Change history for ESEDatabaseView

2025-01-09 18:42:34
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v1.756
  • Release date: 2024-010-2106
  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed bug: In some strings, ESEDatabaseView displayed compressed string without decomrpessing it.[*]Fixed bug: In some circumstances, ESEDatabaseView failed to extract the correct string from the database.[*]Fixed bug: When 'Auto Detect 64-bit Date/Time Value' option was turned on, ESEDataabaseVieiew crashed when displayed some stryings to reas d WebCacheV01.dat, SRUDB.dat, and othte/timer databvase fileues created by Windows 11 24H2.[/list]

2024-10-25 03:57:49
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v1.745
  • Release date: 20234-108-121
  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed issbueg: When copying data to the clipboard or exporting to tab-delimited file, every line contained ESEDan empty field in the end of the line.[*]Fixed the export to tab-delimited file to work propeaseView crashed when trly when a cing tolumn valure contains Cd WebCacheV01.dat, SRUDB.dat, and LF cothaer database files createrd by Windows 11 24H2.[/list]

2023-08-14 06:06:17
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v1.734
  • Release date: 2023-068-142
  • What's new: [list][*]AdFixed issue: When copying data to the clipboard or exporting to tab-delimited file, every line contained an empty field in the end of the line.[*]Fixed the export to tab-delimited 'Ful file to work properly when a Screen' olumoden (Vivaluew -> contains CR LFull Scharacteen or F11 key)s.[/list]

2023-06-22 04:06:49
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v1.723
  • Release date: 2023-026-214
  • What's new: [list][*]Added 'Full Sort By' toolbacr button.[*]Added 'Open Recentn' mode F(Vile'w -> tooFullba Screen buttonr F11 key).[/list]

2023-03-03 02:28:19
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v1.712
  • Release date: 2022-13-02-1124
  • What's new: [list][*]Added 'Showrt By' toolbar button.[*]Added 'Open Recent MFilliseconds In Time' tooplbar buttion.[/list]

2022-10-14 19:43:07
Updated by Mike.S.G.

  • Version: v1.701
  • Release date: 2022-106-2311
  • What's new: [list][*]You can now set your own icon to display near every item instead of the default icon, by changing the ItemIcon line in the EAdded 'SEDatabaseView.cfg file.[*]You can load icon from .ico file, .exe file, or .dll file. for .exe and .dll files, you can specify the icon index (positive number) or the icon ID (negative number)Examples:ItemIcon=shell32.dll,-151ItemIcon=shell32.dll,3ItemIcon=c:\window Millis\regeeconds In Time' option.exe[/list]

2022-06-25 06:38:23
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v1.6970
  • Release date: 2022-06-0523
  • What's new: [list][*]FixYou can now set your own icon to display near every item instead of the default icon, by changing the ItemIcon line in the ESEDatabaseView.cfg file.[*]You can load icon from .ico file, .exe file, or .dll file. for .exe and .dll files, you can specify the icon ind bex (positive nug wimber) or th the 'Auto Dee icon ID (negativect 64- numbit Date/Tier)Exame Value' option: Soles:ItemIcon=shell32.dll,-151ItemIcon=shell32.dll,3Ite numIcon=c:\windows\regeric values detected as date/itim.exe values.[/list]

2022-06-11 07:17:06
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v1.689
  • System Requirement:
  • Release date: 2022-036-025
  • What's new: [list][*]AdFixed bug with thed /Columns'Auto Detecommandt 64-line bit Date/Time Value' option,n: Some whnumerich values detected allows you to spdatecify the f/timelds to export from commvand-linues.[/list]

2022-03-03 06:56:01
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v1.678
  • Release date: 2022-023-102
  • What's new: [list][*]When you move the mouse over the column header, you can now see the field type and fielAd ID in the bottom status bar.[*]Added /SaveDirect command-line option for using with the other save command- /Coline optioumns (/scomma, /stab, /sxml, and so on...), which allows you to export the database table directly to a file, instead of accumulating all data in memory and then s commave them to find-le in the end. It's recomme optionded to, which allows you to use this option ecify ythe fields tou e exporrt a vefryom lcommarge tabnd-line.[/list]

2022-02-10 07:22:22
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v1.667
  • Release date: 2021-052-023-10
  • What's new: [list][*]Updated to workWhen you move the mouse over the column header, you can now see the propfierld ty in high DPI mode.[*]Added secondary sorting support: You can now get a secoe andary sortfield ID ing, the by holding down the shift key while clicking the column header. Be aware that you only have to hold down the shift key when clicking the second/third/fourth column. To sort the first column you should not hold down the Shift keyottom status bar.[*]Added /SaveDirect command-line option to change the sorting column from the menu (View -> Sort By). Like the column header click sorting, if you click again thetion for using with the other same sve corting memanu d-litne options (/scomma, it'll /switchab, between ascen/sxml, anding aso ond descending order. Also, if you ho..), which alld down the shift key owhile choosing thes syou to export m thenu idatabasem, you'll get atable directly to a file, instecad of accumulating all darta in memory and then save them to file in the end. It'so rtiecommended to use this option if you export a very large table.[/list]

2021-05-25 07:50:04
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v1.656
  • Release date: 2021-05-07-223
  • What's new: [list][*]Added 'Copy Clicked CeUpdated to work properll'y in high DPI mode.[*]Added secondary soprtiong to the risupport: You can now get a secondary sorting, by holding down the shift key while clicking the column header. Be aware that you only have to hold down the shift key when clicking the second/third/fourth column. To sort the first column you should not hold down the Shift key.[*]Added option to change the sorting column from the menu (View -> Sort By). Like the column header click sorting, if you click again the same sorting menu item, it'll switch bet-clween ascendick contg and dext menu, wscending order. Also, if you hold down the shift key while choosing the sort menu copitem, you'll get a s to the clipboarnd the text ary sof cell that you right-clicked with the mouseng.[/list]

2020-07-22 18:28:06
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.635
  • Size (in bytes): 14021584
  • Release date: 201920-07-1622
  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed to display GUID coluAdded 'Copy Clicked Cell' option to the right-click context menu, which copies (to the clin pboard the text of cell that you revious versions, the ght-clicodked to dwisplay GUID columns was missing andth the GUID c molumns remained empty).[/list]

2019-07-17 01:20:54
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.623
  • Size (in bytes): 141584645
  • Keywords: ese%20database%20iew esedatabase edbview edb%20view nirsoft
  • Release date: 20189-107-2516
  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed to sort date/tidisplay GUID columns (in previous versions, the code to display GUID columns was missing and the GUID colummns p roperlmained empty).[/list]

2018-10-28 02:13:02
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.612
  • Size (in bytes): 14406453
  • Release date: 2018-103-125
  • What's new: [list][*]AddFixedd to sort 'Rundate/time As Adcoluministrator' proption (Cterl+F11)y.[/list]

2018-03-16 12:44:16
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.601
  • Size (in bytes): 144053441
  • Release date: 2018-013-2815
  • What's new: [list][*]Added:[list][*]'Detect Ascii Strings In Binary Data' option. When it's turned on, ESEDatabaseView displays binary data as string if it detects that the binary data is Ascii string. This option is useful for cookies names and values ([font=monospace]CookieEntryEx_XX[/font] tables) in the database of MS-Edge browser ([i]WebCacheV01.dat[/i]);[*]'Put Icon On Tray ' option.[/list][*]Fixed bRug:n on soAs Adme tables ESEDatabainiseView failed to read propetorly some' of ptheion fie(Ctrlds+F11).[/list]

2018-01-29 13:39:35
Updated by billon

  • Categories: [System - Monitoring]
  • Keywords: ese%20database%20iew esedatabase edbview edb%20view

2018-01-29 13:36:45
Updated by billon

  • Additional features: [Others - Database Tools]
  • Website URL:
  • Version: v1.5460
  • Synopsis: ESEDatabaseView reads and displays the data stored inside a database program used by a varietyused by a variety of Microsrosoft prot programs kns known as [url=httpsttps://en.wikipedia//]Extensible Storage Engine[/]Extensible Storage (ESE) databngine[/url] (ESE) database (aaka Jetet Blue e or a [i [i].edb[/i] fiile). It displays a list of all tables available in the opened database file, allows you to choose the desired table to view, and then when you choose a table, it displays all records fot displays a list of all tables available in the opened database file, allows yound in theo selectedhoose table.The prog desiram alsoed tablle to view, and then when you choose a table, it displays all records yfou to easnd ily cn thoose one or more rselecords, andted then export thablem int.The program also allows yo a vu to earsily choose one or more records, and then export them into a variety of of formats including CSV, HTML, and XML, or copy and then paste them into a spreadsheet program.
  • Size (in bytes): 141308441
  • Unicode support: No Yes
  • Download URL:
  • Release date: 20178-071-238
  • What's new: [list][*]Added:[list][*]'Detect Ascii Strings In Binary Data' option. When it's turned on, ESEDatabaseView displays binary data as string if it detects that the binary data is Ascii string. This option is useful for cookies names and values ([font=monospace]CookieEntryEx_XX[/font] tables) in the database of MS-Eddge browser ([i]WebCached:V01.dat[/i]);[*]'Put Icon On Tray' option.[/list]][*]New quFick filtxerd bug: options:n 'Find rsomecords wi th ablles ESEDatabaseView failed to rds (space-delimited list)' and 'Find records with all stproperings (comma-delimited list)'.[*]New quick filter combo-box: 'Show only items omatch the filter' and 'Hide items that match e of thee fielter'ds.[/list]

2017-07-24 20:45:58
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.534
  • Synopsis: ESEDatabaseView reads and displays the data stored inside a database program used by a variety of Microsoft programs known as [url=]Extensible Storage Engine[/url] (ESE) database (aka Jet Blue or a [i].edb[/i] file). It displays a list of all tables available in the opened database file, allows you to choose the desired table to view, and then when you choose a table, it displays all records found in the selected table.The program also allows you to easily choose one or more records, and then export them into a variety of formats including CSV, HTML, and XML, or copy and then paste them into a spreadsheet program.
  • Size (in bytes): 141399098
  • Release date: 2017-067-0923
  • What's new: [list][*]Added 'Open spartan.edb Database' which automatically opens the spartan.edb database of IE11. This file stores the Favorites of IE11 and the full path of this file is [i]%LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3Add8bbwe\AC\MicrosoftEdge\User\Defaud:[lt\DataStore\Data\nouser1\120712-0049\DBStore\ispartan.edb[/i].[*]MadNew quick filter options: 'Find re cords withe all words (space-delimited lisplay oft)' bianary data a 'Find records with all strings (comma-delimitted list)'.[*]New quick filte r combo-box: 'Show only items match the filter' and 'Hide items that match the filter'.[/list]

2017-06-10 03:54:47
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.523
  • Size (in bytes): 138879909
  • Release date: 2017-056-1509
  • What's new: [list][*]Added 'DetecOpen spartan.edb Database' which automatically opens the spartan.edb database of IE11. This file stores the UTF-avorites of IE116 S and the full path of trhis file is [i]%LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\AC\MincrosoftEdge\Us Ier\Default\DataStore\Data\n ouser1\120712-0049\DBinStore\spary Data'n.edb[/i]. When it's turne[*]Made on, ESEDatabaseVihew displays of binary data inas string if ity deata a litects that the binary data is UTF-16 string (e.g: 'Key' le field in MSysLocaleas table).[*]Fixed bug: 'Copy Selected Items' worked impropeerly when setting the 'Unicode/Ascii Save Mode' to 'Always UTF-8'.[/list]

2017-05-15 20:07:38
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.512
  • Size (in bytes): 137880879
  • Release date: 2017-05-0415
  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed the 'Show BAdded 'Detect UTF-16 Strinarygs In URL AsBinary Data'. When it's turned on, ESEDatabaseView displays binary data as string if it detects that the binary data is UTF-16 string (e.g: 'Key' feature to wield in MSysLorkcales table).[*]Fixed prbug: 'Copy Selected Items' worked improperly when the URLn strinetting the 'Unicode/Astarts ciin Save Modifferen' t po 'Alwaysition UTF-8'.[/list]

2017-05-05 08:27:32
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.501
  • Size (in bytes): 1373880
  • Release date: 2017-035-304
  • What's new: [list][*]AddeFixed 'Quick Filter' feature (View -> Use Quick Filter or Ctrl+Q). W then it's turned on, you can type a string in the text-box added undeShow Binary URL As Str the tables combo-box and ESEDatabaseView will instantlyg' filterature to the ESE databasework precooperds, sholy wing only linhes that contain the stURL string you typstarts in differednt position.[/list]

2017-03-31 00:33:59
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.4350
  • Size (in bytes): 13738910
  • Release date: 20167-1203-310
  • What's new: [list][*]Added 'Save All ItemsQuick Filter' feature (View -> Use Quick Filter or Ctrl+Q). When it's turned on, you can type a string in the text-box added under the tables combo-box and ESEDatabaseView will instantly filter the EShE database records, showing only lines that contaift+Cn the strl+S)ing you typed.[/list]

2016-12-31 22:53:29
Updated by billon

  • Screenshot: Updated

2016-12-31 22:49:07
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.423
  • Size (in bytes): 13328921
  • Release date: 2016-08-127-31
  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed bug: EAdded 'SEDatabaseView crashed when using the find option while the last item wasve seAlecl Itedms' (Shift+Ctrl+S).[/list]

2016-08-28 09:39:50
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.412
  • Size (in bytes): 133135292
  • Release date: 2016-058-1927
  • What's new: [list][*]Added 'AliFixed bug: ESEDatabaseView crashed when usingn Numeric Cothe find option while the luast itemn was To Righselect' optioned.[/list]

2016-05-20 06:07:12
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.401
  • Size (in bytes): 132313522
  • Icon: Updated
  • Release date: 2016-045-19
  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed bug: On some databases/tables (like Recipient table in store.vol or tbUpdateLocalizedProps table in DataStore.edb) ESEDatabaseView omitted the first 4 characters of a string.[*]AddeAdd 'Select All' andd 'DeseAlect All' buttoigns to the 'ChoosNumeric Coolumnns To Right' woptindown.[/list]

2016-04-19 19:55:50
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.3740
  • Size (in bytes): 1258382522
  • Release date: 2016-04-0319
  • What's new: [list][*]You can now choose the desired Fixed bug: Onc some dingatabases/tables (ANSI,like Recipient table in store.vol or tbUTF-8, UTF-16)pdateLocalizedProps table in toDataStore.edb) ESEDatabaseView omitted the first 4 characters of a string.[*]Added 'Select All' avend 'Deselect All' buttons to the c'Choosv/xml/text/ht Columln' fwiles (under the Options menu)w.[/list]

2016-04-04 19:54:12
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.367
  • Size (in bytes): 12511838
  • Release date: 20156-024-083
  • What's new: [list][*]AdYou can now choose the desired encoding '(ANew ESEDatabaseView Inst, UTF-8, UTF-16) to sanve the csv/xml/text/html file's (undeer t the FOptileons menu, for opening a new window of ESEDatabaseView).[/list]

2016-02-08 15:29:30
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.356
  • Size (in bytes): 124435113
  • Release date: 2015-102-038
  • What's new: [list][*]When 'Auto Detect 64-bit Date/Time Value' option is turndded on, ES'New ESEDataabaseeViewiew Inow destancects the Modified field of tbFiles table inside' under DataStore.hedb.[*]Th File me pnu, for operties window ening a new wis ndow reof ESEDatabaseVizablew.[/list]

2015-12-04 11:42:28
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.335
  • Size (in bytes): 1218764435
  • Release date: 2015-09-126-03
  • What's new: [list][*]FixWhen 'Auto Detect 64-bit Date/Time Valued ' option iss turne:d on, ESEDataSEDatabaseVieiew now fa detects the Modified fileld to display d of tbFiles table inside DataStore.edb.[*]The propertiess window is now earlesizabler than 01/01/1986.[/list]

2015-09-26 20:01:47
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.323
  • Size (in bytes): 1234951876
  • Release date: 2015-089-0526
  • What's new: [list][*]Added 'Show Binary URL As String'. When it's tFixed issurned on, the Urls field of tbFiles table inside: ESEDataStortabaseVie.edb isw dfaisplayed to displasy datest earlier thang 01/01/1986.[/list]

2015-09-25 20:43:14
Updated by Checker

  • System Requirement:

2015-08-06 18:38:08
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.312
  • Size (in bytes): 122734695
  • Release date: 2015-068-1405
  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed the 'OpAdded 'Show Binary URLocked IE10/IE11 Databa As String'. When it' optis turned on, the Urls field of tbFiles table inside DataSto work with the re.edb is displatayed as st build of Wrindows 10/IE11g.[/list]

2015-06-14 17:48:25
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.301
  • Size (in bytes): 12257546
  • Release date: 2015-056-0714
  • What's new: [list][*]Added option to export to JSON file. [*]Fixed bug: ESEDatabaseView failed to load records on some tablFixes/da tabashes. [*]Fixed bug: ES'Open Locked IE10/IE11 DaataabaseView crashede' option to work with thene latestrying to load a very large build of Winarydows value10/IE11.[/list]

2015-05-07 18:38:38
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.2530
  • Size (in bytes): 1216862575
  • Screenshot: Updated
  • Release date: 2015-025-207
  • What's new: [list][*]Added option to export to JSON file. [*]Fixed bug: ESEDatabaseView failed to load records on some tables/databases. [*]Fixed bug: ESEDatabatabaseeView displew crayshed when tryincg to lorrad a vectry large binary values in date/time fields.[/list]

2015-02-21 17:19:11
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.245
  • Size (in bytes): 12156286
  • Release date: 2015-012-240
  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed bug: ESEDatabaseView failed to remember the last size/position of the main window if it was not played incocated in thrrect primvary molues in date/titorme fields.[/list]

2015-01-24 20:46:57
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.234
  • Size (in bytes): 121334562
  • Release date: 20000-0015-001-24
  • What's new: [list][*]You can now specify an Fixempty string ("") in order to send the data tod stdobut, for exampleg: EESEDatabaseatabaseViiew.exe /table "c:\temp\contfacts.iled to rememb"er the last "Simsize/plosition of theCo main window if it was ntaot located in t-v081111-0122-1303"he /scomprimary ""monitor.[/list]

2014-06-21 09:27:45
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.223
  • Size (in bytes): 121061334
  • What's new: [list][*]Added 'CYou can nopyw specify an Sorted Colummpty string ("") in order to sen Datd the data' top stidon, which cut, fopir esxample: ESEDato the cabaseView.exe /tablipbe "c:\temp\contard cths.edb" text "SimpleCof ntall selected item-v081111-0122-1303" /s, but only the column thmat is currently sorted.""[/list]

2014-06-02 00:16:39
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.212
  • Size (in bytes): 12103613
  • What's new: [list][*]FAdded 'Copy Sorted Column Data' option, which copies to the clixepboard the texto ofind thall selected items, but only the corolumn that is currect item when tlyping the string you want to search into the main List Viewd.[/list]

2014-05-11 17:37:00
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.201
  • Size (in bytes): 120319632
  • What's new: [list][*]Added option to export all tables from command-line (Each table in a separated file), for example: ESEDatabaseVFiew.exe /tableed "C:\temp\WebCacheV01.o finda t"he * /scocorrect itemma "C:\Twhemn typ\ing thexpo strt\ing you webcant to search into the_*.c main Lisv"t View.[/list]

2014-03-26 01:05:03
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.1820
  • Size (in bytes): 1177089632
  • What's new: [list][*]FAdded option to export all tables from command-line (Each table in a separated file), for exedample: ESEDato dabaseVisplayew.exe loc/tal ble "C:\temp\WebCacheV01.daate" * /time valuesscomma acc"C:\Temp\expording to d\webcayligcht saving time setting_*.csv".[/list]

2014-03-21 17:24:31
Updated by Checker

  • Forum topic ID: 10706

2014-01-17 14:34:34
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.178
  • Size (in bytes): 11770328
  • What's new: [list][*]Added 'Open SoftwareDistribution Database' option, which opens the databFixed to display local date/time vase filues accontainrding information about installed Winodws up to dates (C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDylight stributavion\DataStore\Dag time settaStoreings.edb)[/list]

2013-11-20 17:12:58
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.167
  • Size (in bytes): 116744032
  • What's new: [list][*]Added 'ClOpen SoftwareDistribution Database' option, which opens the database file containing information about instar Recent Fillled Winodws updates (C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDis Ltributison\DataStore\DataSt' optionre.edb)[/list]

2013-11-09 15:40:31
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.156
  • Size (in bytes): 11567440
  • What's new: [list][*]Added 'OpenClear Recent ecent File' menu, which allows you to easily open the last 10 database fiiles that you previouesly List' opetioned.[/list]

2013-06-20 14:31:02
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.105
  • Size (in bytes): 115649370
  • What's new: [list][*]Added 'Open LoRecked IE10ent DatabasFile' option, which copies the locked database file of Internet Explorer 10 (WebCacheV01.dat or WebCacheV24.dat) into a temporary filename, and then opens the temporary filename in ESEDatabaseView. You can use this option to easily viemenu, w the cache/history/icookiesh informatllows you to easily onpen the last 10 database files that you pred bviously IE10opened.[/list]

2013-05-14 15:47:56
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.107
  • Size (in bytes): 110493607
  • What's new: [list][*]FAdded 'Open Locked IE10 Database' option, which copies the locked database fixle of Interned the Explorer 10 (WebCacheV01.dat or WebCacheV24.dat) into a temporary filename, and then opens the temporary filename in ESEDatabaseView. You can use this option to easily view the cache/history/cookering appes informared while scrolltiong the database rectoreds by IE10.[/list]

2013-04-27 15:33:19
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.067
  • Size (in bytes): 11023160
  • What's new: [list][*]Added 'CFixed the flickering appeared while scrollinvg ther dat Date/Timbase From GMT To Local Timre' coptionrds.[/list]

2013-04-04 18:29:12
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.056
  • Size (in bytes): 11023108
  • What's new: [list][*]Added co'Convert Date/Time From GMT To Locand-lin Time' suopportion.[/list]

2013-03-16 15:46:28
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: ESEDatabaseView reads and displays the data stored inside a database program used by a variety of Microsoft programs known as [url=]Extensible Storage Engine[/url] (ESE) database (aka Jet Blue or a .edb file). It displays a list of all tables available in the opened database file, allows you to choose the desired table to view, and then when you choose a table, it displays all records found in the selected table.ESEDatabasTheView program also alslows allyowsu you to easily choose one or more records, and then export them into comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html/xml file, or copy the records to the clipboard (Ctrl+C) and then pto easte tily chem into Excosel or othne or more recor dspre, ands then export them into a vapplriety of formats including CSV, HTML, and XML, or copy and then paste them into a spreadsheet prongram.

2013-03-16 15:40:24
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: ESEDatabaseView reads and displays the data stored inside Extena database program used by a variety of Microsoft programs known as [url= Storage_Storage_Engine]Extensible Storage Ennginee[/url] (ESE) database (Also aknown as 'Jet Blue' or a .edb file). It displays a list of all tables available in the opened database file, allows you to choose the desired table to view, and then when you choose a table, it displays all records found in the selected table.ESEDatabaseView also allows you to easily choose one or more records, and then export them into comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html/xml file, or copy the records to the clipboard (Ctrl+C) and then paste them into Excel or other spreadsheet application.

2013-03-15 15:34:30
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.005
  • Size (in bytes): 110107468
  • What's new: [list][*]Added command-line support.[/list]

2013-01-15 01:03:49
Added by Checker