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CopyToTabs - data backup

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:46 pm
by eitang
[Moderator note: this is the primary CopyToTabs program thread. View database entry]


Hi all.

The program's function is to use "Backup Projects" - Simple text files having a list of any number of files/directories and the other any number of folders. All the files in the files list are copied to all of the folders in the second list.

It is bi-lingual, French and English. User selectable. 275K. Temporary hints and a full text help are provided in both languages.

Of course you can manually edit any of the lists and save them under any name for future use.

The program can interact with (Christian Ghisler's) Total Commander so that the two files for a project are created automatically !

The last files and language used are automatically loaded upon program startup (saved in the INI).

It is a single EXE, 275K in size.

Screen Shot:

I first wrote it in July 2009. Last version is from October 2010.

Download it at:

On my site you can find many other of my freeware programs.


Thanks for reading this far!

Eitan Gilboa

Re: CopyToTabs v5.8.1.0

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:48 pm
by joby_toss
Do I need TC for this to work? Or would it also work with FreeCommander, for example?

Re: CopyToTabs v5.8.1.0

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:56 pm
by eitang
You do NOT need TC. The program works as stand alone. You only need to run it from any file manager. It will execute its project. Total Commander _can_ be used to help create the source and taget lists (=text files).

Eitan Gilboa

Re: CopyToTabs v5.8.1.0

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:48 pm
by joby_toss
OK. Thanks!
I'll try it.

Re: CopyToTabs v5.8.1.0

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:47 pm
by tproli
Thanks, looks just what I need. I'll definitely try it.

Edit: After playing with it I find it very confusing and I couldn't achieve what I was about to do. I entered relative paths to each dialog (e.g: "..\MyDir\myFile.ini", without quotes) and clicking on Start Copying hasn't done anything. So imho the idea is good but implementation needs some visual polishing (at least). At its current state I'd better see another backup software.

Re: CopyToTabs v5.8.1.0

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 11:57 am
by eitang

Thank you for trying CTT.

>> I entered relative paths to each dialog

CTT does not recognise relative paths, and for a reason. The program can be run from anywhere "on" the disk, so paths have to be fully specified.

As usual, reading the instructions always contributes to program's clarity. This will also be true of your other backup software <G> Programs that need no learning will usually do very little, in my experience.

Eitan Gilboa

Re: CopyToTabs v5.8.1.0

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 10:57 am
by webfork
>> I entered relative paths to each dialog

> CTT does not recognise relative paths, and for a reason. The program can be run from anywhere "on" the disk, so paths have to be fully specified.

Relative pathway support is generally important for portable users, although less so for backup software. Although the source is generally static, the default destination pointing to the USB drive running the backup software (for example) is a time saver.

Re: CopyToTabs v5.8.1.0

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:49 am
by eitang

>> Although the source is generally static, the default destination pointing to the USB drive running the backup software (for example) is a time saver.

The changing of the USB devices' drive letter is exactly why I did not use Total Commander's Author's solution. But, as you say, this is a backup program. While it is essentially portable, it was not written in order to be portable.

Of course, it is helpful to either have your USB devices connected all the time, OR give them a fixed drive letter. I bet you know that...

It so happens that _all_ my programs are, I just don't like writing to the Registry and/or polluting other directories with my stuff. There are never installers or uninstallers.

So, back to CTT: I store my backup projects in CTT's directory (actually a subdir off TCC's, but do it anywhere you want). I run the program without having it ChDir to anywhere. So I do not need relative paths. The projects are written only once, and used many times.

Eitan Gilboa

Re: CopyToTabs v5.8.1.0

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:06 am
by guinness
Tested: Portable & Thanks for adding!

Re: CopyToTabs v5.8.1.0

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:28 am
by I am Baas
Downloaded the .zip file but was unable to extract.

7-zip error message: "Unsupported compression method for CopyToTabs.exe"
WinXP built in Extraction tool: "The Compressed (zipped) Folder is invalid or corrupted."

Re: CopyToTabs v5.8.1.0

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:00 am
I am Baas wrote:Downloaded the .zip file but was unable to extract.

7-zip error message: "Unsupported compression method for CopyToTabs.exe"
WinXP built in Extraction tool: "The Compressed (zipped) Folder is invalid or corrupted."
UnZip (used by Universal Extractor too) extracted the file successfully for me. I run GNU/Linux right now, so I can't test 7-Zip or the built-in tool of Windows.

The MD5 hash of 97415105c65cc88d21871e232bc6ab45

Re: CopyToTabs v5.8.1.0

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:28 am
by guinness
The only problem I can see is the application is still private, yet it is Portable :D

Re: CopyToTabs v5.8.1.0

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:15 am
by I am Baas
guinness wrote:The only problem I can see is the application is still private, yet it is Portable :D
The problem is that I am not able to test and vote for CopyToTabs. The exe is gzip compressed and most popular tools are unable to decompress. Think about all the users that will be downloading this and experience the same issue.

It's disappointing to read this comment from you, guinness.

Oh, and the 'How to extract' instruction is incorrect.

Re: CopyToTabs v5.8.1.0

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:03 am
by joby_toss
The download link points to an archive and I had no trouble extracting the content using 7zip.
The app is portable, but I still haven't found a use for it.


Re: CopyToTabs v5.8.1.0

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:40 am
by guinness
It's disappointing to read this comment from you, guinness.
Little bit confused how I offended you, but sorry if I did. It never has been my intention to offend anyone on TPFC and it was said in good humour, hence the smiley face! :)