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How to find the number of Applications you have suggested.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:44 pm
by guinness
Are you curious to know how many applications you have suggested successfully to TPFC? This tells you how to achieve such a curious question!

1. Naviagate to OR click "Options" next to the search bar.
2. Add the following into the Search Input box - [USERNAME] (with "[]" but substitute USERNAME for you member name.)
3. In the drop down box for "Result by page" select 100.
4. Select the button "Search with options."
5. In the browser URL Address Bar find the value 100 and change to a large number, this ideally should be a number bigger than the number of "USERNAME favorites (399)" you have. Once changed from 100 to a new value navigate to that page (hit the "Enter" key!)

Code: Select all[USERNAME]&so=r&s=400&rt=r&m=Search+with+options
6. In your browser open up the source editor (e.g. in Firefox Ctrl+U) and select/copy all the text.
7. Paste the text into an editor that has the ability to replace text, but also show you the number of replacements. I recommend SciTE as a good editor, this is a good bundle of SciTE with AutoIt.
8. Select the "Search & Replace" function within the editor, search for "Suggested by USERNAME" and replace with "Anything."
9. Voila! You will have the number of applications you have "Suggested."

Re: How to find the number of Applications you have suggeste

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:52 am
by joby_toss
He he, it works! :)

Re: How to find the number of Applications you have suggeste

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:33 pm
by guinness
Andrew Lee was on 31, Webfork was on 7 and you (joby_toss) were on 21. (As of 20.10.2010)

Re: How to find the number of Applications you have suggeste

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:54 pm
by guinness
So I did some more searching and found some more statistics for users who have suggested (not added!) They include both Live and Private entries.

AlephX = 69
ashghost = 5
checker = 5
crownixx = 10
dmg = 11
donald = 9
Firewrath = 2
freakazoid = 7
I am Baas = 34 (would be more :D)
infimum = 6
JohnW = 19
Lupo73 = 5
Napiophelios = 4
Ruby = 1
Wolfghost = 34

Note: This doesn't reflect how hard or popular a user is on TPFC, it just nice to have some stats of how many of your suggested applications have been added to TPFC. If I haven't added you, then simply follow the steps provided in the OP!

Re: How to find the number of Applications you have suggeste

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:01 pm
by guinness
Following the instructions above, you can also use Notepad2-mod to find how many applications a user has submitted. The result is shown in the Search and Replace box in Notepad2-mod.

An example of displaying how many applications Andrew Lee has suggested:

Code: Select all[Andrew+Lee]&so=r&s=400&rt=r&m=Search+with+options
Answer: 149.