• Original version Innounp http://sourceforge.net/projects/innounp (can be used up to InnoSetup 6.1)
• Updated Unicode version Innounp-1 (Console version) https://github.com/jrathlev/InnoUnpacke ... /innounp-1 (can be used up to InnoSetup 6.3)
and it perform the extraction of Inno Setup installers up to v6.3.3.
The executable setup to be processed can be loaded via a file selection dialog, just by drag & drop, using the command line or by an entry in the Windows context menu for exe files.
Immediately after opening, the basic file info of the setup is displayed.
All other functions are activated by clicking on one of the buttons:
• General information about the setup
• A list of all included files
• All supported languages
• Verify setup file
• Start file extraction
• Select destination directory for extracted files
• Optionally, you can specify whether only the installation script or the files matching a filter are to be extracted. button is provided to only select the install script.
Optionally, you can specify whether only the installation script or the files matching a filter are to be extracted. button is provided to only select the install script.
Note on execution as portable program:
The program settings are normally stored in the InnoUnpack.ini file in the user's Application data folder (%AppData%).
If the program is started from a device connected via USB, the folder of the executable file of the program is used instead (working folder).
The same applies if the program is started with the command line option "/p", if you start the program from your hard disk.
Links and details:
• program page (from author's website): https://www.rathlev-home.de/index-e.htm ... tml#unpack
• GitHub project: https://github.com/jrathlev/InnoUnpacker-Windows-GUI
• download Executable program as zip archive: https://www.rathlev-home.de/tools/downl ... packer.zip
• download Console version 'innounp-1': https://www.rathlev-home.de/tools/downl ... ounp-1.zip
• download source code: https://www.rathlev-home.de/sources/dow ... pack-s.zip
• current version: v2.0
• release date: December 7, 2024
• translations: English, German, French, Italian and Hungarian.
• extract Inno setup installers: from v2.0.7 to v6.3.3
• InnoUnpacker is a 32 bit program
• Windows supported: Win7, Win8.1, Win10 and Win11
Command line flags:
these flags are written inside file 'InnoUnpack.txt' at https://github.com/jrathlev/InnoUnpacke ... Unpack.txt
and they are:
Code: Select all
Command line options: [<name>] [/d:<ddir>] [/f:<filter>] [/p] [/m] [/s] [/a] [/o] [/la:xx]
setupname Name of InnoSetup archive to be extracted
/d:destdir Directory for unpacked files
/f:filter File filter
/p run as portable program
/m process internal embedded files
/s extract files without paths
/a process all copies of duplicate files
/o overwrite files
/la:xx Language selection (xx = en, de, fr, it or hu)
language selection flag has changed from '/l:' to '/la:' with version 2.0.
Launcher yaP:
I have create a yaP launcher for InnoUnpacker v2.0
Code: Select all
; configuration file for yaP v0.7.x (http://rolandtoth.hu/yaP/)
; application name: InnoUnpacker
; application type: 32 bit (for Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11)
; version: 2.0
; website: https://www.rathlev-home.de/tools/prog-e.html#unpack
application = App\InnoUnpack.exe
commandline = /p /la:en
; commandline = /p /la:it
; commandline =
; workdir =
; dir = %Appdata%\Dir
; file = %Appdata%\Dir\File.ini
; -dir = %Appdata%\Dir :: ifempty
; -file = %Appdata%\File*
; -regkey = HKCU\Software\RegKey :: ifempty
Where (references details):
1. Box with program that be extracted
2. Show general information
3. Show list of all contained files
4. Show list of all supported languages
5. Check integrity of files contained inside installer
6. Extract files (you can use wildcards or file by type or single file)
7. Select unpack tool (the commandline tool used by this GUI https://github.com/jrathlev/InnoUnpacke ... /innounp-1)
8. Copy output to clipboard (it's Ctrl-A), then you can copy from clipboard to your editor
9. Exit from program
yaP launcher:
--> this launcher start with 'english' language', but you can easy change it.