- Open Source - programs with source code available (Chromium Portable, XPY, OpenOffice)
- Free Software - a separate term applied to not just open source but a share-and-share-alike license. (FastCopy, Free Download Manager, VLC)
- Freeware - run and use freely, but you can't look under the hood (most programs on the site).
- Liteware – a “lighter” version of an existing commercial version, but still has lots of good functionality (XMind)
- Freemium – (free + premium) – free but lets you buy components (BlueGriffin)
- You can use it but with a big catch. Some feel minor elements are okay. For example: phones home (to check for updates or otherwise), sends a nag every 6 months, or some small ads for programs by the same developer.
- Adware - pays for itself through advertisements (uTorrent)
- Nagware - annoys you to encourage you to buy the nag-free version
- Spyware - pays for itself by selling user-data to companies
- Malware - a very broad category of programs that hurt your computer, with some more invasive spyware considered malware
- Donationware (limited) - you can pay whatever you want but you need to open your wallet
- Crippleware - basic program is severly restricted, especially the most obvious operation e.g. a download manager that limits downloads
- Demo: Time-limited - only works for a short time
- Demo: Intro - just the very edge of the program to show what it could do if you bought it. This is similar to crippleware but separate in that it's functionality is so low, it's closer to a video demonstration than software.
- Softpedia: Free licensing, Non-Free, How not to change a license model
- 25 License Types (a bit more business focus here)