Synopsis: a dead-simple and very capable auto-clicker program. This post has nothing to do with Chicken Invaders Game, that’s just in the program title. In fact, this worked remarkably well with Left 4 Dead 2, which suggests it would also function well on various games based on Half Life 2, including Team Fortress 2.
First mentioned by Wolfghost.
Status: Portable, writes to Data folder. Tested v1.3.0
The program does not support right or middle-click: it's exclusively left-clicking. It does support CLI triggers for multiple batch configurations e.g. "autofire.exe 30 30 200 200"
My goal here was to be able to enable rapid auto-fire for some of the unlimited items. What I found was a trick for very short, very controlled bursts to enable the best accuracy available on items that are a little more “spray-and-pray” (similar to the three-shot burst rifle).
My settings
I set the hotkeys to Add (+) and Enter on the number pad just because they were easy to enable/disable with my thumb. Subtract starts the auto-clicker and Enter switches modes to the short, controlled burst set.
Issues: you cannot be crouched while pressing these buttons or they won’t react, but you can easily set the controls to SHIFT+Enter and SHIFT+Add.
* Another dead simple clicker that DOES support different mouse buttons.
AutoFire - auto-clicker tool
Re: AutoFire - auto-clicker tool
Old thread update:
Found an (untested) open source alternative to this clicker tool with a lot more functions:
Found an (untested) open source alternative to this clicker tool with a lot more functions: