A Collection ... of the Collection

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Would you or someone you know like a pre-configured, up-to-date archive full of portable software?

Absolutely yes
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A Collection ... of the Collection

#1 Post by webfork »

Would anyone have any interest in having 300 portable programs put into a convenient archive? All the latest programs are added and some touches have been added to make sure that the settings are generally more end-user (and not just developer) friendly.

Any interest?

Here's the story: over the past few months I've been creating a collection of portable programs that I use and enjoy. All are programs drawn from this Website and put into a archive that I have used on many machines of all kinds.

Its approaching a gig in size uncompressed and around 500 megs compressed. Why so much? Because flash drives almost don't come in less than a gig anymore and the wealth of programs and flexibility that portable software offers makes it exceedingly useful. Why should users have to download 300 programs, many that must be modified as directed for portability?

I have been told by testers this is a great idea but it needs work. Without getting into a long list of what needs to be done, I wanted to check with the community here to see if I could justify the time and effort. Realizing that most users here probably have their own customized portable archives, would your friends/family use it?

Let me know if this is an idea whose time has come. I of course plan to make it available for free and distribute it over bittorrent or other method. Thoughts and suggestions are very welcome.


EDIT: This question turned into the Kitchen Sink project

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#2 Post by Drutt »

I voted 'maybe' purely to see where this one goes. It's an interesting idea and would be very convenient. I currently have a 2GB collection with a second copy of all 'clean & ready to go' applications if the terrible event of my USB HD coming a cropper should arise.
I have a small suggestion of maybe releasing categorised 'modules' rather than the whole lot in one bash, ie System Tools, Network Tools, Internet Tools, Graphic Tools etc etc
It would make it somewhat user friendly for everyones target use of the collection, so they can download just what they require.
A DL source of the complete package could then be made for the ultra lazy people lol
Just a thought.
Do you have a possible list of inclusions already in mind?

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What does it contain?

#3 Post by webfork »

> Do you have a possible list of inclusions already in mind?

My current archive is enormous and -- yes -- probably needs to get chopped up. The major question is how and where. At the moment, some of the options won't work on public access terminals (like K-Meleon and Rainlendar) while others show up as viruses (see: http://portablefreeware.com/?id=777).

I hestitate to create an archive for each individual application type ... Office, Internet, Network, and Support, simply because if you want to run them all at once, that's quite a few icons in the taskbar (using Pstart).

I'm considering a break between "major" applications -- big stuff like StarOffice, Firefox, SMPlayer, and Winamp -- and then a separate one for "accessory" applications. These would include 200 or so more specialized programs like On Screen Ruler and MLA Robot that are often under 100k in size.

Thanks for the input, Drutt.

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Andrew Lee
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#4 Post by Andrew Lee »

I voted a "Maybe" too.

Not to deter you, but there are already a lot of similar projects, the most vocal being winPenPack.

But if you are committed to the idea, diversity can't be bad.

Good luck!

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Version 0.9.7 posted

#5 Post by webfork »

Okay, I tried to update the collection based on suggestions users and friends gave me but its taking forever to get to 1.0 status.

Here's a beta or work in progress if anyone would like to check it out. The download site is very fast.

[edit: site link offline]

Please send me feedback at foldinghome /at/ gmail dotcom

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Folding Website

#6 Post by webfork »

Here's the unofficial website:

Folding Portable Programs Archive

Gives some instructions on setup, deeper explanation, etc.

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#7 Post by donixa »


if u really want to be useful for alot ppl, make sure its marketing minded (user friendly),

of course its a good idea, but u can make 2 version
1 is full giant compressed file,
the other is make them available separately,
and put both of them on torrent ! :p

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two versions

#8 Post by webfork »

> but u can make 2 version

My aim is to try and create "the kitchen sink" portable archive that has absolutely everything. I am considering breaking the archive up into a "general" programs and "media" programs since many people never leave iTunes and VLC and don't need all that extra stuff.

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I'd Voted No

#9 Post by MiDoJo »

Sorry but I think one's portable should be made of the programs that they think are useful. Even when I make a stick for someone, I custom it for them and what they might be doing. If anyone really really wants a pre-packaged deal than something Like John H's PortableApps is the best because it's all one's ported by/for him. :twisted: :twisted: sorry :twisted: :twisted:

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#10 Post by Ameri-CAIN »

I kind of agree with MiDoJo, except I don't think John Hallers Launcher is necessary. All of Hallers apps can be used independent of his launcher, and most don't even need to be rolled up into the the portable executable either. I much prefer ASuite, or PStart for the launcher. We are actually promoting our sysadmins to use portable apps at work. Everyone of our Windows Server Admins was given a 1g flash drive and were asked to load a collection of Admin related apps on it to aid them when troubleshooting server issues. We loaded a collection of portable apps to a network share where we could update the apps in one place as newer versions come out. They all have the USB stick with them at all times so they can troubleshoot servers with out loading the programs to every server they log on to. Stuff like FTP clients, ozSync, ProcExp, ProcMon, ShowMyPC, Drag'n'Crypt, 7zip, SIW, cCleaner, WinDirStatPortable, etc. It makes everyone more efficient, and now they have no excuses for not having access to the right tools for the job when they are isolated from certain areas of the Network or Internet. Thats the cool part about Portable Apps. You can tailor them to the individual user. Our collection works for our Admins, but most people would care less about some of these apps. Its hard to make a collection of apps tailored for the masses. In my experience, if you know what portable apps are, you are using a customized set that meets your needs, and you don't want to waste space if you don't have to. Maybe if you created different versions, and posted them on forums related to certain user groups. i.e.

The Starbucks/Internet Cafe Portable Apps
The Server Admin Portable Apps
The Network Admin Portable Apps
The Web Admin/Design Portable Apps
The Developer Portable Apps
The Home Office Portable Apps
The Graphic Artist Portable Apps
The Audio/Video Portable Apps
The Security Portable Apps
All Collections Portable Apps

Place them in smaller download containers and market them (if that is the term for free apps) to user groups that would find that collection appealing. If I received a link in on my Video editing forum for your Audio/Video Portable Apps collection, when I visit your site to check it out, I just might be interested in downloading some of the other collections. What would really be money is if you could place all the apps of a collection into a self extracting archive where you could place a check mark next to the apps you want to install (I use the term install for lack of a word for "placing the directory in said path")This process could also contain a method to automatically generate the xml file to have the app shortcuts added to the launcher. This would allow people to choose to leave out certain apps if they wanted to. If you decide to add a different container set to your launcher, just point the auto extracting exe to the directory where your launcher lives. With this approach you could still have the master download for all your apps, but won't scare away people that don't want the master download. Another thing that doesn't already exist in portable apps land is method to check for updates on your master download site for individual app updates, and auto download the updates and extract to the current app location (This info lives in the launcher xml file). These are the things we need to see from the next generation portable apps suppliers to differentiate themselves from what already exists. I really don't mind doing what I'm doing right now and maintaining my own collection, but if you could come up with a system like that it would make it too easy not to use.

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#11 Post by MiDoJo »

Ameri-CAIN wrote:I kind of agree with MiDoJo, except I don't think John Haller's Launcher is necessary. All of Haller's apps can be used independent of his launcher, and most don't even need to be rolled up
no worries cain I don't think it's necessary either. I happily use many (OK maybe 3) of John's apps as stand alone. I've used Pstart as my launcher since I was first Introduced to portability by G4's Attack of the Show. (Uh-Oh!!! Here comes the "anonymous" many to pee on my use of the g4 word)
Original Poster wrote:My aim is to try and create "the kitchen sink" portable archive that has absolutely everything. I am considering breaking the archive up into a "general" programs and "media" programs since many people never leave iTunes and VLC and don't need all that extra stuff.
but sadly there is no kitchen sink I mean do you go with an older version of SIW and what about choosing between Autoruns and StartupRuns (btw I use both why I don't know but I do).
What about updating I think John Spends soooooo much time updating his package and the programs in it (please note John Haller uses a original (?) Portable MSI to install his program updates) as well as his website and rss feeds. You would have to keep track of the update and continued portability of your apps (and even 1gb worth is a lot).
I know from having to bring them to his attention our beloved Andrew is not always on top of his game for updating his prog list and there are still games marked as new that were added in 2005.
It's a big job that your setting up for yourself and a payless (not the shoe store) one as these are all freeware and most licenses state you cannot charge to pass them around.

P.S. to OP I am glad you made this topic because there are a lot of "packages" out there and it gives both (all?) sides the chance to voice their opinions. :)

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addressing some concerns

#12 Post by webfork »

Thanks to everyone who provided feedback. Some thoughts that maybe some of you can find flaws with...

> Maybe if you created different versions, and posted them on forums related to certain user groups. i.e.

From day to day, people can't predict what they will want or need. I feel like I have to give them absolutely everything, since their needs may change over time. They may never open the data recovery tools until they need it.

And why not have it all? Flash drives, hard drives, and other sources are only going to get bigger and cheaper. Why focus on efficient, customized, and targeted? That seems to be the jist of responses so far and I simply don't see the value in creating multiple archives.

> You would have to keep track of the update and continued portability of your apps

That's the plan. I can't catch all of them all the time but I don't think that's necessary. As CAIN points out, there is no autoupdate system for widely distributed freeware projects, so its unfortunately left to human action. Sourceforge and PortableApps have been very good about getting a system for letting people know that software has been updated, but they represent only a small part of the available Freeware out there.

> what about choosing between Autoruns and StartupRuns

There will inevitably be some overlap -- that can't be helped -- but my selection of programs tries to avoid redundant programs.

For example, I just cut out MPlayer since it doesn't appear to have a memory usage or performance advantage over MPC, while playing fewer formats than SMPlayer.

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