2024-11-29 16:31:08
Updated by Ennovy
- Version: v7
- Release date: 2024-10
2024-11-20 08:47:34
Updated by Ennovy
- Synopsis: UltraFileSearch Lite quickly finds files, folders and text on your local, network, or external media. The program allows you to specify several file masks and drives/folders at the same time; it is able to sort them according to their properties (e.g. modified date) and find files that contain one or more specific words or sentences.This utility does not use background indexing. [b]NOTE[/b]:
Beyond version 5.3.0, the program is shareware. Linking to the last freeware "Lite" version. The shareware version has [url=https://www.ultrafilesearch.com/features.html]additional features[/url].
- Size (in bytes): 16
- Download URL: https:/
2024-11-12 18:37:37
Updated by Andrew Lee
- Version: v
- System Requirement:
- Release date: 20
- What's new: See: [url]https://www.ultrafilesearch.com/history.html[/url]
2019-06-12 22:44:46
Updated by webfork
- Synopsis: UltraFileSearch Lite quickly finds files, folders and text on your local, network, or external media. The program allows you to specify several file masks and drives/folders at the same time; it is able to sort them according to their properties (e.g. modified date) and find files that contain one or more specific words or sentences.This utility does not use background indexing.
"Standard" (shareware) edition has [url=https://www.ultrafilesearch.com/features.html]additional features[/url].[b]NOTE[/b]: Beyond version version 5.3.0, the prrogram is sha is shareware. Linking to the lastast freereeware "re "Liite" version. The shareware version has [url=https://www.ultrafilesearch.com/features.html]additional features[/url].
2019-06-12 22:28:30
Updated by webfork
- Synopsis: UltraFileSearch Lite quickly finds files, folders and text on your local, network, or external media. The program allows you to specify several file masks and drives/folders at the same time; it is able to sort them according to their properties (e.g. modified date) and find files that contain one or more specific words or sentences.This utility does not use background indexing. "Standard" (shareware) edition has [url=https://www.ultrafilesearch.com/features.html]additional features[/url].[b]NOTE[/b]:
PBeyond version 5.3.0, the program became isharew shareware. Linking only, linked to the latest freeware "Lite" version.
2019-06-05 09:14:53
Updated by billon
- Synopsis: UltraFileSearch Lite quickly finds files, folders and text on your local, network, or external media. The program allows you to specify several file masks and drives/folders at the same time; it is able to sort them according to their properties (e.g. modified date) and find files that contain one or more specific words or sentences.This utility does not use background indexing. "Standard" (shareware) edition has [url=https://www.ultrafilesearch.com/features.html]additional features[/url].[b]NOTE[/b]: Program became shareware only, linked to the latest freeware "Lite" version.
- Download URL: http
2019-01-31 20:53:39
Updated by billon
- Version: v5.
- Size (in bytes): 161
- Release date: 201
2018-08-27 18:15:03
Updated by billon
- Version: v5.2.0
- Size (in bytes): 16
- Release date: 2018
2018-02-08 18:31:26
Updated by billon
- Keywords: ultra
searchfilesearchlite ultrafilesearch%20lite ultltraa%20file%20search
2018-02-08 18:01:50
Updated by billon
- Software title: Ultra
File Search Lite
- Website URL: https://www.ultrafilesearch.com/
- Version: v
- Synopsis: Ultra
File SilearSearch Litete quickly finds files, folders and quickly finds files, foldertext on your local, network, or external media. The program allows and text on your local, network, or external media. The program allows yoou to speecify se several file masasks andd drivees/folders aers at the same time; it is able to sort the same time; it is able to saccort them accordiding to their prg toper theies (e. g. modified date) and find filesr that cpronpertaines on(e.g. mor moredified date) and find files that contain one or more speccific words or sentencor sentences.This uis utiilitty does no does not use background indund indexing. "Standtandard" (sshaarewaaree) ediition h has [url=https://www.ultrafilesearch.com/features.html]additional features[/url].
- Size (in bytes): 1
- Download URL: https:/
- Release date: 201
- What's new:
[list][*]Added the Reset Menu for the Parameters and thSee Res:[urlts List.[*]Imhttproved the As://www.utomatic Charltrafilesearcter Enh.coding detecm/history.htion.ml[/urlist]
2016-12-16 02:12:23
Updated by billon
- Similar/alternative apps: [url=https://www.portablefreeware.com/index.php?id=1485]SearchMyFiles[/url]
2016-12-16 02:11:17
Updated by billon
- Icon: Updated
- Screenshot: Updated
2016-12-16 01:55:07
Updated by billon
- Version: v4.
- How to extract: Download the
p"Portable" ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]UltraFileSearchLite.exe[/i].
- Size (in bytes): 159
- Download URL: http://www.ultrafilesearch.com/download.ph
- Release date: 2016-
- What's new: [list][*]
New Dialog window that allows you to edit the File Names and Save and Load them from File.[*]New Dialog window that allows you to edit Added the Reset Menu for the Parameters and the Search Tex Results and Save and Load isthem from File.[*]Added the Imparameteroved "Case Sensitive" on File Names for ahe Automoreatic Characcurate sear Enchoding detection.[/list]
2016-04-22 20:35:33
Updated by billon
- Version: v4.
- How to extract: Download the portable ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]UltraFileSearchLite.exe[/i].
- Size (in bytes): 1
- Release date: 2016-0
- What's new: [list][*]
SpeNew Dialog window that allows you to edit the File Names and Save and Load them from File.[*]New Dialog window that allows you to edit the Searcih Texts and Save and Load them from File.[*]Added the parameter "Case Sensiticve" on Filen Names for a mores can be exaccluded from athe search by putting a minus sign before the Name Mask.[/list]
2016-02-16 21:05:33
Updated by billon
- Version: v4.
- System Requirement: WinNT
- Size (in bytes): 1603835
- Release date: 201
- What's new: [list][*]
Added the Automatic Character Encoding detSpection of Plain Textfic Filesnames can be excluded withoutfrom BOM wthen search by putting a minus sign before Tthe Namext Mask.[/list]
2015-12-22 02:08:33
Updated by webfork
- Synopsis: Ultra File Search Lite quickly finds files, folders and text on your local, network, or external media. The program allows you to specify several file masks and drives/folders at the same time; it is able to sort them according to their properties (e. g. modified date) and find files that contain one or more specific words or sentences.This utility does not use background indexing. "Standard" (shareware) edition has [url=http://www.ultrafilesearch.com/features.html]additional features[/url].
2015-12-16 00:11:00
Updated by Checker
2015-12-16 00:06:26
Updated by Checker
- What's new: [list][*]Added the Automatic Character Encoding detection of Plain Text Files without BOM when searching for Text.[/list]
2015-12-16 00:05:38
Updated by Checker
- Version: v4.4.
- Size (in bytes): 15
- Release date: 2015-1
- What's new:
[list][*]Added the Automatic Character Encoding detection of Plain Text Files without BOM when searching for Text.[/list]
2015-11-16 15:56:10
Updated by Checker
- Version: v4.
- System Requirement:
- Size (in bytes): 15
- Release date: 2015-
- What's new: [list][*]
Text FAdded the Automatic Character Encoding detection of Plailters for Lotus 1-2-3 &n Symphony spreadsheets (123, WK1, WK2, WK3, WK4, WR1, WKS, WKE).[*]Text Fiilters for Quattro Pro spreadsheets (WQ1, WQ2, WKQ, WB3, QPW).[*]Exports Results win thoutml BOM when searchimprng fovr Tedxt.[/list]
2015-07-29 20:36:57
Updated by Checker
- Version: v4.
- Size (in bytes): 15349
- Release date: 2015-0
- What's new: [list][*]T
he Export Results functionality has been improved:- Seext Filection of the Rows to be exported and also ofor Lothe Colus 1-2-3 & Symphonsy spreand their order.- Destinationdsheets selection (File or Clipboard) and Save(123, WK1, WK2, WK3, ModeWK4, selectionWR1, WKS, WKE).[*]Text (OverwrFilte oers Append).- Encoding selecfor Quation (ASCII, ANSI Ctrode Pro spreage, Unicode, Big-Endian Unicodsheets (WQ1, UTF8, UTF8 NoWQ2, WKQ, WBOM3, QPW).[*]Exports Results in html improved.[/list]
2015-06-22 19:43:21
Updated by Checker
- Version: v4.
- Size (in bytes): 15
- Release date: 2015-0
- What's new: [list][*]
BuiltThe Export Results functionality has been improved:- Selection of the Rows to be exported and also of the Columns and the Text Feir order.- Destination selection (File or Clipboard) and Save Mode selection (Overwritee ors for thAppend).- Encoding se following eBooks Formaects:ion (ASCII, ANSI Code EPUB, FB2age, Unicode, PDB.[*]Improved Big-Endiatchn RenamUnicode, UTF8, UTF8 No featureBOM).[/list]
2015-03-12 20:14:00
Updated by Checker
- Version: v4.
- Size (in bytes): 15
- Release date: 20
- What's new: [list][*]Built-in the Text Filters for the following
FormateBooks Formats: .WEPUB, FB2, PD (Corel WoB.[*]ImprovedPerfe Batct),h .WRIename (Microsofeat Wurite).[/list]
2015-01-12 20:37:19
Updated by Checker
2015-01-12 20:34:52
Updated by Checker
- Version: v
- Size (in bytes): 15
- What's new: [list][*]Built-in the Text Filters for the following
Open Documents Formatsts: O .WPDT, ODS (Corel WordPerfect), ODP.WRI (Microsoft Write).[/list]
2014-11-07 07:30:08
Updated by Checker
- Version: v3.
- Size (in bytes): 1515540
- What's new: [list][*]Built-in the Text Filters for the following
fOpen Documents Formats: DOC, XLS, DOCX, XLSX, XLSM, XLTX, XLTM, XLODSB, ODP.[/list]
2014-09-23 01:54:07
Updated by webfork
- Synopsis: Ultra File Search Lite quickly finds files, folders and text on your local, network, or external media.
UltThe progra File Search Litem allows you to specify several file masks and drives/folders at the same time; it is able to sort them according to their properties (e. g. modified date) and find files that contain one or more specific words or sentences.This utility does not use background indexing. "Standard" edition has [url=http://www.ultrafilesearch.com/features.html]additional features[/url].
2014-08-11 16:19:47
Updated by Checker
- Version: v3.
- Size (in bytes): 15
- What's new: [list][*]
Improved the feature of selection and management of the ExclBude Foilders items.It-increased the maximum number of Items tthat cane bText sFiltoers for thed following formatos: DOC, XLS, DOCX, XLSX, XLSM, XLTX, XLTM, 25XLSB.[/list]
2014-06-26 19:23:32
Updated by Checker
- Version: v3.
- Size (in bytes): 1510
- What's new: [list][*]
AdImproveded thee views: Details with Thumbnail and Tile withfeature of selection and Thumbnail.[*]Extnagemended the range of use, in the Results Window, ofof the WinExcludowe Folders items.Increas®ed Explorthe maximum number Co of Items that can be storexd to Menu25.[/list]
2014-03-26 22:10:58
Updated by Checker
- Version: v3.
- Size (in bytes): 15
- What's new: [list][*]Added the views: Details with Thumbnail and Tile with Thumb
nails Vnaiewl.[*]Improved the Text zoom fExtended the range of use, in the Results Wincdow, of the Wionalitydows® inExplorer Conthe Resulxts WiMendowu.[/list]
2014-02-24 19:11:29
Updated by Checker
- Version: v3.
- Size (in bytes): 151
- What's new: [list][*]
New mAdded the Thultmbnails Vi-Foldew.[*]Impr Dialog that allows, with simple clicks, to select tved the STextart F zolders aom fund cthe Skip Fonaldity in the Rersults Window.[/list]
2014-01-01 00:45:56
Updated by webfork
- Synopsis: Ultra File Search Lite quickly finds files, folders and text on your local, network, or external media. Ultra File Search Lite allows you to specify several file masks and drives/folders at the same time; it is able to sort them according to their properties (e. g. modified date) and find files that contain one or more specific words or sentences.This utility does not use background indexing. "Standard" edition has [url=http://www.ultrafilesearch.com/features.html]additional features[/url].
2013-12-30 17:56:57
Updated by Checker
- Version: v3.
- Size (in bytes): 1510870
- What's new: [list][*]
Added in the Result WindoNew the Columns: Short Name, Length Name, Length Folder, Length Full Path.[*]Can i-Filter the Results based on the Length of Names: Length Nolder Dialog thame, Length Fallolderws, L with simple clicks, to selengtct the Start Fuoll Pders and the Skip Folders.[/list]
2013-10-25 17:10:22
Updated by Checker
- Version: v3.2.0.132
- Size (in bytes): 1
- What's new: [list][*]
Improved performance in the features "Find in Results" and "ExpAdded in the Result Window the Columns: Short Name, Length Name, Length Foldert R, Lesngth Full Pats"h.[*]AbCan Fility ter the Results based on the Length o f Names: Length Naximize the Resul, Lengtsh WinFoldow.[*]Expoert, of the RLesulngts ash Full Path.[/list]
2013-09-26 12:13:40
Updated by Checker
- Version: v3.
- Size (in bytes): 149
- What's new: [list][*]Improved
, for all Views, the scrolling Speed rfof the pages in thrmance in the features "Find in Results" and "Export Results".[*]Ability to maximize the Results Window.[*]Added the condition "Equal to" at the filtexpor t on tf the Results as Fiulle SizePath.[/list]
2013-07-22 16:54:38
Updated by Checker
- What's new: [list][*]Improved, for all Views, the scrolling Speed of the pages in the Results Window.[*]Added the condition "Equal to" at the filter on the File Size.[/list]
2013-07-22 16:54:23
Updated by Checker
- Version: v3.1.0.1
- What's new:
[list][*]Improved, for all Views, the scrolling Speed of the pages in the Results Window.[*]Added the condition "Equal to" at the filter on the File Size.[/list]
2013-07-22 10:35:28
Updated by Checker
- Version: v3.1.0.
- Size (in bytes): 14928
- What's new: [list][*]
The Filter to extImproved, for all Views, the scrolling Speed of the pages in the Results Window.[*]Added the condition "Equal to" act the Text filter om PDF Files isn installhed, as Add-on, wFithle thSize Program.[/list]
2013-05-22 16:57:27
Updated by Checker
- Version: v
- System Requirement:
- Size (in bytes): 14
- What's new: [list][*]
Batch Rename feature tThat lets you Rename a Filist of Files accordinger to cextractain the Text fruom PDF Files is installed, as Add-on, with the Program.[/list]
2013-02-13 23:30:22
Updated by webfork
2013-02-09 02:41:43
Updated by webfork
- License: Fre
eware for personal use
- Screenshot: Updated
- Keywords: ultrasearch ultrafile
- Forum topic ID: 6103
- Similar/alternative apps: [url=http://www.portablefreeware.com/index.php?id=1485]SearchMyFiles[/url]
2013-02-07 15:34:40
Updated by Checker
- Version: v2.
- Size (in bytes): 14
- What's new: [list][*]
Added a Dialog Window that lets you Edit and Rename a lisBat of Files at once.[*]Option to choosh Re thname feditor you want toure use tthat lets you Rename a list of Files according to certain rules.[/list]
2012-12-18 17:19:15
Updated by Checker
- Version: v2.
- System Requirement:
- Size (in bytes): 14
- What's new: [list][*]A
bility to calculate the Size of the dded a Dialog Window that lets you Edit and Rename a list of Foilderes at once.[*]Some small im]Oprovemetiont to choose the editor you want to use to thRe GUI and theame codFiles.[/list]
2012-08-30 12:58:57
Updated by Checker
- Version:
- Size (in bytes): 1
- What's new: [list][*]
Increased the search speed aAboutility to calculate 70%the (OnlySize forf the Fiolders.[*]Some smalle improvements to the GUI and Folders. After the first scan)ode.[/list]
2012-07-10 17:44:42
Updated by Checker
- Version: V2.
- Size (in bytes): 16
- What's new: [list][*]
Ability to define a multi-Folder that contains a list of Folders and/or Drives in which to search.[*]Allows you to assign a mnemoInic name to the multi-Folder.[*]Allows you to import and export the lireast of Folders and/or Drivesthe of thsearch mspeed aboult 70% (Only for Fi-les and Folders. After the first scan).[/list]
2012-07-07 18:34:39
Updated by Emka
- Version: V2.4.0.12
- Synopsis:
- How to extract: Download the portable ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]Ult
- What's new:
Increased the speed of sc[list][*]Ability to define a multi-Folder that contains a list of Folders and/or Drives in which to searolch.[*]Allows you to assign a mnemonic name to the multi-Folder.[*]Allows you to import and export the lingst of Folders pages in the Results Wind/ow. The caption of the tabs indicates if the search Drives peroformed based on their parae meultei-Folders.[/list]
2012-04-24 09:50:50
Updated by Checker
- Version: V2.
- Size (in bytes): 16
- What's new:
PIncreased the speed ossibility to set one or more Wildcards Filters on the Folders in which the search is performed. After Paste in the box "File Name(s)" and "Starting Folder(s)" the Tab Char is converted tolling a Pipe Charages in the Results Window. The items "Everywhere", "Lcaptiocal Drives" andn of "Networkhe Drivetabs" inow dicalso teshow if the D search ives lperformed based on their parametters.
2012-03-20 00:32:00
Updated by Checker
- What's new: Possibility to set one or more Wildcards Filters on the Folders in which the search is performed. After Paste in the box "File Name(s)" and "Starting Folder(s)" the Tab Char is converted to a Pipe Char. The items "Everywhere", "Local Drives" and "Network Drives" now also show the Drives letter.
2012-03-20 00:30:01
Updated by Checker
- Version: V2.3.0.12079
- What's new:
Possibility to set one or more Wildcards Filters on the Folders in which the search is performed. After Paste in the box "File Name(s)" and "Starting Folder(s)" the Tab Char is converted to a Pipe Char. The items "Everywhere", "Local Drives" and "Network Drives" now also show the Drives letter.
2012-03-19 23:36:23
Updated by Checker
- Version: V2.
- Size (in bytes): 16
- What's new: Possibility to set one or more Wildcards Filters on the Folders in which the search
oo is performed. After Paste in the the Eboxc "Filude Folder Name(s)" and "Stharting define foldeFolder(s )" to he Tabe exChar is cludonverted from all se to a Pipe Charches. AbilThe ity to set thems "Exverywhere", "Localude Fol Drives" and "Network Drives" in two ways: Full Paths and Directlsory with Wildcards. Option to choose whether tow clthear o Dr keep the "File Name" and thves "Search Texlett" afteer change "Mode".
2012-02-20 19:57:23
Updated by Checker
- Size (in bytes): 162
2012-02-20 18:07:25
Updated by joby_toss
- Software title: Ultra File Search Lite
- Synopsis: Ultra File Search Lite q
uickly finds fuickly finds files, foldeolders and text and text on your locr local, network, , or er external al media. Ultraltra Fiile Se Search Lite allows you to specify several file masks and drives/folders at the same time; it is able to sort them according to their properties (e. g. modified date) and find files that contain one or more specific words or sentences.This utility does not use background indexing.
2012-02-20 11:16:21
Updated by Checker
2012-02-20 11:13:24
Updated by Checker
- Version: V2.
- Size (in bytes): 252
- What's new:
Improved search speed of about 20% in Windows® 7 and Windows® Server 2008 R2. AbiPossibility to set twto choose the Exclude Folders that define fo lders to be excluded from all seactrches. Abilionty to set after he Export of the Resultxclude Folders in two ways: " Full Paths and Directory with Wildcards. Opetion Exported to choose whether to clear or keep the "File" e Name" and the "Search Text"Ope after chan Foldger of Exp"Mortsde".
2012-01-10 09:37:33
Updated by Checker
- Version: V2.
- Size (in bytes):
- What's new:
Added local Help in chm Format. Search in Encoded Text DocuIments (e.g. PDF, XLSX, DOCX) using IFilter technology to find the text. Support toved multi-selection earch speed of about 20% in Windows® 7 and Win order toows® pServerform ed 2008 R2. Abiliting (e.g. Copty, Cut, Delete to set two ac)tions after Exponrt mof the Results: "Open Exported File" and "Open Folder of IExportems".
2011-12-13 09:15:02
Updated by Checker
- Version: V
- Size (in bytes): 15
- What's new:
SavAdded local Help ing and chm Forestoring Zoom Settingsmat. Seaving and rerch in Encoded Text Documents (e.g. PDF, XLSX, DOCX) using IFilter technology to find the text. Support to multi-stoelection in order to perform editing (e.g. Copy, Cut, Delete etc) olumn Layout (Visibimultity, Width, Position) ofple Ithe Remsult List.
2011-09-27 09:48:07
Updated by Checker
- Version: V1.0.
- Size (in bytes): 15
- What's new:
Ability to zoSaving and restoring Zoom the text in the R Sesults Window. Drag & Drop Folders (Gets the list of Selected Folders) from other Applicattiongs to ". Search Path"ving and Box. Drag & Drop Iestems (Move, Copy,ring Creolumn Layoute Shortcut) from Re(Visults Window to other Appbilicaty, Width, Positioon) of the Result List.
2011-08-25 23:18:49
Updated by Checker
- Version: V1.0.
- How to extract: Download the portable
zipZIP packaackage and ee and extract to a folder of your choicur choice. Launchch ULTRAltraFILEileSEARCHearch.exe.
- Size (in bytes): 1
- What's new: Ability to
Save and (or) Load search Pzoom the text in the Results Window. Drag & Drop Folders (Gets the list of Selected Folders) from other Applications to "Search Pameteth" Box. Drag & Drop Items. O(Move, Copy, Create Shortcutio) from Results Win tdo select which types of Parameto others to Save and (or) Load. OAptplion to selecat which types of Items to Save and (or) Loads.
2011-07-04 07:16:30
Updated by Checker
- Version: V1.0.
- Size (in bytes): 14
- What's new: A
dded Rename Filebility to Save and (or) Load search Parameters. Added Copy to Folder. Added Move To Folder.. ImOprtion toved Creatsele Shortcut. Added Ed whit Menu: Cut, Copy, Copy to Folder, Move to Folder, Createch Shortcut, Delete,ypes Rof Paramename,Rtemors to Save f and (or) Lom Lad. Option to select which types of Items to Save and (or) Load.
2011-05-10 05:25:34
Updated by I am Baas
- Version: V1.0.
- Size (in bytes): 1
- What's new:
The SeAdded Rename Files. Added Copy to Folderch. Added Move Path supTo Folder. Improved Create Shorts stcut. Added Edinglt Menu: Cut, Copy, Copy to Folder, Move to Folder, Create Shor mtcut, Deletiple, "ERenvironment Variablme,Res" (move.g. %APPDATA%|%PATH%). Added the Source Ffrolders Vm Liew of the Resulsts.
2011-02-23 09:18:00
Updated by webfork
- Version: V1.0.
- Size (in bytes): 13745
- What's new:
V1.0.3.10363- Export as Web Page File (HTML) with Links. V1.0.2.10298- Ability to search more than one Sentence, or more Phrases and Words together, at the same time.- Display of the main Filters to Search in the Caption of the Window and the Taskbar.- Added Options for Exporting Results. V1.0.1.10236- Ability to Filter by "Modified D The Seate", "Creation Date" and "Last Access Date" h Pat the sasupports single or multiple t"Envime.ronment V1.0ariables" (e.0g. %APPDATA%|%PATH%).10178- Filter for Added ttributhes Source Folders View of Filthe Results.
2010-12-31 18:03:01
Updated by joby_toss
- Synopsis: Ultra File Search
is a Search Utility which is able to find quickly finds files, folders and text on your local, network, or external media. Ultra File Search allows you to specify several file masks and drives/folders at the same time; it is able to sort them according to their properties (e. g. modified date) and find files that contain one or more specific words or sentences.This utility does not use background indexing.
2010-12-30 18:20:46
Added by joby_toss