Craft Basic [programming interpreter]

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Re: Craft Basic [programming interpreter]

#16 Post by basicgames »

Version 1.2 has been released.

I had to rush this one out to fix a critical, but uncommon bug with for/next loops.

A new example called eulermethod.bas has been included.

Code: Select all

'euler method example

precision 4

let s = 2
gosub euler

let s = 5
gosub euler

let s = 10
gosub euler


sub euler

	cursor 1, 1
	print "step: ", s

	let b = 100
	let y = 100

	for t = 0 to b step s

		print t, " : ", y

		let y = y + s * (-0.07 * (y - 20))

		gosub delay

	next t

	alert "step ", s, " finished"


sub delay

	let w = clock



	loop clock < w + 200


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Re: Craft Basic [programming interpreter]

#17 Post by basicgames »

​I have released version 1.3 to fix another issue with the for loops. They should be even more accurate and stable now. The issue was happening with things such as FOR i = -1 TO 0 STEP -1. No wonder.

There's now a QUOTE keyword to go along with COMMA and NEWLINE for output formatting.

I also "improved" the line number display to be more like margins. This required including a font file, increasing the size of the download, but making sure compatibility is kept with Windows 95 though 10.

A Van Eck sequence example has been added to the examples folder.

Code: Select all

'van eck sequence example

define limit = 1000

dim list[limit]

print "calculating van eck sequence..."

for n = 0 to limit - 1

	for m = n - 1 to 0 step -1

		if list[m] = list[n] then

			let c = n + 1
			let list[c] = n - m

			break m



	next m

next n

print "First 10 terms: "

for i = 0 to 9

	print list[i]

next i

print "Terms 991 to 1000: "

for i = 990 to 999

	print list[i]

next i


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Re: Craft Basic [programming interpreter]

#18 Post by Midas »

@basicgames: Do you mind if the topic is moved to "Development" -- it appears more appropriate for what we're seeing from an user point of view and on more than one level... :|

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Re: Craft Basic [programming interpreter]

#19 Post by basicgames »

I do not mind, although I would like to humbly request a quick review of the latest version as I have made many improvements and consider it to be stable.

As far as the not working on Windows 10 thing? I don't know. It works on the ones I tested. Oldergeeks uploaded it as well and have screenshots of it working on Win 10.

As it's a programming language, I plan to continually release updates to prevent it from stagnating. I understand if this language is not a fit for the archive yet.

I don't have a community surrounding my product yet, so any feedback is helpful.

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Andrew Lee
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Re: Craft Basic [programming interpreter]

#20 Post by Andrew Lee »

I just took a stab at v1.3, and I still encounter the black screen problem with all the GUI examples.

It could be something specific with my system, but unfortunately, it also means I can't do anything with it.

If you like, just add a private entry to the database and post the link here. I won't vote on it, but maybe others will.

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Re: Craft Basic [programming interpreter]

#21 Post by basicgames »

Midas wrote: Sun Mar 26, 2023 1:35 pm Right. Kinda swamped ATM with the passing of a close relative, will see what I can do in the near future...
My condolences. I understand.
Andrew Lee wrote: Mon Mar 27, 2023 12:34 am I just took a stab at v1.3, and I still encounter the black screen problem with all the GUI examples.

It could be something specific with my system, but unfortunately, it also means I can't do anything with it.

If you like, just add a private entry to the database and post the link here. I won't vote on it, but maybe others will.
I wish I knew what was causing that. Thank you for trying it out again.

I appreciate being able to share my program here regardless of any votes.

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Re: Craft Basic [programming interpreter]

#22 Post by basicgames »

Craft Basic has been updated to version 1.5

Here's some Youtube videos demonstrating running examples.

15 Puzzle Game

Attractive Numbers

Prime Decomposition

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Re: Craft Basic [programming interpreter]

#23 Post by basicgames »

Craft Basic is continuing to mature. With each update comes fixed problems, new features, and more examples. The project is stable and has been tested on Windows 10 and 11.

Any serious programming language is always under development and will be updated accordingly. Craft Basic is a programming language, so it will continue to receive updates. A language dies when it is no longer updated.

I have updated the original post to include a new set of screenshots demonstrating some recently added features and examples.

One of the main new features is the text output window for the PRINT command. This makes the overall programming experience a bit more like Just Basic. You may save, copy, paste, and edit your output. The window also fixed some issues with the previous PRINT output method of writing to the graphics window. If you still want to display text in the graphics window, you may use static text forms.

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Re: Craft Basic [programming interpreter]

#24 Post by basicgames »

In the latest update for Craft Basic to version 1.6, there's new keywords, examples, and features.

The TAB keyword works along with the COMMA, QUOTE, and NEWLINE keywords for printing tabs in the output window.

Arrays may now be dimmed with multi line lists.

The recursion limit was raised. This ability is still limited.

The CONFIRM command provides an input dialog with a prompt, a yes button, and a no button. Yes returns 1 and no returns 0.

When defining variables, it is now optional to assign an expression or value. This way you don't have to type the = 0.

The ERASEARRAY command zeroes the contents of an array.

There's 5 new examples in version 1.6.

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Re: Craft Basic [programming interpreter]

#25 Post by basicgames »

I am wondering if anyone has tried the new version. Feedback about the new PRINT output system for the PRINT command would be helpful. It's easy to try. Just run some of the math/science examples. The result should feel a bit like Just Basic.

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Re: Craft Basic [programming interpreter]

#26 Post by Midas »

Topic update: Craft Basic v1.7.1 released 2023-12-19 (release announcement at

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