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Re: ProEject

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:43 am
guinness wrote:Has anyone experienced the same problem as the second comment on ... ent-265826?
I haven't, at least.

Clean is by far the most dangerous operation, as it can cause data loss. I suggest that you completely disallow cleaning of the drives which contain %windir% and/or %programfiles%.

Re: ProEject

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 6:58 am
by lautrepay
guinness wrote:I think the user profile is on a different drive to where the System32 folder is located, but this is a guess.
Hi, thanks for your hard work! Image
I'm running Vista 64. My user profile is in D:\.
ProEject is placed in D:\ too, in a separate folder togheter with all my portable software.
I've launched two of my installed programs (Q-Dir and Firefox) and a lot of portable apps.
Then I tried the "ProEjection" of C:\.
1) The pop-up message "Ejecting the C:\ drive" appeared.
2) Then appeared the pop-up message "An unexpected error occurred while trying to eject the drive".
3) Nothing happened with Q-Dir or the portable apps, but Firefox crashed immediately.
4) All the icons of my installed software dissapeared from the quick launch toolbar.
5) In the window of ProEject remains selected the C:\ and D:\ drives (curious).
Apparently there are no other damages.

Hope this "test" can help you.
And sorry if I'm not very clear...

Re: ProEject

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:21 am
by guinness
OK, so the System32 folder is on the C:\ drive and your user profile is on the D:\ drive? If this is the case then I didn't take into account people doing this, because the average user (like me :D) has the OS on the main drive e.g. C:\

To ensure I cover all basis this is what I'm using in the next release >>

Code: Select all

MsgBox(64, "_IsSystemDrive()", _IsSystemDrive("C"))

Func _IsSystemDrive($sDrive)
	Local $aArray[5] = [4, @HomeDrive, @ProgramFilesDir, @SystemDir, @WindowsDir]
	For $A = 1 To $aArray[0]
		If $sDrive = _GetDriveLetter($aArray[$A]) Then
			Return 1
EndFunc   ;==>_IsSystemDrive

Func _GetDriveLetter($sFileName)
	Return StringLeft($sFileName, 1)
EndFunc   ;==>_GetDriveLetter

Re: ProEject

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:13 pm
by lautrepay
guinness wrote:If this is the case then I didn't take into account people doing this, because the average user (like me :D) has the OS on the main drive e.g. C:\
Well, I'm sure I'm not alone :wink:

Re: ProEject

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 6:09 pm
by chadross
Congratulations, you made it on LifeHacker: ... and-safely

Re: ProEject

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:50 pm
by guinness
I just saw before I came here ;) It's pretty amazing when all I did was create an application in 4 weeks, uploaded to my website & told only people here, in no way did I ask Lifehacker (or the other blogs) to review ProEject, so I'm really delighted people are at least downloading ProEject. Out of all of this I really hope those that have downloaded the source code have at least become interested in AutoIt.

Re: ProEject

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 5:12 am
guinness wrote:
Tends to trigger security software: partially because of what it does. I expect to get lots of comments/emails from freaked readers, but this software has an extremely good VirusTotal profile (see here; only 4/43 flag as positive, which is a very good result).
This is down to the Settings.exe created by spicydog >> ... 1312532227, as the ProEject executable is clean >> ... 1312532024 plus the source code is available. ;)

Even though we all know Settings.exe was being flagged as a false positive, I've removed it for the time being because I was getting alot of emails about the issue & this is my first "major" application I've uploaded so I want to retain a good reputation. :mrgreen:
I've submitted Settings.exe as a false positive to the ClamAV Virus Database Maintainer team. Hopefully there will soon be one FP less. :)

Re: ProEject

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:06 am
by guinness
Thanks SYSTEM, today alone ProEject has had 800+ downloads which is partly down to you and others on TPFC helping me :)

Re: ProEject

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:33 pm
by crownixx
guinness wrote:Thanks SYSTEM, today alone ProEject has had 800+ downloads which is partly down to you and others on TPFC helping me
Congratulations. I can't believe it was created on the Autoit language. And yes, i'm look into your source code there and learning from it. It is at the advanced level.

BTW, last time i check the source code, Settings.exe was using Autoit languange. Now it is build on what language? It have small filesize and doesn't seem like autoit built.

Re: ProEject

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:00 am
crownixx wrote: BTW, last time i check the source code, Settings.exe was using Autoit languange. Now it is build on what language? It have small filesize and doesn't seem like autoit built.
I can say that it's not AutoIt.

Code: Select all

G:\Komentoriviohjelmat>sfk find -pat autoit -dir ..\ProEject\ProEject.exe
..\ProEject\ProEject.exe :
    &H d%H 2-H P%H 4%H  %H 1#QNAN 1#INF 1#IND 1#SNAN This is a compiled AutoIt s
cript. AV researchers
   please email for support. uxtheme.dll IsThemeActiv

G:\Komentoriviohjelmat>sfk find -pat autoit -dir ..\ProEject\Extra\Settings.exe


Re: ProEject

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:46 am
by guinness
Settings.exe has been removed from the ZIP file because of the flagging & spicydog created it using the .bat file and a battoexe converter. I initially created it in AutoIt but the filesize was large so spicydog sent me this instead. After discussing with him we decided it wasn't needed because of the GUI.
Congratulations. I can't believe it was created on the Autoit language. And yes, i'm look into your source code there and learning from it. It is at the advanced level.
Thanks, I know you understand AutoIt so if you learn something then I've reached my initial goal. Honestly you haven't seen anything yet, the version I've been working on in the last week uses WMI amongst other things.

Re: ProEject

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:37 am
by guinness
For those that use x64 Windows then I have some good news for you, I'm creating a native version for x64 bit systems :D I didn't think I would have to, but it became apparent after discussing with lautrepay that this was the case. Expect an update in the next couple of weeks, this is because I have a lot of testing to do as well as add some features requested by users.

Here is a preview of the ChangeLog...

Code: Select all

- ADDED: Auto detect system language and use available language file if present.
- ADDED: If ProEject.dat is present and the Settings GUI is shown, if "Use the GUI" is selected it will automatically display the GUI afterwards.
- ADDED: Model name in the traymenu.
- ADDED: Option to minimise to the system tray on program startup.
- ADDED: Option to minimise to the system tray or minimise normally.
- ADDED: Refresh item to the traymenu.
- ADDED: Setting to start ProEject on windows startup.
- ADDED: Support for multiple monitors and added a new function to check whether or not the GUI is out of bounds, ideal if you're moving computers with different monitor sizes.
- ADDED: Native x64 version.

Re: ProEject

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:16 am
guinness wrote:For those that use x64 Windows then I have some good news for you, I'm creating a native version for x64 bit systems :D I didn't think I would have to, but it became apparent after discussing with lautrepay that this was the case.
I use both IA-32 and x86-64 systems. Which exactly are the advantages of the 64-bit version :?:
guinness wrote: - ADDED: Support for multiple monitors and added a new function to check whether or not the GUI is out of bounds, ideal if you're moving computers with different monitor sizes.
Excellent. :)

Re: ProEject

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:57 am
by guinness
Which exactly are the advantages of the 64-bit version?
This is a good topic >> ... hp?p=30571 to answer your question. Personally I just use x32 applications because I'm not bothered about the application accessing more memory, though 7-Zip is the exception to the rule as I did recognise an increase in performance.

Why am I providing a x64 version?
The reason for having a x64 version is because it became apparent that the x32 ProEject couldn't detect x64 applications running from a drive, this is down to how Windows operates & not ProEject. As I said the reason I didn't pick up on this is I don't use x64 portable applications, but once lautrepay pointed out that his x64 applications weren't closing I soon realised why.

So just to confirm:-
ProEject x32: Detects x32 applications only, therefore even if you have x64 but don't use x64 applications you can get away with using this version.
ProEject x64: Detects x32/x64 applications.

For those using EjectUSB it will only close x32 applications and not x64!

Re: ProEject

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:51 am
guinness wrote: Why am I providing a x64 version?
The reason for having a x64 version is because it became apparent that the x32 ProEject couldn't detect x64 applications running from a drive, this is down to how Windows operates & not ProEject. As I said the reason I didn't pick up on this is I don't use x64 portable applications, but once lautrepay pointed out that his x64 applications weren't closing I soon realised why.
Ouch. :(

I think making ProEject a hybrid application (so that it automatically detected the underlying environment and ran appropriate version) would be the best option.