Gabe's TypOMeter

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Gabe's TypOMeter

#1 Post by telnorp »


This is a freeware typing odometer written by Thor-Willy Gabrielsen. It has a skinnable keystroke odometer that floats near the taskbar, and a bunch of features to track and analyse statistics about your typing habits day-to-day - speed, efficiency, and so on.

It's really nice for productivity metrics and runs faultlessly once installed, but the downloads I've been able to find won't install on Win10 x64 because it comes packaged in a 16-bit setup.exe.

The trick is to run the installer under WineVDM - The installed folder can then be zipped up and moved to wherever, and will run from that location without any special measures.

It's lightweight and standalone, and as far as I've been able to tell only writes (*.tpo files) to its own folder, and stores its stats in

Code: Select all

If those files or the registry key are deleted, they get re-created on next run.

Will you give it a home? :)

(If you don't want to do the messing about with the setup.exe let me know and will post a link to a zipfile, can't attach it here as is 1.6mb.)

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Re: Gabe's TypOMeter

#2 Post by Midas »

Mod note: post moved here from "Submissions", since Gabe's TypOMeter is avowedly not natively portable (untested; although it'd be trivial to make it so).
