Change history for OneLoupe

2025-02-02 20:43:11
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v5.915
  • Release date: 20245-101-316

2024-11-16 22:51:25
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v5.88.91
  • Release date: 2024-0811-136

2024-08-20 06:15:37
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v5.88.1
  • Release date: 2024-058-2713

2024-05-30 08:14:33
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v5.7781
  • Release date: 2024-025-227

2024-02-25 01:00:28
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v5.717
  • Release date: 20234-082-202

2023-08-28 09:16:45
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v5.6671
  • Release date: 2023-048-120

2023-04-13 06:40:32
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v5.616
  • Release date: 20223-1004-140

2022-10-16 00:33:36
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v5.261
  • Release date: 2022-104-104

2022-04-11 08:52:58
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • What's new: See: [url][/url]

2022-04-11 08:52:46
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v5.215
  • System Requirement:
  • Release date: 2022-014-2510

2022-03-04 21:05:45
Updated by webfork

  • Screenshot: Updated
  • Keywords: one%20loupe oneloop softwareok oneloup

2022-01-25 15:58:29
Updated by Ennovy

  • Version: v5.115
  • Release date: 20212-101-265
  • What's new: See: [url][/url]

2021-11-26 11:04:44
Updated by Ennovy

  • Version: v5.011
  • Release date: 2021-06-181-26
  • What's new:

2021-06-19 07:06:10
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Create an empty file [i]OneLoupe.ini[/i] (otherwise it will be created in the user profile folder)Launch [i]OneLoupe.exe[/i] (Win 98-NT), [i]OneLoupe_uc.exe[/i] or [i]OneLoupe_x64.exe[/i].NOTE: You may need to right-click on the tray icon and select [i]Language - [/i]
  • What's new:

2021-06-18 14:10:44
Updated by Ennovy

  • Version: v45.8801
  • Release date: 2021-036-2918
  • What's new: See:[url][/url]

2021-04-10 03:04:18
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v4.7788
  • Release date: 2020-12-053-29
  • What's new: See:[url][/url]

2020-12-05 14:09:58
Updated by billon

  • Version: v4.6177
  • Size (in bytes): 1519447832
  • Release date: 2020-12-05-18

2020-05-18 09:20:42
Updated by billon

  • Website URL:
  • Version: v4.5561
  • License: [url=]Freeware[/url]
  • Download URL:
  • Release date: 2020-045-0918
  • What's new: See:[url][/url]

2020-04-09 17:04:13
Updated by billon

  • Version: v4.4155
  • Release date: 201920-04-06-179
  • What's new: [list][*]BugSee: Code Signing Certificate.[*]Small adjustments and improvements for Win 10.[*l]Uhttpdate s://www.softhe languwagresok.[com/l?seite=Microsoft/OneLoupe/History[/url]

2019-06-17 03:45:50
Updated by billon

  • Version: v4.3341
  • Size (in bytes): 9147830562
  • Keywords: one%20loupe oneloop softwareok
  • Release date: 2018-129-06-17
  • What's new: [list][*]IBug: Code Signing Certificate.[*]Small adjustmprovement in entscreen magnifier performance.[*]Fine-tuning and genimprovemeralnts optimizatfor Wionn 10.[*]Updating of ate the lae language files.[/list]

2018-12-07 14:47:01
Updated by billon

  • Version: v4.313
  • Release date: 2018-102-037
  • What's new: [list][*]New: [url=https://www.softwareok.coIm/?seite=faq-OprovemeneLoupe&faq=6]Mult iple profiles or INI files for savn screen magnifing settings[/url].[*]Fine tun pes rfor thormance.[*]Fine -tuninewg Wiandows 10 Octobgeneral updoptimizateion.[*]Updateing of the language files.[/list]

2018-10-03 06:04:53
Updated by billon

  • Version: v4.231
  • Size (in bytes): 848930564
  • Release date: 2018-109-2203
  • What's new: [list][*]VNew: [url=https://www.softwarieok.cous improvem/?seite=faq-OneLoupe&faq=6]Multiple profiles or INI files for s.aving settings[/url].[*]Fixed display problnems wi th unes fome grap the new Windows 10 Oc catober updsate.[*]Update of the language files.[/list]

2018-09-22 13:31:39
Updated by billon

  • Version: v4.121
  • Size (in bytes): 848964
  • Release date: 2018-069-122
  • What's new: [list][*]TVarious improvesment on Windows 10 Update Build 1804 - 17134 (Redstone 4).[*]CFixed display prodeblems with signinome g certifaphic caterds.[*]Update of the language files.[/list]

2018-06-12 14:10:45
Updated by billon

  • Version: v4.0711
  • Size (in bytes): 737284896
  • Release date: 2018-046-0312
  • What's new: [list][*]Small fixes and recompiles [url=]for false viruTest on Windows warning[/url], 10 Updalthough no ve Buirusld was pr1804 - 17134 (Redstone 4).[*]Code signing cenrtificate.[*]Updatinge of the language files.[/list]

2018-04-03 15:49:34
Updated by billon

  • Version: v4.057
  • Size (in bytes): 69673728
  • Release date: 2018-014-063
  • What's new: [list][*]Small fixes and recompiles [url=]for false virus warning[/url], although no virus was present.[*]Updatinating of the language files and new language: Japanese.[/list]

2018-01-07 13:29:06
Updated by billon

  • Website URL:
  • Version: v4.045
  • License: [url=]Frereewarre[/url]
  • Synopsis: OneLoupe is an easy-to-use zoom/magnify program with options for zooming or via hotkey. Includes options for full screen, realtime (always visible) and more.Note that additional settings, including the size and level of the default zoom view (2x zoom in a 600x150 pixel window) can be modified after the initial launch via the [i]OneLoupe_uc.ini[/i] file.
  • Size (in bytes): 65539632
  • Download URL:
  • Release date: 2017-08--01-06
  • What's new: [list][*]Updating of the language files and new language: KoreJapanese.[/list]

2017-08-11 04:27:28
Updated by billon

  • Version: v4.014
  • Synopsis: OneLoupe is an easy-to-use zoom/magnify program with options for zooming or via hotkey. Includes options for full screen, ncludes options for full screen, realtime (always visible), and mors visible) and more. Note thote that addititional setl settings, includings, the size and level of thincluding the size and level of the default zooom view (2x zoom in ax zoom in a 600x0x150 pixeel window) can be modiodified afteter th the ini initiaal launch via ia the e [i]OneLoupe_uc.iini[/i] file.
  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]OneLoupe.exe[/i] (Windows XP and above:[list=1][*]Download the ZIP package ([url=]32-bit[/urln 98-NT), [i]/[url=]64-bit[/url]) and extract to a folder of your choice[*]Create an empty text file within this folder and name it [i]OneLoupe_uc.ini[/i] for 32-bit systems or [i]OneLoupe_x64.ini[uc.exe[/ii] for 64-bit.or [*i]Launch OneLoupe_uc.exe or OneLoupe_x64.exe for 64-bit[/list]Win9x-NT[list=1][*]Download the [url=]ANSI ZIP[/url] package[*]Create an empty text file within this folder and name it [i]OneLoupe.ini[/i][*][i]Launch OneLoupe.exe[/i][/list][b].NOTE[/b]: You may need to ray need to rightht-click on t the tray icoon an andd select [i]Langanguage - English[/i]
  • Size (in bytes): 65593926
  • Stealth: No Yes
  • Release date: 20167-1208-310
  • What's new: [list][*]ImUprovements in the screen madating of the languagnifier, if the [CTRL] key is pressed, don't follow the mouse, preparation for touchilescreen handd new lianguage: Korean.[/list]

2016-12-31 00:11:45
Updated by billon

  • Version: v34.9901
  • System Requirement: WinME WinNT Win2K
  • Size (in bytes): 49159392
  • Icon: Updated
  • Similar/alternative apps: [url=]DesktopZoom[/url]
  • Release date: 2016-05-129-30
  • What's new: [list][*]Improvements foin the screen magnifier, if the [url=http://wCTRL] key is pressed, don't followw.s the moftwuse, preparation fore tok.ucom/?hscreite=faq-Windows-10]Windows 10 en hand Server 2016[/url].[*]Update of the lainguage files.[/list]

2016-06-05 00:04:27
Updated by webfork

  • How to extract: Windows XP and above:[list=1][*]Download the ZIP package ([url=]32-bit[/url]/[url=]64-bit[/url]) and extract to a folder of your choice[*]Create an empty text file within this folder and name it [i]OneLoupe_uc.ini[/i] for 32-bit systems or [i]OneLoupe_x64.ini[/i] for 64-bit.[*]Launch OneLoupe_uc.exe or OneLoupe_x64.exe for 64-bit[/list]Win9x-NT[list=1][*]Download the [url=]ANSI ZIP[/url] package)[*]Create an empty text file within this folder and name it [i]OneLoupe.ini[/i])[*][i]Launch OneLoupe.exe[/i][/list][b]NOTE[/b]: You may need to right-click on the tray icon and select [i]Language - English[/i]

2016-05-29 21:06:25
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: OneLoupe is an easy-to-use zoom/magnify program with options for zooming or via hotkey. Includes options for full screen, realtime (always visible), and more. Note that additional settings, including the size and level of the default zoom view (2x zooom/mag in a 600x150 pixel window) cani be modifyied progafter the initial launch viam with options for zooming are [i]OneLound using a spe_ucific hotkey. Iincludes options fori[/i] full screen, realtime (always visible), and more.

2016-05-29 15:31:39
Updated by Checker

  • Unicode support: No Yes

2016-05-29 15:28:07
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v3.919
  • Release date: 2016-015-0129
  • What's new: [list][*]UpdaImprovements for [url=]Wingdows 10 and Server 2016[/url].[*]Update of the language files.[*]New language: Persian.[/list]

2016-01-06 23:08:46
Updated by webfork

  • How to extract: Windows XP and above:[list=1][*]Download the ZIP package ([url=]32-bit[/url]/[url=]32-bit[/url]/[url=]64-bit[/url]) and extract to a folder of your choice[*]Create an empty text file within this folder an and extract to a folder of your choice[*]Create an empty text file within this folder and name e it [i]OneLoupe_uc.ini[/i] for 32-bit systems or [i]OneLoupe_x64.ini[/i] for 64-bit.[*]Launch OneLoupe_uc.exe o-bit systems or [i]OneLoupe_x64.ini[/i] for 64-bit.[*]Launch OneLoupe_uc.exe or OneLoupe_x64.exe for 64-bit[/list]W[/list]Win9x-NT[[list=1]][*]Download theDownload the [url=]ANSI ZIP[/url] package)[*]Create an empty text file within this folder and name it [i]OneLoupe.ini[/i])[*][i]Launch OneLoupe.exe[/i][/list][b]NOTE[/b]: You may need to right-click on the tray icon and select [i]Language - English[/i]
  • Keywords: one%20loupe oneloop

2016-01-06 23:08:32
Updated by webfork

  • How to extract: [lWindows XP and above:[list=1][*]Download the ZIP package ([url= the& ZIP packamp;goto=../Download/]Unicode[/url]/e ([url=htttp://ww/]32-bit[/url]/[url=]64-bit[/url]) and extract to a folder of your choice[*]Create an empty text file withinl this foalder and name it [i]OneLoupe_uc.ini[/i] for 32-bit systems or [i]OneLoupe_x64.ini[/i] for 64-bit.[*]Launch OneLoupe_uc.exe or]ex64[/url]) and extract to a folder of your choice. Win9x/NT users wil64-bit[/l wanist to d]Win9x-NT[list=1][*]Download tthe [url=]ip]ANSI ZIP[/url] prl] package).[*]Creareate e an emptty tex t file xt file within this folder and name it [i]OneLoupe_uc.ini[/ i] ort [i][//i])[*][i] for 64-bit systems. Win9x/NT maLaunchi Ones sheLould nampe this [i][/i][/list][b]NOTE[/i])[*b]Launch the EXE file : You mayou downloaded (OneLoupe.exe, OneLoupe_uc.exe, or OneLoupe_x64)[*]You may need to righted to right-cclick on ton the traay icon an and seelectt [i]Langanguage - English[/i].[/list]

2016-01-01 18:52:04
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v3.8891
  • Size (in bytes): 4891528
  • Release date: 20156-1201-101
  • What's new: [list][*]Full functionality on [url=]WUpdatindows 10[/url]. [*]Small adjustments and updating of g the llanguage files.[*]New language: Persian.[/list]

2015-12-10 18:23:42
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v3.828
  • Release date: 2015-0712-109
  • What's new: [list][*]CorrecFull functioonality on a[url= e=faq-Windows-10]Windows Startup ents 10[/uryl]. ([*]SOFTWAREmall adjustments \and Mupdaticrng osoff the \ Wilandows \ CgurrentVage filersion \ Run).[/list]

2015-09-26 13:48:03
Updated by Checker

  • System Requirement:

2015-07-09 16:21:37
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v3.812
  • Release date: 2015-067-309
  • What's new: [list][*]Verification, validation, and testing of the OneLoupe for/on [uCorrl=http://www.softwareok.ectiom/?seitn at Windows Startup e=faq-Windowtry (SOFTWARE \ Micros-10&ofaq=0]t \ Windows-10[/ \ Curl]rentVersion \ Run).[/list]

2015-07-08 23:19:26
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: OneLoupe is a zoom/magnify program with options for zooming around using a specific hotkey. Includes options for full screen, realtime (always visible), and more.
  • Screenshot: Updated

2015-07-08 23:14:17
Updated by webfork

  • How to extract: [list=1][*]Download the ZIP package ([url=]Unicode[/url]/[url=]Ax64[/url]) and extract to a folder of your choice. Win9x/NSI[/url]/T users will want to download the [urll=]Uwnicode[/url]/[url=;gooto=../Downnload//]x64[/urlip]ANSI[/url] package).[*]Create an empty text file within this folder and extr nact me ito a f[i]OneLoupe_uc.ini[/i] older of y[i]OneLour choice[*]Create an empty te_xt f64.ini[/ile] called [i]OneLoupe.ini[/i] (or [i]OneLoupe_uc.ini[/i] for Unicode / [i]OneLfoupe_x64.ini[/i] for r 64-bit systems) within this folder[*]Launch the EXEit systems. Win9x/NT machines should name this [i]OneLoupe.ini[/i])[*]Launch the EXE file you dou downloadeded (OneLoupe.exe, OOneLoupe.exe, OneLoupe_uc.exe, or OneLoupe_x64)[*]Yoou may need to righay need to right-cclick on ton the traay icon ann and seelect [i]Laangguage - Engliish[/i].[/list]

2015-07-08 23:10:43
Updated by webfork

  • How to extract: [list=1][*]Download the ZIP package ([url=]ANSI[/url]/[url=]Unicode[/url]/[url=]x64[/url]) and extract to a folder of your choice[*]Create an empty text file called [i]OneLoupe.ini[/i] (or [i]OneLoupe_uc.ini[/i] for Unicode / [i]OneLoupe_x64.ini[/i] for 64-bit systems) within this folder[*]Launch [i]OneLoupe.exthe[/i] ( EXE for ANSI) or [i]OneLoupe_ile youc.ex downloaded [/i](for Unicode)[i] [/i]or[i] OneLOneLoupe.exe, OneLoupe_uc.exe, or OneLoupe_x64.exe[/i*] (fYou may need to right-click on the tr 64ay icon and select Language -b Englit)sh.[/list]

2015-07-08 23:08:12
Updated by webfork

  • Screenshot: Updated
  • Similar/alternative apps: [url=]DesktopZoom[/url]

2015-07-01 10:26:16
Updated by Midas

  • Keywords: one%20loupe
  • Forum topic ID: 3507

2015-06-30 21:14:22
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v3.781
  • Screenshot: Updated
  • Release date: 20000-0015-06-30
  • What's new: [list][*]CorVerification, validation, and testing of the OneLoupe for/on [urecl=http://www.softiwareok.con in the real-tim/?se mite=fagnifq-Wication dows-10&for aq=0]Windows XP and Server 2000-21005[/url].[/list]

2014-03-15 15:59:17
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v3.6471
  • What's new: [list][*]Verification, validation, and further testing of the OneLoupe for/on [uCorrl= in the reial-time=f maq-Wgnificatindows-8&n faq=112]or Windows-8.1[/u XP and Serl]ver 2000-2005.[/list]

2013-10-12 11:23:38
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v3.614
  • What's new: [list][*]UpdatVerificating of then, languvage fliles.[*]Verification anddation, and further testing of the OneLoupe for Win 8.1 /on [url=]Windows -8.1 Pro[/url].[/list]

2013-08-19 14:36:02
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v3.561
  • What's new: [list][*]RUpdating of the language files.[*]Verification and testing for Win 8.1 olvedn p[uroblem on sol= ATI v=faq-Windows-8&faq=112]Windeows cards8.[*]Improvements f1 Pro[/ur x64 operating systemsl].[/list]

2013-07-20 16:44:53
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v3.556
  • Size (in bytes): 46598128
  • What's new: [list][*]NRew solved ptions for rearobl-time emag onifier: 1. Don't use Esc 2. Hide via Esc 3. Hidome ATI video cards.[*]Improvements for x64 doublperating ESCsystems.[/list]

2013-06-12 10:46:35
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v3.515
  • Size (in bytes): 471046592
  • What's new: [list][*]SmNew options for reall adjust-time meagnifier: 1. Don't use Esc 2. Hide via Es[*]Upc 3. Hidate ving the lang douage fibles ESC[/list]

2013-05-13 10:45:02
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v3.451
  • Size (in bytes): 46087104
  • What's new: [list][*]UpSmall adating justhe lamenguage filests[*]New laUpdatinguag the: Italianguage files[/list]

2013-02-17 18:34:10
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v3.445
  • Size (in bytes): 45056080
  • What's new: [list][*]With Ctrl + Shift + Escape, the Magnifier is no longer placed on the foreground (activated).[*]TestinUpdating for Win-8 on [url=thttp://www.softwe faq=38]Windoiles[*]News-8 Elanguage: Iterpralise[/url].an[/list]

2012-12-03 17:42:29
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v3.414
  • System Requirement:
  • What's new: [list][*]Updating the language fiWith Ctrl + Shift + Escape, the Magnifier is and newo laonguage: Hungr placed on the foregriaound (activated).[*]AgaTesting for advanced testWing and verification-8 on [url==htttp://w/www.softwareoeok.comde/?seeite=faq-Windows-=faq-Windows-8&faq=38]Windows -8 Enterprise[/url].[/list]

2012-11-14 15:17:06
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v3.3641
  • System Requirement:
  • Size (in bytes): 44503256
  • What's new: [list][*]Updating the language files and new language: SeHungarbianian.[*]Again advanced testing and verification on [url=]Windows 8 Enterprise[/url].[/list]

2012-11-04 16:51:00
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v3.336
  • Size (in bytes): 4403520
  • What's new: [list][*]MoveUpdating the OneLoupe Window postion via LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN Arrow keys plangus [CTRL] or ([CTRL] and [SHIFT]=Fine).[*]Updating the languagge fileles a and new languuagese:Russ Serbian, Nederlan[*]Ads, Trvanced testing and veritional-Chfinese cation ond Sim[url=httpli://]Winedows 8 Enterprise[/url].[/list]

2012-09-14 06:11:55
Updated by Checker

  • Version: Vv3.33
  • System Requirement:

2012-09-14 06:10:58
Updated by Checker

  • Version: V3.1633
  • System Requirement:
  • Size (in bytes): 43520448
  • What's new: [list][*]Move the OneLoupe Window postion via LEFT, RIGHT, Updating the language files and new language: P, DOWN Arrow keys plus [CTRL] or ([CTRL] and [SHIFrench[*T]Improvements and adjustments for the new W=Fine).[*]Updows 8 and tests at [url= the=f languaq-Windows-8&ge files aq=1]Windows 8 Relnew languagease:Russian, PrNedevrlands, Traditional-Chinew[/urse and Simpl]ified-Chinese.[/list]

2012-08-11 23:04:52
Updated by Checker

  • What's new: [list][*]Updating the language files and new language: French2. [*]Improvements and adjustments for the new Windows 8 and tests at [url=]Windows 8 Release Preview[/url].[/list]

2012-08-10 11:14:34
Updated by Checker

  • Version: V3.136
  • Size (in bytes): 39420448
  • What's new: [list][*]OUptimisation for 64-bit OS[*]dating the language files and new language: French2. Imprprovements and adjustments for the new Windows 8 and tests at [url=http://www.softwareok.covem/?senits e=faq-Windows-8&faq=1]Wind updating ofws th8 Re leanguagese fPrevilesw[/url].[/list]

2012-07-18 20:31:42
Updated by Checker

  • Version: V3.113
  • What's new: [list][*]UOpdattimisation for 64-bit OS[*]Improvements angd updating of the langguage files and new language: Slovenian (Slovenski)[/list]

2012-07-11 00:53:38
Updated by lautrepay

  • Categories: [System - Display]

2012-06-23 14:23:39
Updated by Checker

  • Synopsis: OneLoupe is a zoom/magnify program with options for zooming around using a specific hotkey.A 64-bit version is available.
  • How to extract: [list=1][*]Download the ZIP package ([url=]ANSI[/url]/[url=]Unicode[/url]/[url=]x64[/url]) and extract to a folder of your choice[*]Create an empty text file called [i]OneLoupe.ini[/i] (or [i]OneLoupe_uc.ini[/i] for Unicode / [i]OneLoupe_x64.ini[/i] for 64-bit systems) within this foald the ZIP per[*]Launckagh [i]OneLoupe.exe [/i] (for ANSI/Unicode/x64) and extract to a folder of your choice Create an empty text file called or [i (or ]OnneLououpe_uc.exe [/ini ](foor Uniconicode / OneLoupe_x64.ine)[i] [/i f]or 64-bit systems) within th[is folder Launch] OneLoupe.exe (for ANSI) or OneeLoupe_uc.exe (for Unicode) or OneLoupe_xx64.exexe[/i] (for 64-bit).[/list]
  • What's new: [list][*]Updatingdating the lane language fililes and n new laangguagge: Slov Slovennian (Sllovensskii)[/list]

2012-06-12 15:39:03
Updated by Checker

  • Version: V3.0511
  • Size (in bytes): 38942400
  • What's new: Updating the language files and new languages: Greek, Arabic New: : UnicodSlove versnion ofan OneL(Sloupvenski)

2012-05-22 10:57:28
Updated by Checker

    2012-05-22 10:45:14
    Updated by Checker

    • How to extract: Download the ZIP package (ANSI/Unicode/x64) and extract to a folder of your choice Create an empty text file called OneLoupe.ini (or OneLoupe_uc.ini for Unicode or/ OneLoupe_x64.ini for 64-bit systems) within this folder Launch OneLoupe.exe (for ANSI) or OneLoupe_uc.exe (for Unicode) or OneLoupe_x64.exe (for 64-bit).

    2012-05-22 10:44:27
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: V3.035
    • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of (ANSI/Unicode/x64) and extract to a folder of your cr choiceice Create an empty text file called OneLoupe.ini (or OneLn empty text file called OneLoupe.ini (or OneLoupe_uc.ini for Unicode or OneLoupe_x64.ini for 64-bit bit sysstems) witithin this fo foldder Launch OneLoupe.exe (for ANSI) or OneLoupe_uc.exe (for Unicode) or Launch OneLoupe.exe or OneLouppe_xx64.eexe (for 64-bit).
    • Size (in bytes): 363528400
    • What's new: Updating the language files and new languages in S: Greek, Arabic New : Unicreoden Magn version ofier: POneLolish, Supanishe

    2012-05-15 16:52:25
    Updated by webfork

    • How to extract: Downloaad the ZIP pacP packaage and extract to a folder of youe and extract to a folder of your cchoice. Create an empty text fille calleled OneeLoupe.ini (or OneLoupe_x64.ini or OneLoupe_x64.ini wfor 64-bithin systems) within this folder. Launch OneLoupe.exe or OneLoupe_x64.exe (64-bit).

    2012-05-03 15:44:14
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: V3.003
    • Size (in bytes): 34816352
    • What's new: Updating the language files and new language: Swedish New:s in x64Screen (64-BMagnifit) versionr: Poflish, OneLouSpeanish

    2012-04-30 14:50:25
    Updated by I am Baas

    • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Create an empty file called OneLoupe.ini or OneLoupe_x64.ini within this folder. Launch OneLoupe.exe or OneLoupe_x64.exe (64-bit).
    • Screenshot: Updated

    2012-04-30 08:50:53
    Updated by Checker

    • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Create an empty file called OneLoupe.ini within this folder. Launch OneLoupe.exe  or OneLoupe_x64.exe (64-bit).

    2012-04-30 08:46:48
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: V23.6200
    • Synopsis: OneLoupe is a zoom/magnify program with options for zooming around using a specific hotkey.A 64-bit version is available.
    • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Create an empty file called OneLoupe.ini within this folder. Launch OneLoupe.exe  or OneLoupe_x64.exe (64-bit).
    • Size (in bytes): 34304816
    • What's new: Small adjustments and uUpdateting thehe language files and new laangguage filee: Swedis.h New: x64 (64-Bit) Tversts fiorn Wiof OndeLows-8 Consumper Preview.

    2012-04-21 08:01:16
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: V2.5562
    • Size (in bytes): 34379204
    • What's new: Small adjustments and update the language files. Tests foor 64-bWitndows-8 Coperating systumemsr and impProeviementsw.

    2011-11-30 23:23:35
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: V2.525
    • Size (in bytes): 348163792
    • What's new: Small adjustments plusfor u64-bit operating systems and impdatrovements

    2011-10-22 17:21:50
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: V2.512
    • What's new: Bug fix inSmall fadjunction: minimize to sysstmem tray (ToToray) winth SHIFT +s ESCplus update

    2011-09-18 19:00:42
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: V2.4751
    • What's new: Optimisation in the Bug function Fullscreen [F11] on dual or multiplex monitorsn afund sctiomen: minimize othero system trally f(ToToray) SHIFT + ESC

    2011-08-22 10:12:25
    Updated by Checker

    • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Create an empty file called 'OneLoupe.ini' within this folder. Launch OneLoupe.exe.

    2011-07-12 08:03:37
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: V2.467
    • Screenshot: Updated
    • What's new: CorrOptimisation in thec function on Fullscreen [F11] on dual or multiple monitors and some othe re smal-timel magnification for Windows Servxer 2008s.

    2011-05-19 06:36:28
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: V2.456
    • What's new: SmCorrection in the reall corr-timec magnification (bug fix)ion for Windows-7 Starter!ver 2008

    2011-03-21 16:43:04
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: V2.445
    • What's new: Optional Close by click the Smagnifyingll glass, adjustable via thcorre tray menu in the notification a(bug fix) for Windows-7 Startear!

    2010-09-16 00:36:01
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: V2.424
    • What's new: Bug F Optional Close by click the magnifyix: Ifng glass, adjustable via the trayou pressmenu ESC key,in the notificathe priogram wasn evear closed.a!

    2010-09-05 06:03:00
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: V2.412
    • What's new: Bug Fix: in the function Fullscreen on dual or multiple monitors. New Feature: disable the magniIfication window border.Note: The downlyoadu pagress still saESC keys, "2.37", buthe itprogram iwas "2 ever closed.41" !

    2010-08-30 07:56:39
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: V2.3741
    • Size (in bytes): 337924816
    • What's new: Bug fiFix: in t: in the function Fullscreen on dual or multiple monitors. New Feature: disable the fumagnction "Stficartion window with Windows"border.Note: The and unwownloanted spage still sartys "2.37", but with Windows "2.41" !

    2010-08-11 18:26:02
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: V2.367
    • Size (in bytes): 3379280
    • What's new: Bug fix: Resizen tthe function "Start with Windows" and unwanted mstagnifrt wication rangeh Win normal mdodews.

    2010-07-10 11:47:00
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: V2.356
    • What's new: Improvement in the tray menBug Bug fix in the fullfix: Rescreize then maagnification range in normal mode

    2010-06-28 10:55:13
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: V2.345
    • Size (in bytes): 3327680
    • What's new: FImprovement in the tray menu Bug fix in the full Scl screen Mmagnification with the F key or F11

    2010-06-15 07:28:33
    Added by guinness