DxWnd v2.06.01

SYSTEM on 11 Jan 2024
  • 19MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 8 Jan 2024
  • Suggested by Special

DxWnd lets you run many applications that default to fullscreen in a window, ideal for games. The program is a Win32 "hooker" program that intercepts and alters the behavior of window messages and APIs. It picks up events and injects code into the configured tasks to run fullscreen programs in a windowed environment while maintaining expected behavior.

Runs on:WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? Yes
License: GPL
How to extract:
  1. Download the RAR package and extract to a folder of your choice.
  2. Launch dxwnd.exe.
What's new?
    fix: [cpulimit.cpp createproc.cpp kernel32.cpp] fixed IgnoreScheduler shim emulation
    fix: [ddraw.cpp opengl.cpp] fixed hot-patch hooking using a final commit
    fix: [ddraw.cpp] fixed flipchain handling when backbuffer surfaces are added at later time (fixes "Alchemist")
    add: [dinput.cpp, GUI] added tracking of dinput mouse position
    add: [dinput.cpp] added SHAREDMOUSE flaf, needed for "Poska Goola"
    add: [dxhook.c xbox2kbd] added XBOX2KEYBOARD key remapper
    add: [dxwcore.cpp] more error logging in mixer emulation
    add: [kernel32.cpp] added CDHACK flag
    fix: [hd3d.cpp] proper cursor position scaling in IDirect3DDevice8/9 cursor methods
    fix: [kernel32.cpp] fixed directory attributes in Win95 emulation
    fix: [kernel32.cpp] handling of LoadLibrary calls on files in fake devices
    fix: [kernel32.cpp] fixed bugged DISABLEDELETE flag condition
    add: [kernel32.cpp] added wrappers for FindFirstFileExA/W calls
    add: [mciwrapper.cpp] improved logging
    fix: [mciwrapper.cpp] fixed id reservation for widechar mci calls
    fix: [mciwrapper.cpp] handling of MCI_WHERE and MCI_PUT messages for video stretching
    fix: [msvcrt.cpp] fixed bugged log message potentially throwing exceptions
    add: [msvfw.cpp] added video stretching handling in drawDibDraw wrapper
    add: [sdl.cpp] added tracing wrappers for SDL_SetWindowGrab SDL_SetWindowResizeable SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode
    add: [shell32.cpp] added tracing wrappers for IsDirty, Save and SaveCompleted methods
    fix: [user32.cpp] fixed (again) SetTopWindow wrapper. Needed to run "Monopoly Junior"
    add: [user32.cpp] added tracing #ifdef-ed wrappers for Get/SetPropA/W calls

5 comments on DxWnd  The Portable Freeware Collection Latest Entries Feed

Midas 2017-07-04 10:04

Tip: no help files are included in recent builds, so it is advised you grab v2_04_10 from Sourceforge which has the most up to date files.

BTW, the GitHub repository mentioned above by refack is currently empty.


refack 2017-04-22 14:53

@Special, I'm just helping gho with the "mechanics" of the mirror. He owns and approves the mirror.


Special 2017-03-25 17:18

Who are you? Like if gho the main guy behind DxWnd move over to Github, only then I would consider it an "official" repo, but other wise it seems pretty unofficial to me when a random person sets one up.

What are some of your contributions to DxWnd? Why didn't gho set it up instead?


refack 2017-03-25 15:14

Code is now also available at https://github.com/DxWnd


nakaoh12 2016-12-30 21:02

Excellent app for StarCraft 1 on Win7, Win8 and Win10


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