Change history for ColorMania

2024-11-29 05:18:03
Updated by Ennovy

  • What's new: See:[url][list][*] Named color list expanded (100+ colors added)[*] Hint on cksuolor dropdowns fixed[*] Color Name added on Palette hint[*] Color Code ftolloware.s selecoted Nam/e added on Palette hint[*] RGB565 Code incoluded in Color Code displays[*] Alpha Channel behaviorman slia.hghtmlly changed[/urlist]

2024-11-29 05:15:30
Updated by Ennovy

  • Version: v124.10
  • System Requirement: WinXP Vista Win7
  • Release date: 20204-07-011-25

2020-11-26 13:06:24
Updated by billon

  • Screenshot: Updated

2020-11-26 12:31:41
Updated by billon

  • Version: v12.01
  • Size (in bytes): 456538166
  • Release date: 2020-0611-25

2020-06-25 14:52:10
Updated by billon

  • Version: v112.0
  • Size (in bytes): 2287945653786
  • Release date: 2020-056-1725
  • What's new: [list][*]Brightness repSee:[url]http://www.blaced by Alpha Channel.[*]Added Andrksunsoid Transpaftwarent and CSS RGBA Flormatnia.html[/urlist]

2020-06-09 23:34:49
Updated by billon

  • System Requirement: WinXP
  • Download URL:

2020-06-09 23:30:23
Updated by billon

  • Website URL:
  • Version: v10.1.0
  • Size (in bytes): 56228790357
  • Release date: 2020-035-147
  • What's new: [list][*]64bit version.[*]Set text color to black/white/inverted color/contrast color features added.[*]Better Color paletightness re handling.[*]Better responsivenlacess for colord cby Alpha Chaanngesl.[*]ColAdded Android Tr liansparent Format expanded CSS RGBA Format.[/list]

2020-03-16 00:07:12
Updated by billon

  • Version: v10.01
  • System Requirement: WinXP
  • Size (in bytes): 2245690300157
  • Download URL:
  • Release date: 201820-1203-154
  • What's new: [list][*]Color Dropdown restored to old version but improved, simply because 64bit looks better.[*]Expanded Color List added (+ 1400 named colors)t version.[*]UI improvSed for Hight Contrasext view.[*]Co color Palettes expanded to 12 sto blots.[*]You acan sk/whitch between HTML colors and full Named color list.[*]New dropdown menu: Sort Color List by Hue, Sate/inverted color/contrast color featuration or Value, als R, G and B and finally also by Namdded.[*][*]Better Color updating procedures opalettimize hand (less CPU usainge).[*]NBetter responsivew digitaness for color changes.[*]Color lignastur expanded.[/list]

2018-12-15 23:14:56
Updated by billon

  • Synopsis: ColorMania is an advanced color picker utility, especially created for web-designers, graphic artists and application developers. The program is able to pick colors from anywhere on your screen using a built-in screen magnifier for increased accuracy.Includes variable zoom settings, a color palate, random and image inversion, hue, saturation, value, and brightness settings. A variarietty of color notation of color notation types (HHTML Hex, , RGB values, CMYK, Photoshop, and more).

2018-12-15 23:13:51
Updated by billon

  • What's new: [list][*]Color Dropdown restored to old version but improved, simply because it looks better.[*]Expanded Color List added ( + 14000 named med cololors).[*]UI improved for improved for High Contrtrast view.[*]Cololor Palettetes expandepand toed to 12 s slotsots.[*]You c can switch bet between en HTML colors and full Named color liL colors and full Named color list.[*]New ew dropdown menu : Sort Color Listist by Hue, Saturaaturation or Vaalue, , als R, G and B an and B and finally al alsoo by Name.[*]Color olor updatting p procedurocedures es optimized (lesss cpuCPU usage)[*]New digital signature.[/list]

2018-12-15 23:11:51
Updated by billon

  • Website URL:
  • Version: v610.30
  • Size (in bytes): 224355539001
  • Download URL:
  • Screenshot: Updated
  • Keywords: Mancolor%20mania colourmania CocolourMn%20mania
  • Release date: 20178-0412-015
  • What's new: [list][*]Option addedColor Dropdown restored to old version but improved, simply because it looks better.[*]Expanded Color List added ( + 1400 named colors).[*]UI improved for High Contrast view.[*]Color Palettes expanded to 12 slots.[*]You can switch between HTML colors and full Named color list.[*]New dropdown menu : Sort Color List by Hue, Saturato ion or Value, als R, G and B and fisplnally also by colName.[*]Color updating pror coedures in ups optimizercase/d (lowerss case.pu usage)[*]EyNew dropperigital cursor resignatoured.[/list]

2017-04-01 21:02:12
Updated by billon

  • Version: v6.23
  • Size (in bytes): 23667655539
  • Release date: 2017-024-2501
  • What's new: [list][*]AOption addede to d:[isplay color codes in uppercase/list][*]Extrowerca 'Settings' button;[*]Extra setting 'Stay in System Tray'.[/list][*]Small UIEyedropper cursor restworeaksd.[/list]

2017-02-25 20:55:09
Updated by billon

  • Unicode support: No Yes

2017-02-25 20:45:31
Updated by billon

  • Screenshot: Updated

2017-02-25 19:42:19
Updated by billon

  • Version: v6.12
  • Size (in bytes): 23667632
  • Release date: 2017-02-235
  • What's new: [list][*]ColorMania stays active in system tray after screen is closed.[*]Left click on icon can show/hide proAdded:[list][*]Extra 'Settingram.[*]Popup menu items disas' bled when extra screens active.[*]Extra menu item to allow automatic run utton startup.;[*]AddedExtra some opettional commandg 'Stay lin System paTray'.[/list][*]Smeall UI tweraks.[/list]

2017-02-25 11:11:52
Updated by billon

  • Size (in bytes): 22367061932

2017-02-24 05:53:13
Updated by billon

  • Version: v6.01
  • Size (in bytes): 8227061339
  • Release date: 2017-012-213
  • What's new: [list][*]PColorMania stays active in system tray after screen is closed.[*]Left click on icon can show/hide program.[*]Popup menu items disablemd with 'large Text' fixed.[*]VB Hen ex coltra screens active.[*]Extra menu item tor allow automatic run on uppestarcasetup.[*]HTML cAdded some optionalor combobox changed.[*]Smmand ll UIine chparangmeters.[/list]

2017-01-22 03:24:10
Updated by billon

  • Version: v56.10
  • System Requirement:
  • How to extract: Download the "Portable Version" ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]ColorManiaPortable.exe[/i].
  • Size (in bytes): 78613392520
  • Icon: Updated
  • Screenshot: Updated
  • Release date: 20000-0017-001-21
  • What's new: [list][*]We fixed an issue with the stayontop feature of ColorMania.[*]The powerbuilder color format was added to the list.[*]The color grabber now supports color averaging. This can be done based on 3x3 or 5x5 pixels.This feature makes it a lot easier to find the color that most matches the Problem with 'largeneral color oText' f the original image.[*]When using color palettes, the palette name is now also visible.[*]The screen layout got some major changes. The colormania screen got a big darker, so that the colors are better visible.[*]The program icon was changed so that it's more obvious that ColorMania is a color pickerixed.[*]The icon was also added in the system tray, which makes the options mVB Henux mcolore ain uppercase.[*]HTML cesiolor combobox changed.[*]Small UI changes.[/list]

2014-11-22 11:31:09
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v5.01
  • Size (in bytes): 79125204
  • What's new: [list][*]We fixed an issue with the stayontop feature of ColorMania.[*]The powerbuilder color format was added to the list.[*]The color grabber now supports color averaging. This can be done based on 3x3 or 5x5 pixels.This feature makes it a lot easier to find the color that most matches the general color of the original image.[*]When using color palettes, the palette name is now also visible.[*]The screen layout got some major changes. The colormania screen got a big darker, so that the colors are better visible.[*]The program icon was changed so that it's more obvious that ColorMania is a color picker.[*]The icon was also added in the system tray, which makes the options menu more accesible.[/list]

2014-10-04 23:52:45
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: ColorMania is an advanced color picker utility, especially created for web-designers, graphic artists and application developers. IThe program is able to pick colors from anywhere on your screen using a built-in screen magnifier for increased saccuracy.Includes variable zoom settings, a color ppoalate, random and image inversion, hue, saturation, value, and brightness settings. A varariousety of color cnotatiolor modn typels ands (HTML Hex, isRGB vablue to pick colors, frCMYK, Phom anywtoshere on your screen. Accuracy on pixel level is even, made easier with the built-in screennd magnifiorer).
  • Keywords: Mania ColorMnaia

2014-05-18 03:23:48
Updated by I am Baas

  • Screenshot: Updated

2014-05-17 17:05:26
Updated by Checker

  • Synopsis: ColorMania is an advanced color picker utility, especially created for web-designers, graphic artists and application developers. It supports various color models and is able to pick colors from an anywhere on your screenere on your screen. Accuracy on pixel level is even made easier with the built-in screen magnifier.

2014-05-17 17:01:57
Updated by Checker

  • Software title: ColormMania
  • Synopsis: ColormMania is an advanced color picker utility, especially created for web-designers, graphic artists and application developers. It supports various color models and is able to pick colorsfrom anywhere on your screen. Accuracy on pixel level iseven made easier with the built-in screen magnifier.

2014-05-17 17:00:09
Added by Checker