat to Exe Converter

#21 Post by Midas »

IPFS ( is quite well regarded in the Linux camp.

For more info, start at

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Re: Bat to Exe Converter

#22 Post by billon »

My grunts mainly not about ridiculous "InfinityNets" or "Inter-Dimensional File Systems".
What with the entry? Remove? Last freely available portable version from or other site? Our mirror?

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Re: Bat to Exe Converter

#23 Post by rbon »

Bat to Exe Converter rel.
You can also download latest binaries (rel. from Softpedia on this page: ... rter.shtml
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning." - Rick Cook.

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Re: Bat to Exe Converter

#24 Post by webfork »

billon wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 6:04 pm My grunts mainly not about ridiculous "InfinityNets" or "Inter-Dimensional File Systems".
What with the entry? Remove? Last freely available portable version from or other site? Our mirror?
Yeah good question ...
rbon wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2019 12:52 am Bat to Exe Converter rel.
You can also download latest binaries (rel. from Softpedia on this page: ... rter.shtml
Works for me ... entry updated.

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Re: ZeroNet

#25 Post by Midas »

Some needed clarification of ZeroNet workings and origin straight from Wikipedia:
ZeroNet is a decentralized web-like network of peer-to-peer users, created by Tamas Kocsis in 2015, programming for the network was based in Budapest, Hungary; is built in Python; and is fully open source. Instead of having an IP address, sites are identified by a public key (specifically a bitcoin address). The private key allows the owner of a site to sign and publish changes, which propagate through the network. Sites can be accessed through an ordinary web browser when using the ZeroNet application, which acts as a local webhost for such pages. In addition to using bitcoin cryptography, ZeroNet uses trackers from the BitTorrent network to negotiate connections between peers. ZeroNet is not anonymous by default, but it supports routing traffic through the Tor network.

An extensive related resource list can be found at

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Re: Bat to Exe Converter

#26 Post by DzejPy »

Links on lead to another program (Advanced BAT to EXE converter)...

BAT to EXE converter download options:

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Re: Bat to Exe Converter

#27 Post by rbon »

Bat To Exe Converter Portable v3.2.0.0 in PAF format:
This version contains 32 an d 64 bit builds.

• PortableApps Forum - Makazzz user:
• GitHub project by Makazzz:
• GitHub download page: ... g/
• GitHub direct download: ... _1.paf.exe

the original version of Bat To Exe Converterr is available at MajorGeeks: ... erter.html
This version is an Inno Setup installer build with Inno Setup 5.5.7 and contains these files:

Code: Select all

Nome file: C:\Bat_To_Exe_Converter_(Installer).exe

Nome:                         Bat To Exe Converter Setup
Società:                      Fatih Kodak
Commento:                     This installation was built with Inno Setup.

Inno Setup archive:           Bat_To_Exe_Converter_(Installer).exe
Inno Setup version detected:  5.5.7 (Unicode)

Size        Time              Filename
   2105856  2019.07.30 11:54  {app}\Bat_To_Exe_Converter,1.exe
   1972736  2019.07.30 11:52  {app}\Bat_To_Exe_Converter,2.exe
      3391  2025.01.25 19:27  install_script.iss
where exe nr. 1 is for 64 bit PC and exe nr. 2 is for 32 bit PC.

the file ' install_script.iss' (Inno Setup installer script) do not allow to write anything on registry or system.

The executables included in this installer are UPX compressed.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning." - Rick Cook.

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Re: Bat to Exe Converter

#28 Post by rbon »

About Bat To Exe Converter v3.2.0.0:
I wondered what such a robust program can do.
In fact the no-UPX versions of the executables have the following sizes:
- 32 bit no_UPX: size KB 3,291
- 64 bit no_UPX: size KB 3,821

The answer (what 'Bat To Exe Converter' can do) can be found in a detailed Help file of 57 pages (User Guide) in English and German that can be found here:
1. Bat To Exe Converter - online Help: --> copy this link in your browser and confirm
2. Bat To Exe Converter - offline Help in pdf:

From first page of online help you have the index:

Code: Select all


1 - Program description
  1.1 Description
  1.2 Usage
  1.3 Options
  1.4 Commandline
  1.5 Environment variables
  1.6 System requirements

2 - License

  2.1 License
  2.2 Miscelleanous

3 - Contact

  3.1 Author
  3.2 Website
  3.3 Email
Options - Commanline - Environment variables

Code: Select all

Visible application             Create a visible application with a console window
Invisible application           Create an invisible application without a console window
32 Bit                          Create a 32 Bit application
64 Bit                          Create a 64 Bit application
Current directory               Use the current directory on execution
Temporary directory             Use the temporary directory on execution
Delete on exit                  Delete the temporary files on exit 
Do not delete                   Do not delete the temporary files
Encrypt the program             Encrypt the program with a password
Administrator Manifest          Add an administrator manifest to the program
Overwrite existing files        Overwrite existing files
Include                         Include additional files/folders to the program
Icon                            Include an icon to the program
Version information             Include version information to the program
Editor                          Shows and edits the content of your batch file
Compress the exe using UPX      Compress the exe using UPX

-bat [filename]                 The bat file that you want to convert
-save [filename]                The output filename of your exe
-icon [filename]                The icon file of your application
-invisible                      Create an invisible application
-x64                            Create a 64 Bit application
-temp                           Use the temporary directory on execution
-nodelete                       Do not delete the temporary files
-encrypt [Password]             Encrypt the program with a password
-admin                          Add an administrator manifest to the program
-overwrite                      Overwrite existing files
-include [file/folder]          Include an additional file/folder to the program
-fileversion [String]           File version number
-productversion [String]        Product version number
-company [String]               Company name
-productname [String]           Product name
-internalname [String]          Internal name
-description [String]           Product description
-copyright [String]             Copyright
-upx                            Compress the exe using UPX
-b2edecompile                   Start the decompiler - Converts exe back to bat
-b2epass [Password]             Decrypt exe file. Input box will be suppressed.

Environment variables
b2eargs                         Returns the commandline arguments
b2eincfile(number)              Returns, if available, the include filename
b2eincfilecount                 Returns the number of files included
b2eincfilepath                  Returns the include file path
b2eprogramname                  Returns the full path name of your executable
b2eprogramfilename              Returns the file name of your executable
b2eprogrampathname              Returns the directory name of your executable
b2eprogramshortname             Returns the short DOS (8.3) path name of your executable
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning." - Rick Cook.

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