Change history for UltraSearch Free

2025-02-03 01:03:53
Updated by Ennovy

  • Version: v4.6.1
  • Release date: 20245-101-2031

2024-11-20 08:42:57
Updated by Ennovy

  • Version: v4.1.26
  • Release date: 2024-0211-220

2024-03-08 08:36:54
Updated by Stephen Leibowitz

  • Version: v4.1.2
  • Synopsis: UltraSearch Free is a fast and feature-rich search tool, building a searchable listing of drive content in seconds. File name searches narrow as they are typed and support wildcards such as "[i]*.txt[/i]". Additional information like file size and last change date are present, along with access to Explorer's own context menu.The program also includes a slower, non-indexing file content search that will look inside files, including a variety of Office (DOCX, PDF, PST, ODT) and compressed files (ZIP, 7Z, RAR). It is recommended that you provide a small set of files to check e.g. [i]ext:DOCX content:portable[/i] to look for the word "portable" in MS Word files.Other search options include AND / OR operations, regular expressions, a custom exclude filter for path, files, parent folders, etc., and results can be exported to text and CSV. Commercial version available with [url=]more features[/url].[url=
  • Release date: 20234-062-22

2023-06-25 05:05:14
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v3.4
  • Release date: 2022-113-076-22

2022-11-15 03:55:07
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v3.34
  • Release date: 2022-04-121-07

2022-04-12 07:09:51
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v3.2.03
  • System Requirement:
  • Release date: 20212-04-12-08
  • What's new: See: [url][/url]

2021-12-10 21:58:19
Updated by webfork

  • Version: v3.12.0
  • System Requirement: Win7
  • Synopsis: UltraSearch Free is a fast and feature-rich search tool, building a searchable listing of drive content in seconds. File name searches narrow as they are typed and support wildcards such as "[i]*.txt[/i]". Additional information like file size and last change date are present, along with access to Explorer's own context menu.The program also includes a slower, non-indexing file content search that will look inside files, including a variety of Office (DOCX, PDF, PST, ODT) and compressed files (ZIP, 7Z, RAR). It is recommended that you provide a small set of files to check e.g. [i]ext:DOCX content:portable[/i] to look for the word "portable" in MS Word files.Other search options include AND / OR operations, regular expressions, a custom exclude filter for path, files, parent folders, etc., and results can be exported to text and CSV. Commercial version available with [url=]more features[/url].
  • Size (in bytes): 380025768832433
  • Dependencies: Administrator rights (or launch with /NOADMIN argument)
  • Similar/alternative apps: [url=]Everything[/url]
  • Release date: 2021-0912-018

2021-09-03 09:17:19
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v3.112
  • Release date: 2021-059-2701
  • What's new: See: [url][/url]

2021-05-28 06:31:27
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v3.11
  • Release date: 2021-045-1327

2021-04-18 01:17:09
Updated by Ennovy

  • Version: v3.0.1
  • Release date: 2021-04-11-113
  • What's new: See: [url][/url]

2020-11-13 01:31:14
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: UltraSearch Free is a feature-rich search tool that searches thousands of files almost instantly. File name searches narrow as they arast and feature-rich search tool, building a searchable listing of drive content in seconds. File name searches narrow as they are typed, as well d asnd wisupporth wildcards such as "[i]*.txt[/i]". Additional information li.txt[/i]". Additional information likee fiile size and last chae and last change date areate are present, as welalong with as acccess s too Explorer's own context menu.The xprogram also includes non-indexing, slowrer's file cowntent search isontext availablme tnu.The program atlso winclludes a slookwer, inson-indexing file content search that will look inside files, including a variety of Office (DOCX, PDF, PST, ODT) and compressed files (ZIP, 7Z, RAR). It is recommended that you provide a smallset set of files to check e.g. [i]ext:DOCX content:portable[/i] to look for the word "portable" in MS Word files.Other search options include AND / OR operations operations, regular expressions, aular expressions, a custom exclclude filter fde filter for path, filles, parent folders, etc., and results can be exported to text and CSV.

2020-11-11 17:00:07
Updated by billon

  • Version: v3.0.1
  • Release date: 2020-0911-2811

2020-10-21 12:48:28
Updated by billon

  • Synopsis: UltraSearch Free is a feature-rich search tool that searches thousands of files almost instantly. File name searches narrow as they are typed, as well as with wildcards such as "[i]*.txt[/i]". Additional information like file size and last change date are present, as well as access to Explorer's own context menu.The program also includes non-indexing, slower file content search is available that will look inside files, including a variety of Office (DOCX, PDF, PST, ODT) and compressed files (ZIP, 7Z, RAR). It is recommended that you provide a smallset set of files to check e.g. [i]ext:DOCX content:portable[/i] to look for the word "portable" in MS Word files.Other search options include AND / OR operations, regular expressions, a custom exclude filter for path, files, parent folders, etc. and results can be exported to text and CSV. A "pro" version of the software is available with [url=]additional features[/url].NOTE: The latest ...
  • Download URL:

2020-10-18 00:24:17
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: UltraSearch Free is a feature-rich search tool that searches thousands of files almost instantly. File name searches narrow as they are typed, as well as with wildcards such as "[i]*.txt[/i]". Additional information like file size and last change date are present, as well as access to Explorer's own context menu.The program also includes non-indexing, slower file content search is available that will look inside files, including a variety of Office (DOCX, PDF, PST, ODT) and compressed files (ZIP, 7Z, RAR). It is recommended that you provide a smallset set of files to check e.g. [i]ext:DOCX content:portable[/i] to look for the word "portable" in MS Word files.Other search options include AND / OR operations, and resgults can be expoar exprted to text and CSV. Suppssiortns, a custom regular expressions, AND/OR operations, and a custom excludxclude filter r for path, fi files, parent folders, etc. and resulets, pcan be exported to text arent folders, etc. CSV. A "pro "pro" versiversion on of f the e software e is aavailable with with [url=]additditionalal feaeatures[/[/url].NOTE: The latest ...

2020-10-18 00:14:34
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: UltraSearch Free is a feature-rich search tool that searches thousands of files almost instantly. File e name searches nae searches narrow a as they arey are typeed, as well as with will as with wildcards such as "[i]*.exe[/i]". Additional inf.txt[/i]". Additional informatiion like e fiile e size and e and last change date are present, as well as ell as access to Explorer's own context menu. An included (much slower) file content search is available that will look at the contents of files, including a variety of Office (DOCX, PDs own context menu.The program also includes non-indexing, slower file content search is available that will look inside files, including a variety of Office (DOCX, PDF, PST, ODT) and compressed, ODT) and compressed files (ZIP, 7Z, RAR.). It is recommended that you provide a smallset set of files to check e.g. [i]ext:DOtCX content:portable[/i] to look for thee word "portable" in MS Word files.Other search options include AND / OR operations, and results/ OR operations, and results can be exported as texte exported to text and CSV. Supports regular expressionsions, AND/OR operations, and a cR operations, and a custom exclude filter for path, de filter for path, files, parent folders, etc. A "pro" versioarent fof the softwalderes, isetc. availablA "pro" version of the software with [urs available with [url=]additional features[/url].[b]NOTE[/b]: New versions of the program are 64-bit only. Please post in forums if you have a copy of the 32-bit version..

2020-10-03 15:46:49
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: UltraSearch Free is a feature-rich search tool that searches thousands of files almost instantly. File name searches narrow as they are typed, as well as with wildcards such as "[i]*.exe[/i]". Additional information like file size and last change date are present, as well as access to Explorer's own context menu. An included (much slower) file content search is available that will look at the contents of files, including a variety of Office (DOCX, PDF, PST, ODT) andd compressessed files (ZIP, 7Z, RAR.Other search options include AND / OR operations, and results can be exported as text and CSV. Supports regular expressions, AND/OR operations, and a custom exclude filter for path, files, parent folders, etc. A "pro" version of the software is available with [url=]additional features[/url].[b]NOTE[/b]: New versions of the program are 64-bit only. Please post in forums if you have a copy of the 32-bit version.
  • Writes settings to: [indent][/indent]Application folder

2020-10-03 15:44:37
Updated by webfork

  • Screenshot: Updated

2020-10-03 15:38:15
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: UltraSearch Free is a feature-rich search tool that searches thousands of files almost instantly. File name searches narrow as they are typed, as well as with wildcards such as "[i]*.exe[/i]". Additional information like file size and last change date are present, as well as access to Explorer's own context menu. An included (much slower) file content search is available that will look at the contents of files, including a variety of Office and compressed files.Other search options include AND / OR operations, and results can be exported as text, RTF, HTML, CSV and Excel file, etcCSV. Supports regular expressions, AND/OR operations, and a custom exclude filter for path, files, parent folders, etc. A "pro" version of the software is available with [url=]additional features[/url].[b]NOTE[/b]: New versions of the program are 64-bit only. Please post in forums if you have a copy of the 32-bit version.

2020-10-03 15:26:34
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: UltraSearch Free searches thousands of files almost instantly. File name searches narrow as they are typed, as wis a feature-rich search tool that searches thousands of files almost instantly. File name searches narrow as they are typed, as well l as with wildcards ith wildcards such as "[i "[i]*.exe[/i]". Additional ditional information like file size and lase and last change e date are presenat, as well as access tore Explorrer'sent, as own contexell as access t menu. You can eExcpludore foldr's own context menu. An included (much slower) file content search is available that will look at the contents, of fileiles, or fincle-types by proviudinng an "exclude" fvarilter and results can be exported asy of Office and compressed files.Other search options include AND / OR operations, and results can be exported as text, RTF, HTML, CSV and Excel filee, or printed.Th etc. Supprogram workts without nereding to first culareate an index. The program workress directly with a feature of the filens, system calledAND/OR thoperations, Mand a custer Fom exclude filter for path, files, parent folders, etc. A "pro" version of the software is available with [url= Table to give rch_fresults on thousane/eds of files in mtioments. Note that you can also search the interior of ftml]addiles for keywords, though this process is much slower thnan the file sfeaturches[/url].[b]NOTE[/b]: New versions of the program are 64-bit only. Please post in forums if you have a copy of the 32-bit version.
  • Writes settings to: [indent][/indent]Application folder

2020-10-02 17:59:04
Updated by billon

  • License: [url=]Freeware[/url]/[url=]Liteware[/url]
  • Screenshot: Updated

2020-10-01 23:21:15
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: UltraSearch Free searches thousands of files almost instantly. File name searches narrow as they are typed, as well as with wildcards such as "[i]*.exe[/i]". Additional information like file size and last change date are present, as well as access to Explorer's own context menu. You can exclude folders, files, or file-types by providing an "exclude" filter and results can be exported as text, RTF, HTML, CSV and Excel file, or printed.The program works without needing to first create an index. The program works directly with a feature of the file system called the Master File Table to give results on thousands of files in moments. Note that you can also search the interior of files for keywords, though this process is much slower than the file search.[b]NOTE[/b]: New versions of the program are 64-bit only. Please post in forums if you have a copy of the 32-bit version.
  • Download URL:

2020-09-29 17:01:40
Updated by billon

  • Software title: UltraSearch Free
  • Website URL:
  • Version: v2.3.20
  • License: [url=https://www.jam-software.decom/ultrasearch/freltrasewarech_lfree/edicetionses.shtml]FreLiteware[/url]
  • System Requirement: Vista
  • Synopsis: UltraSearch searches thousands of files almost instantly. File name searches narrow as they are typed, as well as withFree searches thousands of files almost instantly. File name searches narrow as they are typed, as well as with wildcadcards such as "[[i]*.exe[/i]". Additional i". Additional information like formation like fi size and last change date are prese nt, asiz we and last change date are present, as well ll as acccess ts to Explororer's o ownn conntext menu. You can exclude folders, filesou can exclude folders, or file-types by providing an "exclude" filter and rlesults, can be exported as tr filex-t, RTF, HTML, CSVypes by providing and E"excelude" file, or plter and rinesulted.Thes can be exprogramted workas wi texth, NRTF, HTML, CS-V and Excel formatile, or printed driv.Thes to seprogram worchks without needing to first create an index. The program works directly with a feature of the file system called the Master File Table to give results on thousands of files in moments. Note that you can also search the interior of files for keywords, though this process is much slower than the file search.
  • How to extract: Download the "Portable" ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]UltraSearch.exe[/i].
  • Download URL: https://dowwwnloads.jaam-soft-software.comde/ultraltrasearearch_free/
  • Keywords: ultra%20search ultrasearchfree ultrasearch%20free ultra%20search%20free
  • Release date: 201920-049-238
  • What's new: See:[url][/url]

2020-07-06 22:21:14
Updated by freakazoid

  • Size (in bytes): 64725038002688

2019-04-23 16:49:50
Updated by billon

  • Version: v2.3.12
  • Release date: 2019-04-1523

2019-04-22 05:38:35
Updated by billon

  • Download URL:

2019-04-20 00:09:41
Updated by billon

  • Version: v2.3.1
  • Release date: 2019-024-2815

2019-03-26 08:52:28
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: UltraSearch searches thousands of files almost instantly. File name searches narrow as they are typed, as well as with wildcards such as "[i]*.exe[/i]". Additional information like file size and last change date are present, as well as access to Explorer's own context menu. You can exclude folders, files, or file-types by providing an "exclude" filter and results can be exported as text, RTF, HTML, CSV and Excel file, or printed.The program works with NTFS-formatted drives to search without needing to first create an index. The program works directly with a feature of the file system called the Master File Table to give results on thousands of files in moments. Note that you can also search the interior of files for keywords, though this process is much slower than the file search.

2019-03-09 15:18:01
Updated by billon

  • Version: v2.23
  • Release date: 2018-119-062-28

2018-11-16 17:42:25
Updated by billon

  • Website URL:
  • Version: v2.1.2
  • License: [url=]Freeware[/url]
  • System Requirement: WinXP
  • Synopsis: UltraSearch searches thousands of files almost instantly. File name searches narrow as they are typed, as well as with wildcards such as "[i]*.exe[/i]". Additional information like file size and last change date are present, as well as access to Explorer's own context menu. You can exclude folders, files, or file-types by providing an "exclude" filter and results can be exported as text, RTF, HTML, CSV and Excel file, or printed.The program works with NTFS-formatted drives to search without needing to first create an index. The program works directly with a feature of the file system called the Master File Table to give results on thousands of files in moments.
  • Download URL:
  • Icon: Updated
  • Screenshot: Updated
  • Dependencies: Administrator rights, NTFS file system, at least 900x480 screen resolution.
  • Release date: 2016-078-191-06
  • What's new: [list][*]The drive lisSee:[url]htt can alpso be expanded via right-click now.[://list]Bugfixes:[list][*]It is now easier to see that the drive list can be expanded.[*]Searches on virtual hard disks resulted in an error in some cases. This problem hww.jas been m-solved.[*]A minor problem occurring when minimizing UltraSearch to the system tray viftwa shorte.cut has been fixed.[*]Nuomero/us olther buasearch/changfixes .shave been impletmented.l[/urlist]

2016-07-19 21:24:33
Updated by billon

  • Website URL: http://www.jam-software.decom/ultrasearch/
  • Version: v2.1.12
  • Download URL: https://ww//
  • Release date: 2016-07-019
  • What's new: [list][*]The drive list can also be expanded via right-click now.[/list]Bugfixes: An error occurring while starting UltraSearch has been fixed.[*]Bugfix: The option 'Always sort results' was not recognized after a program restart. This problem has been solved.[*]Bugfix: In some cases starting UltraSearch via command line parameters yielded wrong results. This issue has been fixed.[*]Bugfix: The values of the 'File version' column were not calculated until a row was selec[list][*]Ited. This errs nor hw eas been resolvied.[*]Bugfr to see that the drive lix:st can be expanded.[*]Some settiearches ongs were virtual hard disks reversulted during a prn errogram update. in some cases. This is problem has beeno longer the casolved.[*]ThA minor problem occurring when minimizicons ofg Ulthe excludraSearch to the system tray via filter and shortcut has been file gxed.[*]Numeroups other bugfixes have bee been uimpdalemented.[/list]

2016-07-01 15:24:02
Updated by Checker

  • Icon: Updated
  • What's new: [list][*]Bugfix: An error occurring while starting UltraSearch has been fixed.[*]Bugfix: The option 'Always sort results' was not recognized after a program restart. This problem has been solved.[*]Bugfix: In some cases starting UltraSearch via command line parameters yielded wrong results. This issue has been fixed.[*]Bugfix: The values of the 'File version' column were not calculated until a row was selected. This error has been resolved.[*]Bugfix: Some settings were reverted during a program update. This is no longer the case.[*]The icons of the exclude filter and the file groups have been updated.[/list]

2016-07-01 15:21:51
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v2.1.1
  • Size (in bytes): 6437254800
  • Keywords: ultra%20search
  • Release date: 2016-067-201
  • What's new: [list][*]UltraSearch now supports searching for file content.[*]The drive list has been completely redesigned. It has been moved from the bottom of the result list to its top.[*]Use the new drive list to search in single folders or entire drives.[*]The new 'File type selection' enables the user to search for specific file groups or file types (e.g. 'Office Files', 'Video Files'). The file groups can be configured via 'Search > File Groups...'.[*]UltraSearch now supports command line parameters, which can be used to start UltraSearch with specific search parameters.[*]The icons have been revised to fit the style of Windows 10.[*]The search results are now displayed even faster.[*]The option 'Autocomplete Patterns' has been replaced by the option 'Suggest Patterns'. This option displays a dropdown list beneath the search field containing one or more suggested patterns based on the recently used search patterns.[*]The automatic update of the MFT-Index in the systems RAM can now be deactivated ...

2016-06-20 21:47:14
Updated by billon

  • License: [url=http://www.jam-software.comde/ultrasearltrasearch/freewarefreeware_license.shtml]Ad-suppoFreewarted[/url]
  • Synopsis: UltraSearch searches thousands of files almost instantly. File name searches narrow as they are typed, as well as with wildcards such as "*.exe". Additional information like file size and last change date are present, as well as access to Explorer's own context menu. You can exclude folders, files, or file-types by providing an "exclude" filter and results can be exported as text, RTF, HTML, CSV and Excel file, or printed.The program works with NTFS-formatted drives to search without needing to first create an index. The program works directly with a feature of the file system called the Master File Table to give results on thousands of files in moments.Note that this program is considered adware for the inclusion of adverts for the developer's other software in the toolbar.  This was added after the program's inclusion in the database.

2016-06-20 21:42:22
Updated by billon

  • Website URL: http://www.jam-software.comde/ultrasearch/

2016-06-20 21:39:47
Updated by billon

  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package (from the drop-down menu on the download page) and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]UltraSearch.exe[/i].
  • Download URL:
  • Icon: Updated

2016-06-20 21:24:01
Updated by billon

  • Version: v2.0.31
  • System Requirement:
  • Size (in bytes): 56437711548
  • Download URL:
  • Screenshot: Updated
  • Stealth: No No
  • Stealth (details): Writes to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JAM Software\UltraSearch]
  • Release date: 20156-036-230
  • What's new: [list][*]The search speed has been increased for specific search patterUltraSearch now supports searching for file content.[*]The drive list has been completely redesigned. It has been moved from the bottom of the result list to its top.[*]Use the new drive list to search in single folders or entire drives.[*]The new 'File type selection' enables the user to search for specific file groups or file types (e.g. 'Office Files', 'Video Files'). The file groups can be configured via 'Search > File Groups...'.[*]UltraSearch now supports command line parameters, which can be used to start UltraSearch with specific search parameters.[*]The icons have been revised to fit the style of Windows 10.[*]The search results are now displayed even faster.[*]The option 'Autocomplete Patterns' has been replaced by the option 'Suggest Patterns'. [*] The file auis opthor is ionow set when export ding the seplays arch dresults to aopdown Excel filst beneath the se.[*]Bugfarch fix:eld containing one or more UltraSeasuggested patterchns crbasheed on the reccasioenaltly when a removable drive wasused searemoved. This error ch pas been fixttedrns.[*]Bugfix: An error ocThe automatic urring while reapding the MFT (Master of the MFile Table) on some drives has bee-In fixded.[*]Bugfx ix: Tn the progre syss bar was not displayed in somes RAM cases. This issuen hasnow be den fixed.[*]Bugfix: Numerous other bugfixes hactive been implementated ... [/list]

2015-03-28 18:11:54
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: UltraSearch searches thousands of files almost instantly. File name searches narrow as they are typed, as well as with wildcards such as "*.exe". Additional information like file size and last change date are present, as well as access to Explorer's own context menu. You can exclude folders, files, or file-types by providing an "exclude" filter and results can be exported as text, RTF, HTML, CSV and Excel file, or printed.The program works with NTFS-formatted drives to search without needing to first create an index. The program works directly with a feature of the file system called the Master File Table to give results on thousands of files in moments.Note that this program is considered adware for the inclusion of adverts for the developer's other software in the toolbar.  This was added after the program's inclusion in the database.

2015-03-23 20:06:31
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v2.0.23
  • Size (in bytes): 565909877114
  • Release date: 2015-03-023
  • What's new: [list][*]AdThe search speed has been increased for specific search patterns. [*]The file author is now set when exporting the search results to an Excel file.[*]Bugfix: UltraSearch crashed occasionally when a removable drive was removed. This error has been fixed s.[*]Bupportgfix: fAn error occurring while reading the MFT (Master File Table) on sor me drives has been fixed.[*]Bugfix: Tharde dprogrives ss bar with a sector as not displayed in some cases. This issue hasize obeen f 4Kixed.[*]Bugfix: Numeroumerous other bugfiixes have been implemented. [/list]

2015-03-02 19:01:44
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v2.0.12
  • Size (in bytes): 567713659098
  • Release date: 2015-023-102
  • What's new: [list][*]When opening a file or folder via 'Open Containing Folder' the file selected in UltraSearch will also be selected in the Windows Explorer.[*]Bugfix: An error occurring while reading the MFT (Master File Table) on some drives has been fixed.[*]Bugfix: File system changesded caused erruppors in st fome cases. This issuer hard drives bwith a seen fctor sixzed of 4K.[*]Bugfix: Numerous other bugfixes have been implemented. [/list]

2015-02-12 19:59:31
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v2.0.1
  • Size (in bytes): 5663771036
  • Icon: Updated
  • Release date: 20000-0015-002-12
  • What's new: [list][*]A completely redesigned scanning mechanism for reading the MFT (Master File Table) has been implemented.[*]A new search algorithm for faster searches has been implemented.[*]The memory usage has been greatly reduced.[*]The speed of sorting the search results has been greatly increased.[*]The new scanning mechanism now always detects NTFS hardlinks. The option tWhen opening a file or folder via 'Open Containing Fo enable/ldisable NTFS hardlinks has been removed.[*]A new options toolbar has been added, enabling the user to quickly switch between file search and folder search and to de-/activate the exclude filter.[*]A new button was added next to the search input field, enabr' the filing the user to browse for a folder to searselech in.[*]An option to hide and reset the options toolbar was added.[*]The 'Auto Sort' option was renamed in Ulto 'Alwrays Soeart Results'.[*]Tche optwionll 'Always Sort Resultals' will now be taken into account even after a ree start of UeltraSearch.[*]Prtessd ing n the F3 key Windows Explorer.[*]Bugfix: An error occuses thrring while reading sthe MFT (March patstern and alFile Table) on sowme drives has thbeen fixe d.[*]Busergfix: File systo em changes caused errors in stome cases. This issue has beently .. fixed.[*]Bugfix: Numerous other bugfixes have been implemented. [/list]

2014-12-19 19:18:51
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v12.8.10
  • Size (in bytes): 1267566312806
  • What's new: [list][*]A completely redesigned scanning mechanism for reading the MFT (Master File Table) has been implemented.[*]A new search algorithm for faster searches has been implemented.[*]The memory usage has been greatly reduced.[*]The speed of sorting the search results has been greatly increased.[*]The new scanning mechanism now always detects NTFS hardlinks. The option to enable/disable NTFiS hardlinks has been removed.[*]A new options toolbar has been added, enabling the user to quickly switch between file search and folder search and to de-/activate the exclude filter.[*]A new button was added nexet to the search input field, enabling the user to browse for a folder to search in.[*]An option to hide and reset the options toolbar was added.[*]The 'Auto Sort' option was renamed 'D to 'Always Sort Results'.[*]The oplicates are not allotion 'Alwed'ays Sort Results' will now be taken into account even after a restarort onf UltraSearch startuph.[*]FPressixng thed access violations during search.[*]Fix F3 kedy 'Cannotw foocus dies the seablrch patted orn inviand allowsible window' error when opening the exclude filter.[*]When UltraShearch was started via the context men u, an additional blank was added to the search pattern erroneously. This is no longeser theo case.[*]The advert banner is no longer displayed, if TreeSize Professional or Perinsonal is installed.[*]The settings of the portable version are anow saved correctltly.[*]Numerous other bugfixes have been implemented.[/list]..

2014-10-29 07:20:45
Updated by Checker

  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed 'Duplicates are not allowed' error on UltraSearch startup.[*]Fixed access violations during search.[*]Fixed 'Cannot focus disabled or invisible window' error when opening the exclude filter.[*]When UltraSearch was started via the context menu, an additional blank was added to the search pattern erroneously. This is no longer the case.[*]The advert banner is no longer displayed, if TreeSize Professional or Personal is installed.[*]The settings of the portable version are now saved correctly.[*]Numerous other bugfixes have been implemented.[/list]

2014-10-29 07:20:23
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.8.1
  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed 'Duplicates are not allowed' error on UltraSearch startup.[*]Fixed access violations during search.[*]Fixed 'Cannot focus disabled or invisible window' error when opening the exclude filter.[*]When UltraSearch was started via the context menu, an additional blank was added to the search pattern erroneously. This is no longer the case.[*]The advert banner is no longer displayed, if TreeSize Professional or Personal is installed.[*]The settings of the portable version are now saved correctly.[*]Numerous other bugfixes have been implemented.[/list]

2014-08-03 19:36:51
Updated by Checker

  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package (from the drop-down menu on the download page) and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]UltraSearch.exe[/i].

2013-10-16 00:28:27
Updated by webfork

  • License: [url=]Freeware[/url] (aAd -suppported)[/url]
  • Screenshot: Updated

2013-10-09 08:53:40
Updated by Midas

  • Forum topic ID: 06862

2013-10-08 11:15:19
Updated by I am Baas

  • How to extract: [list=1][*]Download the ZIP pa package (f(from the drop-down m the drnu op-down menu on the download pagen the download page) and extract to a foextract to a folder ofer of yoourr choice.[*]Crhoiceate an empty file [i]Settings.xml[/i][*] Launch [i]UltraSearch.exe[/i][i][/i][/list]
  • Screenshot: Updated

2013-10-07 13:23:30
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.81
  • Synopsis: UltraSearch searches thousands of files almost instantly. File name searches narrow as they are typed, as well as with wildcards such as "*.exe". Additional information like file size and last change date are present, as well as access to Explorer's own context menu. You can exclude folders, files, or file-types by providing an "exclude" filter and results can be exported as text, RTF, HTML, CSV and Excel file, or printed.The program works with NTFS-formatted drives to search without needing to first create an index. The program works directly with a feature of the file system called the Master File Table to give results on thousands of files in moments.Functional on 64-bit systems.
  • Size (in bytes): 126760004128
  • What's new: [list][*]64bit: UltraSearch is now also available as a native 64-bit application. When searching a very large drive, usable memory will no longer pose a restriction.[*]Recently Used List: The 100 recently used search patterns can now be saved and selected from a dropdown list.[*]Suggestion feature: If desired, all recently used search patterns matching the pattern you are currently typing can be displayed in a dropdown list and selected directly.[*]Autocomplete feature: If desired, the pattern you are currently typing in the search input field can automatically be completed if it matches one of the recently used search patterns.[*]Skip User account control warning: The User account control warning at the start of UltraSearch can now be skipped.[*]Enhanced context menu: UltraSearch can now be started easily via thFixe Windows Ex'Duploreicates ar ce nontext mallowed' error on UltraSearch startup.[*]Enhanced Time/Date values: The tFixed access vime and date volalues of the ciolumns 'Last Chaduring se', 'Last Acrch.[*]Fixess', and 'Creannot focus disabled or invisible window' error when opening the exclude filter.[*]When DaUlte' cran nSearch was started via the context menu, an additiow nal belank was adjded to the search pattern erroneoussly. This is no longer the case.[*]The advert banner is no longer displayed m, if TreeSize Professional orr Pe rsonal is installed.[*]The settings of the portable version are now saved correciseltly.[*]Numerous other bugfixes have been implemented..[/list]

2013-08-06 19:05:24
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.7.18
  • System Requirement:
  • Size (in bytes): 8154442660004
  • What's new: [list][*]Bugfix: The message 'You launched UltraSearch under restricted user a64bit: UltraSearch is now also available as a native 64-bit application. When searching a very large drive, usable memory will no longer pose a restriction.[*]Recently Used List: The 100 recently used search patterns can now be saved and selected from a dropdown list.[*]Suggestion feature: If desired, all recently used search patterns matching the pattern you are currently typing can be displayed in a dropdown list and selected directly.[*]Autocomplete feature: If desired, the pattern you are currently typing in the search input field can automatically be completed if it matches one of the recently used search patterns.[*]Skip User account control warning: The User accoounnt cont. Prole warning ast the restart of UltraSearch with Administrator privileges' was erroneoearch can now be skipped.[*]Enhanced context menu: UltraSearch can now be started easily dvia the Windows Explayed in somlorer casesontext menu.[*]BEnhanced Time/Date valugfixes: FixThed error 'Cannot focus a disime and date vabled or invisible window' ues on f UltraSthear ch startup.[*]Bolugfix: Selecting items in the result list under Windows XP now works 'Lagst Chain. [*]Bugfix: In some case', 'Last Acces the drive list did not contain s', anyd i'Createms when UltraSearch was started via ion Dathe' option 'Launch atn Windnows St be artup'.[*]Bdjugfix: A fewsted minor fixes have beoren incorporated.[/lcist]ely...

2012-10-26 01:28:11
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: UltraSearch instantly searches thousands of files almost instantly. Searches narrow as they arsearches thousands of files almost instantly. File name searches narrow as they are typed, as well as well as with wildcadcards such as "*.exe". Additional informatdditional information like fion like fsile size andze and last chaange date aredate are presentt, as well asell as acccess s to Explorer's owwn context menu. You can exclude folders, files, or file-types by providing an cont"ext menclu. You can exclude folders, fde" files, or file-ltypes by providing an "exclude" filter and results lts can be exe exported as ted as text, RTF,TF, HTML, CSV and Excel el file, or printe or printed.TheThe program wrogram works with s with NTFS-formatted drives to search without needing to first creaformatted drives to search without needing to first create ann indedex. The progrogram works s direcrectly witlyh a with a feafeature of the file system called tem called the Masteraster File Tablable to give results onresults on thousandssands off files als in most instamentlys.Functional on 64-bit systems.

2012-10-25 20:06:45
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.7.01
  • Size (in bytes): 81257064444
  • What's new: [list][*]A new Enumerator allowing UltraSearch to find NTFS hardlinks has been implemented. UltraSearch is now able to find all files on a hard drive. The search for NTFS hardlinks can be activated in the 'Options' menu. [*]Regular expressions are now supported. Hint: to perform a search using a Regular expression, the search pattern must be enclosed with / (/Pattern/).[*]A live update of the internal index has been realized: The index does not have to be refreshed when adding or deleting files on the system.[*]The exclBude filter has been replaced by the pattern manager of TreeSize Free V2.7. Exclude patterns can now be defined more precisely.[*]A new option 'Launch at Windows startup' x: Thas been added:e message 'You launched UltraSearch starts after Windows startup in the system tray.[*]A new option 'Desktop Shortc under restrict' haed us been added.r The created shortcut allows you start UltraSearacch withoutnt. Please threstart UACltraSearch with proAdmpt (Wiindows Vistra tor privilater versioeges' was erroneously displayed in some cases).[*]ABugfix: Fixed newrror 'Cannopti focus a disabled or invisible window' on 'Conte UltraSearch startup.[*]Bugfix: Selecting items in the result list Men u Entder Windows XP now wory'ks again. [*]Bugfix: In some cases thas been add drive list did which cnot contain an by ite ms when UltraSearch was started via the option 'Lausench at Windows toStartup'.[*]Bugfix: A few minor fixes have been incorporeate ..d.[/list]

2012-10-09 20:20:44
Updated by Checker

  • Version: Vv1.7.0
  • System Requirement:

2012-10-09 20:18:16
Updated by Checker

  • Version: V1.67.10
  • License: F[url=]Freewareare[/url] (ad suppported)
  • System Requirement:
  • Synopsis:
  • How to extract: [list=1][*]Download the ZIP pac package (frrom the drop-down menu on the download down menu on the download page) and extract to aextract to fa folder ofr of your chooicee. [*]Create eate an emptty fileile [i]Setttings.xml [/i][*]Launch [i]UltrltraSearch.exe[/i][i][/i][/list]
  • Size (in bytes): 648912570653
  • Dependencies: Administrator rights, NTFS file system, at least 900x480 screen resolution.
  • What's new: Fixed a bug on system shutdown. B[list][*]A new Enumerator allowing UltraSearch to find NTFS hardlinks has been implemented. UltraSearch is now able to find all files on a hard drive. The search for NTFS hardlinks can be activated in the 'Options' menu. [*]Regular expressions are now supported. Hint: to perform a search using a Regular expression, the search pattern must be enclosed with / (/Pattern/).[*]A live update of the internal index has been realized: The index does not have to be refreshed when adding or deleting files on the system.[*]The exclugde fiilter has been replaced by the pattern manager of TreeSize Free V2.7. Ex:clude patterns can now be defined more precisely.[*]A new option 'Launch at Windows startup' has been Soadded: UltraSearch starts after Windows startup in the system tray.[*]A new option 'Desktop Shortcut' has been added. The create d shortcut allows you start UltraSearconh without thext menu entUAC pries were missing after the instalompt (Windows Vista or later versions). Bugfix: [*]All context menu new option 'Context Menu Entriesy' ofhas been UltraSddearchd whill now be removed wchen uninstcalling. A few minor be ugfixes and impred tovements have been incorporeated ...

2012-01-12 13:00:13
Updated by I am Baas

  • License: Freeware (ad suppo
  • Synopsis: UltraSearch instantly searches thousands of files almost instantly. Searches narrow as they are typed, as well as with wildcards such as "*.exe". Additional information like file size and last change date are present, as well as access to Explorer's own context menu. You can exclude folders, files, or file-types by providing an "exclude" filter and results can be exported as text, RTF, HTML, CSV and Excel file, or printed.The program works with NTFS-formatted drives to search without needing to first create an index. The program works directly with a feature of the file system called the Master File Table to give results on thousands of files almost instantly.Functional on 64-bit systems.

2012-01-09 20:33:11
Updated by webfork

  • License: Freeware
  • Synopsis: UltraSearch instantly searches thousands of files almost instantly. Searches narrow as they are typed, as well as with wildcards such as "*.exe". Additional information like file size and last change date are present, as well as access to Explorer's own context menu. You can exclude folders, files, or file-types by providing an "exclude" filter and results can be exported as text, RTF, HTML, CSV and Excel file, or printed.The program works with NTFS-formatted drives to search without needing to first createformatted drives to search without needing to first create an index. The program works directly with a feature of the file system called the Master File Table to give results on thousands of files almost instantly. Searches sanarrow as they are typed, as well as with wildcards such as "*.exe". Additional information like file size and last change date are present, as well as access to Explorer's own context menu. You can exclude folders, files, or file-types by providing an "exclude"f filter.s Results can be exporalmosted as text, RTF, HTML, CSV and Excel file, or prinstedantly.Functional on 64-bit systems.
  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package (from the drop-down menu on the download page) and extract to a folder of your choice. Create an empty file Settings.xml Launch UltraSearch.exe.

2012-01-09 18:14:04
Updated by Checker

  • Version: V1.6.1
  • Size (in bytes): 6483964853
  • What's new:  UltraSearch has been added to the Explorer context menu to search in the selected folder. With the new options "Include Folders" and "Include Files" you can now decide if you want to search for files, directories or both. It is now possible to toggle UltraSearch minimization via a customizable shortcut ("Options > UltraSearch Keyboard Shortcut"). Improved search: If multiple drives are checked, results are shown immediately after the search of the first drive is done. Introduced new option "Autosort" to "View" menu to sort the results of a new search automatically by the previously selected sorting criteria. Added option to minimize UltraSearch when openinFixed a bug on system shutdown. Bug a folder in the search result list via double click. UltraSearch now supports Hotkey Ctrl+A to select all drives in the drivelist if it is focused. A new option in the drivelistx: Some context t menu entries were menu allows the user to check all driveis in the lising aft. Newly addedr the drivens ctan be checked by defllation. Bult via angfix: All opticontext imenu entries of UlthraSe "Optarch wions"ll menu.  Impow be removeed when uninsortalling. A few minor bugfixes and improvementsults: ..have been incorporated.

2011-11-25 17:46:10
Updated by Checker

  • Version: V1.56
  • License: Freeware
  • Size (in bytes): 5967010483648
  • What's new: An option to show/hide the d UltraSearch has been added to the Explorer context menu to search in the selected folder. With the new options "Include Folders" and "Include Files" you can now decide if you want to search for files, directories or both. It is now possible to toggle Ultrives panel to the menu "View" has been added. It is now possiblSe toarch minimize UltraSearch in the background as system tray icon. The search performance has been increased. UltraSearch now brings an already running instance to the foreground, if a second instance is started. A treatment for the special search pattern "*." has been implemented, so that files with no file extension are returned now. You can now press the "Shift" key while deleting folders or files to remove them directly from the drive instead of moving them to the recycle bin. If an USB flash drive is removed from the system, iat is now also removed friom the drin veia lia cust. Thomizable shinortcut ("Options > UltraSearch Keyboave beenrd iShortcut"). Improved. It is now possible to rename files or folders within the search result list. The number of files on the system which can be handled by UltraSearch has been increased to a value of 12.5 million. UltraSeared search: If multiple drives are ch now refreshes its intecked, rnal index asults are shown immaediately after the search of the first drive is done. Introducallyed new option the"Autosort" bato "View" menu to sort the results of a new search automatically by the previously seleckted sorting criteroundia. from tAdded optimeon to tminimeize UltraSearch when opening a folder in the search result list via double click. UltraSearch shraSearch now supports Hotkey Ctrl+A to select all drives in the drivelist if it is focused. A new option in the drivelist context menu allows s the user to check all drives in the list. Newly added drives can be checked number oy default via an option in the "Options" menu.  Improved sorting results: ...

2011-08-18 22:35:59
Updated by webfork

  • License: Freeware
  • Synopsis: UltraSearch works with NTFS-formatted drives to search without needing to first create an index. The program works directly with a feature of the NTFS file system called the Master File Table to give results on thousands of files almost instantly. Searches narrow as they are typed, as well as with wildcards such as "*.exe". Additional information like file size and last change date are present, as well as access to Explorer's own context menu. You can exclude folders, files, or file-types by providing an "exclude" filter. Results can be exported as text, RTF, HTML, CSV and Excel file, or printed.Functional on 64-bit systems.
  • What's new: An option to show/hide the drives panel to the menu "View" has been added. It is now possible to minimize UltraSearch in the background as system tray icon. The search performance has been increased. UltraSearch now brings an already running instance to the foreground, if a second instance is started. A treatment for the special search pattern "*." has been implemented, so that files with no file extension are returned now. You can now press the "Shift" key while deleting folders or files to remove them directly from the drive instead of moving them to the recycle bin.  If an USB flash drive is removed from the system, it is now also removed from the drive list. The hints have been improved. It is now possible to rename files or folders within the search result list. The number of files on the system which can be handled by UltraSearch has been increased to a value of 12.5 million. UltraSearch now refreshes its internal index automatically in the background from time to time. UltraSearch shows the number of ...

2011-08-18 15:38:42
Updated by Checker

  • What's new:

2011-08-18 15:37:59
Updated by Checker

  • Version: V1.4.15
  • License: Freeware
  • Size (in bytes): 242596783010
  • What's new: An option to show/hide the drives panel to the menu "View" has been added. It is now possible to minimize UltraSearch in the background as system tray icon. The search performance has been increased. UltraSearch now brings an already running instance to the foreground, if a second instance is started. A treatment for the special search pattern "*." has been implemented, so that files with no file extension are returned now. You can now press the "Shift" key while deleting folders or files to remove them directly from the drive instead of moving them to the recycle bin.  If an USB flash drive is removed from the system, it is now also removed from the drive list. The hints have been improved. It is now possible to rename files or folders within the search result list. The number of files on the system which can be handled by UltraSearch has been increased to a value of 12.5 million. UltraSearch now refreshes its internal index automatically in the background from time to time. UltraSearch shows the number of ...

2011-04-26 17:42:03
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: UltraSearch works with NTFS-formatted drives to search files almost instantly without needing to first create an index files. The program works directly with a feature of NTFS drives called the Master File Table to give results on thousands of filithout needing to first create an index. The program works directly with a feature of the NTFS file system called the Master File Table to give results on thousands of files almost instantly. Searches narrow as they are typed, as wes almostl as instantly. Searches narrow as tithey are typed, and can use wildcards s such as "*.exe". Additional indditional informatiation lin like filile size e and last chandge ldaste are present, as change date are present, aswell well aas accescess to Explorer's o ownn contentext menu. You can exclude folders, fou can exclude folders, files, or or filee-typetypes by providing an "excludee" filter. Results can be exported alts can be exported as text, RTF, HTML, CSV andnd Excel fiile, or por printed.WFunctiorksnal on 64-bit systems.

2011-02-24 03:24:25
Updated by I am Baas

  • Dependencies: Requires at least aAdministrator rights, NTFS file system, at least 900x480 screeen resolution.

2010-11-12 16:35:37
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: UltraSearch works with NTFS-formatted drives to search files almost instantly without needing to first create an index files. The e prrogram works directlys directly witth a fea feature of NTFS drivesTFS drives calalled thee Master File ile Table to givele results on mgillionsve results on ofthousands of filles within secalmondst instantly. Searches narrow as thw as they are typed, and can use wildcards such as "*.exe". Additional information like file size and last change date are present, as well as access Explorer's own context menu. You can exclude folders, files, or file-types by providing an "exclude" filter. Results can be exported as text, RTF, HTML, CSV and Excel file, or printed.Works on 64-bit systems.

2010-11-07 23:34:56
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: UltraSearch searches files and folders on local NTFS drives and provides the results within just a few seconds. UltraSearch does not use a background process to build an index, it achieves its speed by working directly on the Master File Table (MFT) of theworks with NTFS partitions. You can enter a file name or a pattern like *.exe and will see the results already while typing. Additional information like file size and last change date will be -formatted driveshown for the lito stedearch files and lmosthe Explorer coinstextantly mwithout neenu iding to first create an availablindex finles. The program worksi de UltiraSearctly with. The program lets you excla featudre folf NTFS drives calleder the Mas,ter File Table to give filresults orn fmile types by providling an excludeons of filteres within seconds. T Searches narrow as they are styped, arnd chan results se wildcards sucah as "*.exe". Additional information like file size and last change date are present, as well as access Explorer's own context menu. Yo u can exclude folders, files, or file-types be y prroviding an "exclude" finted or exported as tlter. Results can be exported as text, RTTF, HTML, CSV and Exceel file, or fprilnted.Works on 64-bit systems.
  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package (from the drop-down menu on the download page) and extract to a folder of your choice. Create an empty file Settings.xml Launch UltraSearch.exe.

2010-11-06 18:58:12
Updated by I am Baas

  • Stealth (details): Writes to a[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JAM regisSoftry kware\UltraSeyarch]

2010-11-06 04:04:22
Added by webfork