AutoRun LWMenu

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Re: AutoRun LWMenu

#181 Post by -ElCoyot- »

Yes, you can release it.

Is it possible to add a parameter, for example "Net=0(1)", to prohibit (allow) Internet access for the program?

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Re: AutoRun LWMenu

#182 Post by lwc »

It is possible, but it seems the only way to do it is via Windows Firewall which requires admin privileges, so what do you think is the best approach here:
  1. Getting it done internally only if the launcher was launched in the first place via right clicking the launcher and choosing Run as administrator - similar to symlink=
  2. Getting it done in normal mode by externally calling a Windows' built-in executable that can do it, but this means getting asked for admin access twice (once for blocking incoming traffic and once for blocking outgoing traffic)
Right clicking
Right clicking
run as admin.png (2.37 KiB) Viewed 8134 times

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Re: AutoRun LWMenu

#183 Post by -ElCoyot- »

I would like to do without the Windows firewall, using an example of how it is done in VMware ThinApp. There it is done, in my opinion, by isolating the registry key.

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Re: AutoRun LWMenu

#184 Post by lwc »

Why not Windows firewall if it seems to be the official way to do it?

As for ThinApp (which is a commercial product), it's claimed on their forum that they don't even have such a feature (latest reply is from 2023). Do you have a link that states otherwise? Alternatively, what does it mean to isolate a registry key (and which one?) and how does it block Internet access?

I did find in portableapps' forum a suggestion to just add a registry value directly to the windows firewall, but this posses 3 issues (assuming it even works):
  1. It still relies on Windows Firewall, which for some reason you don't want (waiting to understand why)
  2. It has to be done in HKLM, meaning still requiring admin privileges
  3. It required adding a static GUID that might overwrite an existing one

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Re: AutoRun LWMenu

#185 Post by -ElCoyot- »

When building a project in VMware ThinApp, the command "ISOLATION_FULL_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip" is entered, which blocks access to the network. Regarding the firewall, I do not use the built-in windows. And I don't want to create rules. And my UAC is disabled.

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Re: AutoRun LWMenu

#186 Post by lwc »

That command "ISOLATION_FULL_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip" is not documented anywhere online (even without searching for the word thinapp).
In any case, a launcher is not a virtual machine. I don't think I can just block registry key (in this case HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip) access from a single program, and I don't even know for sure such a blockage will indeed block internet access.

Regarding your UAC being disabled, if you choose method 2 from earlier (right clicking and choosing Run as administrator, just like you must do for symlink=), you won't need UAC.
Is your Windows firewall on? If so, can't the launcher use it backstage without involving you even if you don't use it otherwise?

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Re: AutoRun LWMenu

#187 Post by -ElCoyot- »

Well, I read somewhere that you can block the Internet only by virtualizing the registry. I think AutoIt can't do that. As for the firewall, I use a third-party one, and the Windows firewall service is disabled for me.

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Re: AutoRun LWMenu

#188 Post by lwc »

So how do we proceed? What you're asking for sounds more like Sandboxie as opposed to a launcher. Not to mention such softwares are more like drivers than softwares, which also requires paying for a Windows certification (in Sandboxie it became possible due to donations), but it any case it's not really a launcher per-se.
Maybe your firewall has its own API for rules that can be used...
But in any case by this point I already have a semi working code for the Windows firewall version which I can finish so it might at least help others.

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Re: AutoRun LWMenu

#189 Post by -ElCoyot- »

Okay, go ahead. I think that one more function will not be superfluous. Good luck.

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Re: AutoRun LWMenu

#190 Post by lwc »

You may not be able to test specifically the net access part, but I've added lots of other stuff too, if you like to make sure they work properly in the latest beta.

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Re: AutoRun LWMenu

#191 Post by -ElCoyot- »

I specifically turned on the windows firewall to try out a new feature. I can say it works great. Both blocks and unlocks. I probably won't disable the built-in firewall anymore. THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!!

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Re: AutoRun LWMenu

#192 Post by -ElCoyot- »

Please fix (add) the deletion of folders by mask. Does not work.

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Re: AutoRun LWMenu

#193 Post by lwc »

-ElCoyot- wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2024 8:18 pm Please fix (add) the deletion of folders by mask. Does not work.
Do you mean deletefiles=*.bak? Because it does work for me.
Please paste here in text (not attachment) your autorun.inf.

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Re: AutoRun LWMenu

#194 Post by -ElCoyot- »

No. For folders.
For example, deletefolders=%Temp%\abc*

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Re: AutoRun LWMenu

#195 Post by lwc »

Well, I know you've asked it for in the past too, but I've never claimed it was supported. :D
Turns out files have built-in support for it, while folders don't, so I've added special support for wildcards.
Can you try it in the latest beta?

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