Poll: Adding DIY field to the database?

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Adding DIY field to the database?

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Re: hmm...

#16 Post by tmaibaum »

"I mostly use my portables on a local hard-disk. But I don't understand what's supposed to be wrong with it."

LOL whats wrong with just installing the original app on a home pc "I don't understand what's supposed to be wrong with it.""????
You obviously don't have much of an idea of what you're talking about. I have the impression you're only here to provoke trouble.

If you really don't know why anyone would prefer to use portable versions instead of "installing the original app on a home pc", I encourage you to read Andrew's statement at http://www.portablefreeware.com/about.php.
"but I prefer to have the original code started by an external launcher. What you are proposing is actually a fork."

What am I proposing???

A fork.
Im talking about all the apps at www.portableapps.com(the original code), I would like to propose instead of making shitty launchers to instead modify the actual source of the ORIGINAL application(source of course)
Yes, you already said that. What you are describing is technically known as a fork ("In software engineering, a project fork happens when developers take a copy of source code from one software package and start independent development on it, creating a distinct piece of software." [Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fork_(soft ... velopment)]) Matty has already stated what the disadvantages are.
"Portableapps on the other hand is offering a small selection of essential (open source-only!) programs within a coherent and supported app suite."
NOPE you are Wrong :D, here http://portableapps.com/node/8119, I dont think uTorrent is Open Source, OSI certified software, but hmmm I could be wrong :D, correct me if I am :D,
With pleasure. Your link doesn't point to any official PortableApps.com page at all, just to their forum, which is way more liberal. There, people may freely discuss the portability of non-open source apps, and provide external links to things they're playing around with. µTorrent Portable is not available for download from PortableApps.com, but from http://cubegames.net/. You will find the official software from PortableApps.com at http://portableapps.com/apps.

By the way, I'm not going to waste my time discussing with anyone who is either unwilling or unable to understand the difference between the official part of a website and things posted in forums. So don't expect any replies from me until you have something constructive to say.

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Andrew Lee
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#17 Post by Andrew Lee »

Simon, I have added a note to the "How to extract" field of Pidgin to point to the DIY guide. Thanks!

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#18 Post by Simon.T »

TY Andrew :D

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#19 Post by nycjv321 »

I love your user photo :D (LOL) it made me smile :D!!!

@tmaibaum (I have to actually think when I type this response sigh...)
hmm "trouble" well I wouldn't say trying to stir up trouble just trying to show how other viewpoints vary from what "most" people think of when someone discusses the idea or concept of Portable Apps :D. If you could actually comprehend what I meant or WROTE in my response you would see that I meant or wrote that the developers themselves of these apps add options to make their apps portable friendly, as I said a good example would be Pidgin or Miranda and that other programmers should follow their example, and as I said (once more) that us USERS should not try to program shitty launchers. Or for other "programmers" or "scripters" try and "fork it off into another project as you said this usually ends as a failure since the fork is usually not up to date to the trunk application :/, we see this with portaputty (still v.59 waited for it to be .60 :/. As for your first statement to your last post this is my response to that: either you are really ignorant or just dont seem to understand the simple concept of sarcasm :D. As for "I don't think uTorrent is Open Source, OSI certified software, but hmm I could be wrong , correct me if I am" and your response "With pleasure. Your link doesn't point to any official PortableApps.com page at all, just to their forum, which is way more liberal," I first stated that portable apps does not offer non-open software and then continued to use uTorrent as an example stating that uTorrent is NOT open source software and please correct me if I am wrong now with you stated that the forums are more "Liberal" then I am sad to inform you that the user who posted uTorrent is a Forum Moderator and is part of the Portable Apps development team, now im going to assume that uTorrent Portable is not listed under http://portableapps.com/apps because it is either still beta (since us users need to Vigorously test 100s of lines of simple NSIS code before it is stable :D) or for the fact that John does not want to add this non-open software I believe that it is the first I could be am wrong, on that note we use another example :D, under http://portableapps.com/apps (since they are OFFICIAL as you say) go to the Accessibility section and then click on the "On-Screen Keyboard Portable" link... I do believe that app, that is now "portable" is not open or free But (hint of sarcasm since you dont seem to know or understand the concept of sarcasm, so now I will explicitly tell you were I show it) I do think that it is free, for sure so please correct me if I am incorrect :D as for uTorrent I will not explain myself again :D. "There, people may freely discuss the portability of non-open source apps, and provide external links to things they're playing around with." actually no the Moderates have frequently removed posts discussing non-open (unless it is themselves :D) or just removed the links themselves. but (hint of sarcasm again :D) I could be wrong... "µTorrent Portable is not available for download from PortableApps.com, but from http://cubegames.net/. decides to use his sever to store his app maybe??? or...) well sure that is the SAME for ALL THE OTHER APPS DUH, They are all hosted on SOURCEFORGE DUH. as for http://www.portablefreeware.com/about.php I did check it out It was probably the first link I check out on this website (after looking throughout the entire database in amazement of this movement) It discusses actual valid reasons to use "portable apps" many if not all I personally agree with him, but "If you really don't know why anyone would prefer to use portable versions instead of "installing the original app on a home pc", I encourage you to read Andrew's statement at http://www.portablefreeware.com/about.php" I did, but nowhere did it discuss of using portable apps on local installs on home pcs??? unless (hint of sarcasm again :D) I am wrong again :/. The idea that it is more convenient to use portable installs over actual installs is ridiculous ,(hint of sarcasm again) It is more convenient to leave my Linux box open for remote ssh connections (no passwords required if you didnt understand) but that would be incredibly stupid. :D simply put, it is inefficient on the home pc to use portable apps as local installs if you dont see why then I wont explain any futher as I am now :D( increased read and rights (as well as memory usage) from the launcher managing the settings with portable install rather then the app itself just running and exited on a normal install there are many more reasons but I choose not to explain them)

So In conclusion I have several things to say
1.)PLEASE don't insult my intelligence I am network+ certified, a MCP (twice over), soon to take A+ certification and soon to take CCNA certification. I am using Slackware Linux for my home PC something that most children my age would and do not know how to do from shear magnitude of shit you have to remember to properly manage it. I go to a school full of Morons that are an insult to the human race that are created from the evils of society (that is not to be discussed in another post :D) and then I come here to put up with this bullshit... wtf???
3.)If you really knew what you were talking about then your post would've been written in a completely different manor lol so dont try to write all proper just to prove a failing point lol
4.)please dont edit your typos or i d 10 t errors that I seemed (to have tried to) correct , in an attempt to try and make me seem a fool
5.)excuse any typos or grammar error on my part: Sorry!

p.s.: and "By the way, I'm not going to waste my time discussing with anyone who is either unwilling or unable to understand the difference between the official part of a website and things posted in forums. So don't expect any replies from me until you have something constructive to say." (FUNNY STATEMENT made me chuckle and I thank you for that, so thx) :D
(don't try to compare to different forums together (portableapps.com and portablefreeware.com (are as you said) fundamentally different and you were indirectly comparing forum management with the later and the first so please dont)

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#20 Post by M@tty »

PLEASE don't insult my intelligence I am network+ certified, a MCP (twice over), soon to take A+ certification and soon to take CCNA certification.
All this and nobody introduced you to proper punctuation? :lol::wink:

Seriously though, this is getting out of hand. You are being pedantic about specific points that really don't matter (something that rarely wins arguments - called a straw man) and defending a point that in essence - we all agree with.

Yes, it would be lovely for all programmers to write their programs in an already portable manner but be realistic - it will never happen. People, such as John Haller specifically (stop the bashing), do a good job of standardising a format for running these programs from a USB key. Just having these programs scattered across the USB key would not be user-friendly for anybody with limited computer literacy, especially if we expect them to make it portable DIY-style (e.g. Pidgin).

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#21 Post by nycjv321 »

"All this and nobody introduced you to proper punctuation? LaughingWink"
nope :D. Was it that bad in that last post??? as I said I actually had to think on that one while writing :D

"- we all agree with. "
not really, read other specific points (other people made towards me) I was just defending my beliefs
plus if I did get out of hand Im sorry was having a shit@y day :D, I was feeling attacked on a personal level.

"Yes, it would be lovely for all programmers to write their programs in an already portable manner but be realistic - it will never happen."
With that attitude (not comparing the two only using a example) Vista would own the market. (and notice that is not the case)

"Just having these programs scattered across the USB key would not be user-friendly for anybody with limited computer literacy, especially if we expect them to make it portable DIY-style (e.g. Pidgin)."

Very True :D but then again those users should be using Vista (since Vista expects user to be 8years old) :D and if they hate vista then they should learn (nowadays everything is getting just a tad bit to easy and that is not good) :D

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#22 Post by crownixx »

New idea, for those who still newbie, confusion instruction but still wanna the *Official* pidgin portable..

1. Download PidginPortable at Portableapps.com
2. Extract/install
3. Go to PidginPortable folder. Delete everything EXCEPT App folder
4. Go to Pidgin folder. RENAME pidgin.exe to pidgin-portable.exe
5. Done. Launch pidgin-portable.exe to have Official pidgin portable

Inside App folder, everything is in place, the same as Official pidgin website instructed us to do except AppInfo and DefaultData folder. Those belongs to Portableapps launcher and you can remove them.

ADVANTAGE: you got 9Mb Pidgin Portable instead of 18Mb if we manually package the pidgin (as instructed by Official pidgin website-Running from usbdrive)

Portableapps.com wrote:EXEs and DLLs Compressed - All EXEs and DLLs were recompressed using UPX. This gets our installed size down to one that is a bit more manageable. Additionally, it will speed up use when you're running over USB 1.1. The options used were: --best --compress-icons=0 --nrv2e --crp-ms=999999 -k
Combination both Offical instruction with Portableapps version but insist about running the portable from a launcher/wrapper. Benefit to ALL (newbie,advance) user. Btw, John T. Haller is still testing the new launcher (still at beta ) that use the same strategy. But, we have an option not to wait
John T. Haller wrote:I've posted a test launcher.... You'll then need to browse to the PidginPortable\App\Pidgin directory and rename pidgin.exe to pidgin-portable.exe.

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#23 Post by rokth »

Hey Simon, I found a real nifty DOS translation on the official "how-to" for making Pidgin portable.
Batch how-to

Code: Select all

The original:
::First things first. I'm in UR Echo, dumping my excludes.
Echo \perlmod\ >Exclude1
Echo \locale\ >Exclude2
Echo pidgin-uninst.exe >Exclude3
mkdir Programs
::base dirs
MKDIR Programs\Pidgin\
MKDIR Programs\GTK\
::Pidgin Lines
MKDIR Programs\Pidgin\sounds\
MKDIR Programs\Pidgin\pixmaps\
:: Went with XCOPY instead :p
XCOPY "C:\Program Files\Pidgin\*.*" "Programs\Pidgin\" /E /H /G /EXCLUDE:Exclude1+Exclude2+Exclude3
DEL Programs\Pidgin\plugins\perl.dll
DEL Programs\Pidgin\plugins\tcl.dll
REN Programs\Pidgin\Pidgin.exe Pidgin-portable.exe
:: /Pidgin lines

:: GTK lines "C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0"
MKDIR Programs\GTK\
MKDIR Programs\GTK\bin\
MKDIR Programs\GTK\etc\
MKDIR Programs\GTK\lib\
MKDIR Programs\GTK\share\
XCOPY "C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\bin\*.*" "Programs\GTK\bin\" /E /H /G
XCOPY "C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\etc\*.*" "Programs\GTK\etc\" /E /H /G
XCOPY "C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\lib\*.*" "Programs\GTK\lib\" /E /H /G /EXCLUDE:Exclude2
XCOPY "C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\share\*.*" "Programs\GTK\share\" /E /H /G
::/GTK lines
Del Exclude1
Del Exclude2
Del Exclude3

::Aspell lines
mkdir \Programs\Aspell\bin
xcopy "C:\Program Files\Aspell\bin\Aspell-15.dll" "Programs\Aspell\bin\" /E /H /G
xcopy "C:\Program Files\Aspell\data\*.*" "Programs\Aspell\data\" /E /H /G
xcopy "C:\Program Files\Aspell\dict\*.*" "Programs\Aspell\dict\" /E /H /G
::/Aspell lines
I tried it and it makes the process faster and easier. I guess you could say it makes for a "One click install". I tried some of haller projects and have started to become even more disappointed in his more recent works. Like how he is making apps like DOSBox and ZSNES "portable". I thought they already were, out of the box and with no real surgical modification.

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Haller's versions

#24 Post by fromthesticks »

I agree with some of you about Haller versions not making sense since they are already portable. I personally don't use but a couple of them myself. But I see why he puts out his versions. I think he makes his versions so they will easily integrate into his portable launcher which makes it very simple to add for persons that cannot easily grasp making shortcuts and creating/deleting directories easily. I personally do not like the portableapps launcher of his, I like pstart better. But don't knock his stuff it's still useful to some people even if it is not you. :idea:

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#25 Post by rokth »

I tried his portable apps launcher. I hated it, I couldn't unmount my drive in the normal manner(I had to brute force it). And let's be honest, there are programs just as easy as his launcher if not they are easier by far.

And why design around the launcher? Why not around the user.


Maybe presenting Haller's choice as an alternative would be the better way to go about the DB. Since Haller's so called "Official Portables" have bugs, errors, and some are just not in key with his policy of "Safe Portable Apping". ( PuTTYPortable )
If it were safe nothing that could be considered sensitive would be written to the local registry at all.

Maybe I should mention that he is trying to pass off Pidgin Plugins as non-portable. When fact be known that those plugins both stored their settings/data to the profile dir by default.
Last edited by rokth on Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#26 Post by Simon.T »

Agreed! :)

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