jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#181 Post by jabuTBackup »

Update time!

Version 2018.01 has been released with many many changes.

Important note: maybe you need to run the internal updater twice to get all updated files downloaded!
  1. Added a new versioning system - now it's year.month.build (thanks to ozzyguy)
  2. Addeds unicode support
  3. Added functionality to save and load the user defined position of the include/exclude window (thanks to ozzyguy)
  4. The include/exclude window is not resizable (thanks to ozzyguy)
  5. Added callback function to the new compress routines
  6. Added a few mouse over events to the include/exclude dialogue
  7. Added column "Group" to the details view (thanks to Dieter S.) (see notes below)
  8. Added error message "The profile can not be executed because the 7z.dll library has been modified"
  9. Added taskbar progress indication (only Windows 7 and above)
  10. Added advice counter to the log summary
  11. Added new ability to filter the log file with "Show only advices"
  12. Added "Marquee" to all progressbars while preparing a profile run
  13. Added "File in use" log entry when using compress mode
  14. Added option "Avoid high cpu usage" to the advanced archive options
  15. Added option "Do not show this message again" to the "Low memory" dialogue
  16. Added notification window when updates have been downloaded (not visible in silent mode)
  17. Added ability to use different "tokens" in path inputs (see notes below)
  18. Added ability to set a user defined execution time when using a profile with "Every few days" mode
  19. Added log message entry "Not enough memory available for this operation" (when using 7z compression)
  20. Added "Do you really want to close this window?" dialogue to program options window
  21. Added [ ] { } \ / : * ? < and > to the allowed characters for a profile name (see notes below)
  22. Added ability to only save the list of the collected files ("dry profile run") (see notes below)
  23. Added menu item "Profile" and cleaned up main menu a bit
  24. Added option "Temporary directory" to the file processing options
  25. Added option "Date and time options"
  26. Added parameter "-tempprogress" (see notes below)
  27. Removed "Release name" from window title
  28. Removed archive file name tag "%" - replaced by { and } (see notes below)
  29. Removed shortened source and destination paths in details view due to due to poor readability
  30. "Tips" permanently removed from the user interface
  31. Removed easter eggs
  32. Optimised the copy process of big files
  33. Include/Exclude dialogue will now show up way faster
  34. Code cleaning and refactoring
  35. Options on log windows are being now saved when closing the program
  36. Reduced the bytes loaded on initial-load of the profile list by about 75%
  37. Reduced the bytes loaded when reloading the profile list by about 46%
  38. Improved the jump list feature (only Windows 7 and above)
  39. Updated OpenSSL to version
  40. Increased default main window size from 1000px/650px to 1050px/650px
  41. Optimised the profile saving routine a bit
  42. Improved the way the program works with limited write access
  43. Updated 7z.dll to version 17.01 beta
  44. System tray balloon hint is no longer displayed when the jaBuT starts minimised (thanks to Hoggy)
  45. Rearranged some menu items
  46. HTML log is now saved utf-8 encoded
  47. Replaced the RadioButtons to select the progress mode by a ComboBox
  48. Pause and stop buttons will now be displayed in the main window when using details dialogue
  49. Pause and stop buttons will now be displayed with "show progress" option disabled
  50. Optimised many internal functions a bit (see below)
  51. Not logging "Could not create archive" error log anymore when user cancells the compressing process
  52. Improved the speed when reloading the profile list after a profile was saved by about 12%
  53. Search open/close animation and details dialogue more/less animation have been redone completely
  54. Optimised Windows 10 support up to Redstone 3
  55. Profile watch (automaic running profiles) will not be started anymore when parameter -exit is present
  56. "Run on start/end of the program profiles" will not be executed anymore when parameter -exit is present
  57. Renamed parameter ShowMessageOnFinish to ShowResultsOnProfileFinish
  58. Source and destination directory paths are now displayed directly after showing up the details dialogue
  59. Increased options window size a bit
  60. Increased update list window size a bit
  61. Improved auto update check feature. Check for updates now only runs once at program start
  62. "Preparing archive data" now displays a percentage progress value
  63. Fixed an error which caused not selecting files and directories on first node level in include/exclude dialogue when loading the dialogue
  64. Fixed an error which caused not adding the file extensions of selected files to the include/exclude boxes (thanks to ozzyguy)
  65. Fixed some spelling errors (thanks to ozzyguy)
  66. Fixed an error which caused displaying the wrong file name on details dialogue
  67. Fixed an error when executing jaBuT Updater in an empty directory
  68. Fixed an error when executing jaBuT in an empty directory
  69. Fixed some minor GUI issues
  70. Fixed an error which caused writing the double amount of copied bytes into the log file
  71. Fixed writing twice "Operation cancelled" into the log file
  72. Fixed an error which caused not saving some default settings when creating a profile
  73. Fixed an error which caused not opening an URL (Menu > Help > jaBuT Backup on the Internet)
  74. Fixed not saving "Do not show this message again" checkbox on "Not closed properly" dialogue
  75. Fixed sending the program to the foreground when passing non valid parameters
  76. Fixed an error which caused saving a wrong error count value to the log after a profile run
  77. Fixed a few High DPI issues
  78. Fixed an issue which caused that items were drawn incorrectly
  79. Fixed not working "Invert backup" function
  80. Fixed an error which caused not reloading the profile list when duplicating a profile
  81. Fixed not localised dialogue "you have started this application for the first time"
  82. Fixed some formatting issues in exception logger
  83. Fixed displaying error balloon hint when free memory was low (thanks to ozzyguy)
  84. Fixed batch tool not working properly (thanks to ozzyguy)
  85. Fixed some bugs when downloading updates automatically
  86. Fixed preview dialogue displaying "elements remaining" following by a negative number
  87. Fixed not working log filters when option "Only errors and summaries" is enabled
  88. Fixed occasionally not working profile preview functionality
  89. Fixed an error which caused freezing the program when using Synchronise mode and processing 0 bytes of data
  90. Fixed an error which caused never executing a profile when excluding week days
  91. Fixed an error which caused not selecting a new duplicated profile
  92. Fixed an error which caused not showing "Profile processing paused" entries when using "Show only notes" filter
  93. Fixed an error which caused "File > Restart program" not executing when checking/saving "Do not show this message again" before
  94. Fixed an issue which caused displaying "Last calculated 01.01.1970" when selecting a profile in list with details view
  95. Fixed an issue which caused not displaying the right "last checked" date and time after checking for updates
  96. Fixed not deleting runBefore/runAfter and Include/Exclude lists when renaming or deleting a profile
  97. Fixed error "Not able to choose a password when using 7z"
  98. Fixed an issue which caused not showing the correct status message when splitting an archive file
  99. Fixed an issue which caused not selecting the correct profiles when changing profile list view
  100. Fixed an issue which caused not displaying log results when zero data has been processed
  101. Fixed an issue which caused displaying 1 error more in log summary than occurred errors
  102. Fixed an issue which caused not sending reports by e-mail when starting the program through another program (e.g. cmd)
  103. Fixed an issue which caused not encoding the e-mail report attachment correctly
  104. Fixed possible issues which can occurre when downloading and installing updates
  105. Fixed an issue which caused logging "profile not executed..." when cancelling a profile on confirmation dialogue
  106. Fixed an issue which caused logging "profile not executed because source directory not writable" when source directory does not exist
  107. Fixed faulty displayed graphics when using Windows XP
  108. Fixed an issue which caused not displaying ShowResultsOnProfileFinish message dialogue after all profiles have been finished
  109. Fixed an issue which caused displaying wrong data on ShowResultsOnProfileFinish dialogue
  110. Fixed an issue which caused reloading the profile list after a profile run twice
  111. Fixed an issue which caused freezing the program when closing the program while checking for updates
Some helpful notes for this update can be found here under "Special notes": http://jabut.de/en/changelog#v201801

The new update can be downloaded, as usual, from the website or through the updater.

Download : http://jabut.de/en/download#download
Changelog: http://jabut.de/en/changelog#v20180120861

If you find a bug do not hesitate to contact me :)

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#182 Post by jabuTBackup »

Version 2018.01.20863 has been released.
This is a hotfix update for build 20861.

Download : http://jabut.de/en/download#download
Changelog: http://jabut.de/en/changelog#v20180120863

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#183 Post by jabuTBackup »

Update time!

Version 2018.04 has been released with some changes.
  1. Added option "Start application with administrator privileges" in Options » Program options
  2. Added a check if 7z.dll file exists. If not compress options will not be available
  3. Fixed an issue which caused not sending anonymised user data (remember: feature is only active when user enabled it!)
  4. Fixed an issue which caused destroying the settings.dat file when changing the program language
  5. Fixed an issue which caused accidentally displaying the updater window twice or triple
  6. Removed "System time has changed" message due to an incompatibility with some Windows 10 machines
  7. Code cleaning and refactoring
  8. 7z.dll auf Version 18.03 beta aktualisiert
  9. Die Kommunikation zwischen Updater Server wurde verbessert
  10. Fixed an issue which caused "freezing" the "edit/add profile" dialogue because of an date/time conversion issue (thanks to Paparazzi)
  11. Fixed an issue which caused displaying components on options dialogue which should not be visible when silent mode is active.
The new update can be downloaded, as usual, from the website or through the updater.

Download : http://jabut.de/en/download#download
Changelog: http://jabut.de/en/changelog#v20180421215

If you find a bug do not hesitate to contact me :)
Last edited by jabuTBackup on Fri Apr 06, 2018 5:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#184 Post by Midas »

Just curious: are you planning on ever adding delta updating of backups? Thanks.

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#185 Post by jabuTBackup »

Delta backups could be a difficult thing. I assume that at least 95% of all good anti virus engines will detect those behaviour as a bad thing due to the fact that jaBuT has been written in Delphi and anti virus engines don't like delphi executables as much as e.g. c++ executables.

Out of a software entry comment section. I hope copy & pasting MIKLOs question is OK
( https://www.portablefreeware.com/index.php?id=2812#post )

MIKLOs question:
I'm curious why with most new computers now being X64 why we don't see more often, and is using X86 on a X64 system just asking for trouble, or does it work correctly?
(...) I mean 32bit or 64bit which I assume is same as the other, but I'm just guessing.
My answer:

I am developing jaBuT 32 bit only because to compile it in 64 bit too it would be cost a bunch of money to get a proper developer licence. jaBuT is being developed in DELPHI (do not mix it up with Pascal). Since the beginning I use a free version of Delphi. The cheapest licence shipped with a 64 bit compiler would cost me about 1900 Euros ( see here: https://www.embarcadero.com/app-develop ... ore/delphi ). Unfortunately I would never be able to buy something like this, so I stick with the free and slimmed down developer licence + development environment which compiles 32 bit only executables.

32 bit software runs fine on 64 bit operating systems. There are some limitations but normally jaBuT should never hit them. In some cases it's possible to hit the limits (limited memory addressing), but I've added a few things to hopefully avoid this.

I hope I could help you.

Best regards

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#186 Post by jabuTBackup »

Back in january when I changed the versioning system I felt some kind of nervous how the people would accept or not accept, like or not like the new versioning system I am using now.
Since then quite many people said their prfere the old or another system.

Because of this I would like to ask you what system do you like the most - I set up a StrawPoll (free website for polls) for that. I really appreciate any vote!
You do not need to register to vote.

StrawPoll Which versioning system do you like the most?:
> https://www.strawpoll.me/15458722 <

How the website looks like

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#187 Post by Hoggy »


I can't seem to get the functionality of the 'save file list only', and then 7-zipping using that file list.

First off, I'm presuming that Jabut makes the 'current directory', to that of the destination directory...

I have a task set up to copy a single file, using the mode "Compress" (although I've tried "simple copy" as well). Setting to file list only. In the area of 'run program after', I choose the program "7-zip" - which puts in the path and exe.
Then in the parameters I have:
a -t7z -stl -ssw -m0=Zstd -mmt=1 -mx=22 -mqs=on "BHP.7z" @"{filelistpath}"
....(As an aside, here is where token would be useful.. So instead of "BHP.7z", I could have "{profilename}_{yymmdd}-{hhmm}.7z".)
Setting 'wait for completion' to "Yes". (also tried "No")

It creates the file list ok. But then a CLI window will flash very briefly - and nothing happens. I also notice the file list doesn't get deleted, if that could be an indication of something. The log doesn't even indicate that it tried the 'after profile' program.

What could I be doing wrong here?

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#188 Post by jabuTBackup »

Hello Hoggy,

I've fixed a few issues relating to tokens and advanced profile settings.
There was one issue which caused breaking paths in user defined parameters.

Because of these changes I've renamed some tokens in the new build which is coming soon:
- filelistpath > filelist.

Two more tokens have been added:
- filelistdirectory > returns the list directory
- filelistfilename > returns the list filename


The correct parameters for your case would be
a -t7z -stl -ssw -mmt=1 -mx=22 -mqs=on "BHP.7z" @"{filelistpath}"
without -m0=Zstd.

At least on my testing machine 7z doesn't like -m0=Zstd.

In the next build this feature will be working as expected. Then you can also use this for example {profilename}_{yy}{mm}{dd}-{hh}{nn}.7z in your parameter line.
Pay attention to {nn}. Minutes you get by using nn. mm is for getting the month.

My parameter line looks like this with a test profile which is writing absolute filenames into a file list, saves it and then 7z uses this file to 7z all files it can find saved inside
a -t7z -stl -ssw -mmt=1 -mx=22 -mqs=on "{destinationpath}{profilename}_{yy}{mm}{dd}-{hh}{nn}.7z" "{filelist}" @"{filelist}"

Pay attention to the quotation marks.

If you like I can send you this build already now via e-mail.
Last edited by jabuTBackup on Tue May 01, 2018 10:20 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#189 Post by Hoggy »

jabuTBackup wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 5:25 am
The correct parameters for your case would be
a -t7z -stl -ssw -mmt=1 -mx=22 -mqs=on "BHP.7z" @"{filelistpath}"
without -m0=Zstd.

At least on my testing machine 7z doesn't like -m0=Zstd.

In the next build this feature will be working as expected. Then you can also use this for example {profilename}_{yy}{mm}{dd}-{hh}{nn}.7z in your parameter line.
Pay attention to {nn}. Minutes you get by using nn. mm is for getting the month.
If you like I can send you this build already now via e-mail.
The "-m0=Zstd" only works if you're either using "7-zip Zstandard", or what I'm now using ,"Modern7z.dll" plug-in dll codec for standard 7-zip found at: http://www.tc4shell.com/en/7zip/modern7z/ .
The developer lost interest in developing the 1st option, so then the 2nd option became available by someone else.

I'll pm you my email.. I'm in a rather dire need of 'testing out' that functionality lately. :)

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#190 Post by chonix »

Hi, first of all, wanted to congratulate you on this efforrt to make the greatest backup tool of it all.
I've just registered here to let you know that I can't get it to run in Windows 2003 32 bit server.
Is there a way to run it with a log file flag so I can get you the error I'm getting?
Thanks in advance :)

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#191 Post by jabuTBackup »

Hi chonix and thank you for your feedback!

I just double checked that and I was able to reproduce and localise the issue(s).
The issues have been fixed now and normally jaBuT Backup should work with Windows 2003 Server too now.

The next update is coming soon with many other fixes, changes and improvements.

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#192 Post by chonix »

jabuTBackup wrote: Tue May 22, 2018 8:30 am Hi chonix and thank you for your feedback!

I just double checked that and I was able to reproduce and localise the issue(s).
The issues have been fixed now and normally jaBuT Backup should work with Windows 2003 Server too now.

The next update is coming soon with many other fixes, changes and improvements.
Nice! Thanks a million!
I know I'm risking my chances here but, is there any old version I can download to get it running on Win 2003 until the new release its on it's way?

Thanks again!

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#193 Post by jabuTBackup »

Hi chonix,

unfortunately this issue is in any older version of jaBuT Backup.
I will send you a private message for further information.

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#194 Post by Hugo »

Hey, I really like your tool. It is simple and straight forward. Ohne "Schnickschnack"

However, I was wondering if there is an option to create "splitted" zip-archives. For example, if I want to backup a folder which is 10gb, instead of creating a single zip-archive with the size of 10gb it would split the zip-file into different parts. let’s say 10 parts of 1gb size. would be useful if you want to distribute the backup over different flash drives. Is there already an option to do so? Or are you planning to implement something like this?

Anyways, keep up the great work!

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Re: jaBuT - a flexible back-up and sync program

#195 Post by jabuTBackup »

Hi everyone.

I just wanted to let you know that I'm back now. Unfortunately I was very ill for a long time. I didn't work a lot on jaBuT over this time but a bit anyway.
The current internal build has 37 changes. Some of them fundamental.

Currently I am refactoring (again) a large amount of code. If I am not ready let's say in 2 weeks I will release everything I have so far.
It's fairly a big amount of changes even without the refactored code mentioned above.

I am sorry for letting you know this only now.

yes, there is =)
1) set up your profile normally
2) go to your profile settings
3) > "Other Options" (only available when using "Custom setup" on "Start" tab
4) > "Show advanced archive options"
5) select "ZIP" and on the same page at the bottom type in your desired "Volume size" in Kilobyte

Having a 5 KB file and typing in "1" will split the zip file in 1 KB parts. An additional bat file will be created too, to be able to restore the source file.
Very soon I will improve this input field a bit. I don't want users need to type in horrendous long numbers in kilobytes.

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