Change history for Batch Icon Extractor

2014-08-04 00:54:02
Updated by Checker

  • How to extract: Download the EXE to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]BatcatchIconExxtractor.exe[/i] to a folder of your choice.

2013-11-24 20:16:20
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: Batch Icon Extractor (Bis atchIconExtractor.exe) is a ssmalall, easy to use and free tooltool for batch extraction of icons.[list][*]Drag and drop a file or a folder on the application icon.[*]All icons from the file or from all files under the given folder are saved to a new folder called "icons". This folder is created itraction of icon the same, folder, where the application resides.[*]Appliincation may also be ruding from a command window with a file path as a parameter.[*]Wiindowss Vista compressed iconns. Icons from the file or from all files under the given folder are saved to a new folder called "icons" under the same dire sctory as the folder/app. Also suppoports drag and drop a file or folder to the application icon.Command.[/lis-line t]ools also available.
  • Forum topic ID: 16700

2013-05-07 15:19:22
Updated by Checker

  • How to extract: Download [url=]BaatchIconExtxtractor.exe[/urli] to a folder of your choice.

2013-05-07 15:18:37
Updated by Checker

  • System Requirement:
  • Synopsis:
  • How to extract: Download [url=]BatchIconExtractor.exe[/url] anto a folder place it on yourf your chomputicer.

2013-02-12 00:52:41
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Synopsis: Batch Icon Extractor (BatchIconExtractor.exe) is a small, easy to use and free tool for batch extraction of icons. [list][*]Drag arag andd drop a file or a foldrer opn the a fpplication icon.[*]All icons from the file or r from all foiles under on the applicationgiven folder are saved to a new folder called "icons". This folder is created icon. Althe same folder, where the iapplications from the fsilde or from as.[*]Appll fication may ales o be run from a command winder the givenow with a foilder aree path saveds toa para nemeter.[*]Windows folder called "icons". This folder is created in the saVista compre folder, whersse the application resides. Application may also be run from a command window with a file path as a parameter. Windows Vista compressedd icons are suppported.[/list]
  • How to extract: Download B[url=]BatchIconExxtractor.eexe[/url] and place it on your computer.

2012-05-11 14:56:00
Added by Shadeclan