Non Portable database entries

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Non Portable database entries

#1 Post by Darkbee »


I would like to suggest that you make the lists of non-portable software returned for searches more prominent. I almost missed it and I actually read the news post!! Perhaps you could produce a small highlighted text message in the main content area that states something like "non-portable matches have been returned in your search. Please see the right hand column for further details."

[edit] It just occurred to me that another reason that I initially missed the non-portable apps returned is because the search entries returned is given as zero when this isn't technically correctly. Perhaps instead of the above message you could append something to the number of searches returned to the effect of there were zero portable entries returned but x known non-portable entries returned.[/edit]

I think that adding these known non-portable programs to the database is a good idea and will really help people identify if they have a genuine claim or not. Therefore, you should make it as easy and clear as possible for people to identify if they have found a known non-portable app.


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Andrew Lee
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Joined: Sat Feb 04, 2006 9:19 am

#2 Post by Andrew Lee »

Thanks for the suggestion! I just implemented the "small highlighted text message in the main content area".
