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Multiple Profiles for Firefox and Thunderbird Portable

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:21 pm
by JohnTHaller
Hi all,

We just posted utilities to allow the ability to use multiple profiles with Firefox Portable, Thunderbird Portable and Sunbird Portable over on I figured some folks here may be interested in it as well. It uses a small helper app (under 200k) that utilizes the main launchers for each app, letting you setup as many alternate profiles as you want. It's basically handy for people sharing sticks or for folks that do a lot of development and testing. The full details are over here: ... efox_et_al

I'm also posting a how-to on using multiple versions shortly, which may also be of interest.

Kind Regards,

Re: Multiple Profiles for Firefox and Thunderbird Portable

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:34 pm
by freakazoid
Can you use this without the menu launcher?

Re: Multiple Profiles for Firefox and Thunderbird Portable

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:48 pm
by JohnTHaller
freakazoid wrote:Can you use this without the menu launcher?
Yup. It can be used standalone, with the Platform or with pretty much anything else. Just be sure to install it 'next to' Firefox Portable. It's best to install both to X:\PortableApps\ so that upgrades are easier (that way the PA.c installer can automatically find it), but you can install it to any other directory, too. So, if you have Firefox Portable installed to X:\MyApps\FirefoxPortable, just install the 2nd profile launcher to X:\MyApps\FirefoxPortable2ndProfile. When you run FirefoxPortable2ndProfile.exe, it'll automatically find Firefox Portable and work with it.

Re: Multiple Profiles for Firefox and Thunderbird Portable

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 12:04 am
by freakazoid
Thanks John.

Could be useful! What if you rename your folder to simply "Firefox", for the second profile, do you rename it to simply "Firefox2ndProfile"? Or are the original filenames supposed to stay static?

Re: Multiple Profiles for Firefox and Thunderbird Portable

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:23 am
by JohnTHaller
freakazoid wrote:Thanks John.

Could be useful! What if you rename your folder to simply "Firefox", for the second profile, do you rename it to simply "Firefox2ndProfile"? Or are the original filenames supposed to stay static?
You're welcome.

No, Firefox2ndProfile is expecting to find FirefoxPortable, so you'll have to make sure that Firefox Portable is at %PARENTPATH%\FirefoxPortable\FirefoxPortable.exe. You can rename the 2nd profile bits to whatever you'd like (example: %PARENTPATH%\FirefoxPortableWork\FirefoxPortableWorkProfile.exe).