SPFlite File Manager (IBM Mainframe Style)

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SPFlite File Manager (IBM Mainframe Style)

#1 Post by juverax »

SPFLite is a Windows File Manager for users familiar with the look and feel of the environment available on IBM mainframes.
Other users may enjoy it as well, but they will have to learn the IBM commands :lol: (Exciting ... something new to learn today ! :?
The interface sometimes looks like the DOS interface, but don't get mistaken, this is an IBM interface, not a DOS interface.
There is a web page that explains the differences between SPFLite (Windows) and IBM ISPF: http://www.spflite.com/HtmlS/I_Differen ... F_PDF.html
SPFlite is more of a "curiosity" that some may want to visit on a rainy Sunday .....

Softpedia page: https://www.softpedia.com/get/Programmi ... Lite.shtml
SPFLite website: http://spflite.com/
There are several resources on the web site, including a Manual: http://spflite.com/OnlineDocumentation.html
It is an interesting web site to visit anyway

SPFLite is free and claims portability http://www.spflite.com/HtmlS/I_Portable.html , therefore it deserves a mention here on the TPFC website.
The portability seems to work perfectly, I moved around the installation folder, and the app was working "normally" (as far I could test)

SPFLite is supposed to include a Text Editor with Column Selection ... Sorry I did not get that far :oops:

NOTE that the web site is regularly updated: Last Update: Jan 26 2024

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Andrew Lee
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Re: SPFlite File Manager (IBM Mainframe Style)

#2 Post by Andrew Lee »

Why o why o why!

I had to use this on my very first job, and I can't imagine any sane person missing this thing :lol:

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