Anybody want to test a new portable app?

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Re: Anybody want to test a new portable app?

#31 Post by dmg »

@I am Baas
This image appears to be a screenshot of a portion of the taskbar on Windows 7. There is a single open Notepad window, and the accompanying 'window button' on the tasakbar. This does confirm that you are referring to a 'window button' and not a quick launch link, but I can't figure anything else out from just this. I know you want something to do with a 'window button', but in my experience a 'window button' lets you minimize, restore or close the window. Does it do something else on Win7? Something it does not do on XP?

Imagine a chef asking a patron to describe their favorite recipe so he can reproduce it, and the patron hands them a photo of a live chicken. From this the chef may assume that the recipe contains chicken, but it is a bit difficult to cook anything based solely on a photo of one of the ingredients.

I know you want something to do with a 'window button', but without more, and more detailed, information I can't understand. I have to assume this is at least partly because I have no knowledge of Win7.

If either of you are willing to continue on this merry go round and provide more information I am happy to keep trying, but if you are fed up I understand. Thank you for going this long, and I am sorry for wasting your time and patience. :|

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Re: Anybody want to test a new portable app?

#32 Post by I am Baas »

dmg wrote:@I am Baas
This image appears to be a screenshot of a portion of the taskbar on Windows 7. There is a single open Notepad window, and the accompanying 'window button' on the tasakbar. This does confirm that you are referring to a 'window button' and not a quick launch link, but I can't figure anything else out from just this. I know you want something to do with a 'window button', but in my experience a 'window button' lets you minimize, restore or close the window. Does it do something else on Win7? Something it does not do on XP?
That screenshot also shows an accompanying "JumpList" window. I thought that was a good enough hint to illustrate the idea. I thought it was possible to add actions/tasks there too.

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Re: Anybody want to test a new portable app?

#33 Post by dmg »

OK... I have never heard of a JumpList before. I Googled it, and it looks interesting. I don't know if it is possible for AutoHotkey based apps to utilize this or not. I will investigate. :)


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Re: Anybody want to test a new portable app?

#34 Post by guinness »

Something like this? If you want a compiled version let me know.

Code: Select all

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>


Func Example()
	Local $hGUI = GUICreate('', 0, 0, -9999, -9999)
	GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI)

	While 1
		Switch GUIGetMsg()

				If MsgBox(4 + 4096, '', 'Do you want to continue the demonstration?', 0, $hGUI) = 7 Then
EndFunc   ;==>Example
The JumpList is a little different and only works in Windows 7, it's possible in AutoIt due to COM support so I think it should be possible in AHK.

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Re: Anybody want to test a new portable app?

#35 Post by dmg »

Thanks guinness. I am trying to find out if there is a way to tell in AHk if a window is minimized/restored, but I have not found anything yet.

I seems to me that it might be easier all around if Win7 users just set the Stick-It! icon to be always visible in the system tray. It only takes a second. :?

Just a thought.

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Re: Anybody want to test a new portable app?

#36 Post by dmg »

The other day I asked on the AHk forum if it was possible to execute code based on clicking a taskbar button, and several members were kind enough to chime in. One in particular provided this:

Code: Select all

Gui, Show, x%A_ScreenWidth% y%A_ScreenHeight% w0 h0, Click me!
Gui, +OwnDialogs
If (A_EventInfo = 0) || (A_EventInfo = 1) {
   MsgBox, 262148, Click me, Do you want to continue the demonstration?
   IfMsgBox, No
This ahk script appears to very closely reproduce your au3 script above.

While it is interesting that this is possible, I do not think I will be making use of this trick for now. 8)

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Re: Anybody want to test a new portable app?

#37 Post by guinness »

It would appear to be exactly the same.

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