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Free, Completely Portable To Do List Software

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:08 pm
by FruitfulTime
Free, Completely Portable To Do List Software

Download from: Free to do list software

With FruitfulTime TaskManager you can

* Manage your to do list easily and quickly.
* Create / edit / delete tasks.
* Split tasks into smaller manageable subtasks.
* Monitor your progress on each task / subtask.
* Set the priority, start and due date/time for each task / subtask.
* Configure reminders so that you never forget a task.
* Add references to files and internet sites related to a task.
* Jot down notes related to a task in a lightweight word processor.
* Format your task notes using fonts and colours, and include lists and pictures.
* Easily export task notes for use in other products, such as Microsoft Word.
* Add contact details of people related to the task.
* Assign tags to tasks for easy and quick filtering of your to do list.
* Print the task list, subtasks, and notes.
* Filter your to do list using any task details to quickly focus on what you need to do.
* Carry your task list with you anywhere if you install FruitfulTime TaskManager on a USB pen drive.

Download from: Free to do list software

With FruitfulTime TaskManager you will
• Organise your life
• Increase your productivity
• Get things done
• Avoid procrastination
• Always deliver on time
• Clear your mind from juggling pending tasks
• Reduce stress and be happier
• Achieve more in life and reach your goals
• Find more free personal time

FruitfulTime TaskManager can be installed on

* Microsoft Windows 2000
* Microsoft Windows XP
* Microsoft Windows Vista

FruitfulTime TaskManager requires

* Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0

Download from: Free to do list software

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:44 pm
by ashghost
Not free - free 10-day trial.

Maybe move it to "portable payware discussion", (however, the website mentions nothing about portability and only offers an installer).

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:00 am
by FruitfulTime
Hi ashghost,

FruitfulTime TaskManager is free since a license key will be immediately sent to you for free.

1. Go to ... ftware.php

2. Choose to download FruitfulTime TaskManager Free Edition

3. Enter your name and email

4. An email will be sent you with a license key to activate FruitfulTime TaskManager Free Edition

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:14 pm
by lajjal
If you have to give someone personal information then it is not free since they sell those addresses and you get the spam.

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 1:46 am
by garbanzo
lajjal wrote:If you have to give someone personal information then it is not free since they sell those addresses and you get the spam.
so true. it's times like this that disposable email addresses come in handy :)

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 2:39 am
by FruitfulTime
lajjal wrote:If you have to give someone personal information then it is not free since they sell those addresses and you get the spam.
@lajjal: The statement you made is totally unfounded. On the email address a user provides we send the free license key. The email addresses are then stored to send our own product announcements and/or offers. We never did or ever will sell an email address to third parties. You should check your facts better before commenting. Sweeping statements do no good to anyone.

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:44 am
by garbanzo
FruitfulTime wrote:The email addresses are then stored to send our own product announcements and/or offers.
doesn't that make this adware instead of freeware? :P

if you want to share a program, then share it. don't use it as bait.

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 6:29 am
by FruitfulTime

Same recommendation given to lajjal before applies to you garbanzo. You should check your facts better before commenting.

This is what adware means

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 6:46 am
by Ennovy

Well, You just started this thread, hoping to sell the $hareware version of your software :wink:

Not for me, thanks !

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:43 am
by Queue
Regardless of any issues one might have with needing to supply an e-mail address, the software still runs on .NET so isn't eligible for the database (I realize this isn't the submission forum).

Please don't provoke eachother, there are differing views on what is acceptable in regards to restictions on free products. For example, some would only consider software to be free if it meant no stipulations on its acquisition or use; others only care about the cost of the software and are willing to cope with limitations to avoid spending money.

Let's just consider this as a sincere offering; if you're worried about misuse of your e-mail address, there are disposable e-mail address options out there.


Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 8:29 am
by lajjal
Of course the .net issue trumps everything. I am well aware of disposable addresses and reluctantly use them if I have to but the they are more trouble than a usual address. Like many, I guess, I have a spam address I can use. My point is that this company is going to the trouble of the key junk because they gain something. Perhaps it is indeed only their own spam that they pester you with but I have heard the "we would never sell your address" claim many times over the years. I have nothing against someone making a living but I detest sneaky and misleading sales tactics.