Re: Cmder
Topic update: Cmder v1.3.17 released 2020-12-23 (changelog at
• GitHub project page:
• GitHub direct download '': ...
How to:
1. create a folder for example '\Cmder'
2. unzip in this folder the downloaded archive ''
3. run 'Cmder.exe': this run a Lua script that create a Tree structure.
4. done
• GitHub project page:
• GitHub direct download '': ...
How to:
1. create a folder for example '\Cmder'
2. unzip in this folder the downloaded archive ''
3. run 'Cmder.exe': this run a Lua script that create a Tree structure.
4. done
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning." - Rick Cook.
Re: Cmder
Cmder v1.3.25 released 2024-05-21 (changes and downloads at
FYI, the following is included in the latest changes announcement:
FYI, the following is included in the latest changes announcement:
Note 2: Cmder is in the process of dropping 32-bit support of x86 edition when the upstream projects (such as Git-for-Windows) do so. In the next major releases of Cmder, the minimum Windows requirement will be bumped from Windows 7 SP1 to Windows 10, as well. For more information about Windows 7 support, visit here.