Any app that allows folder tagging?

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Any app that allows folder tagging?

#1 Post by shnbwmn »

I'm in a situation where I have a directory full of well over 1000 folders (1469, to be exact), and I need some tool that will allow me to "tag" these folders into categories. This is obviously for searching purposes. I looked at Tagspaces, which I thought was the perfect solution to my problem, but alas it doesn't allow folder tagging, only file tagging :evil:

I would really hate to have to rename those folders with the tag in their name, and so the tool I'm looking for should preferably have a drag and drop type approach.

Am I missing something obvious here? It sounds like such an incredibly simple thing to do, yet I don't know of a way to go about it.

Any help from you gents/ladies would be greatly appreciated :)

Edit: btw, these aren't music folders or any type of media. If that was the case I would have looked at a media cataloging app.

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Re: Any app that allows folder tagging?

#2 Post by Napiophelios »

I dont know if this works, havent tried it;
The bat file does work and will create the desktop.ini and
set the attribute and folder info to folders dropped on it
...but I dont know what you do after that.

desktop.ini :


Put this in a bat file:

Code: Select all

@Echo on
pushd %1 >nul 2>&1 
set /p Tags=Enter tags for this folder :

If errorlevel 0 if not errorlevel 1 (
echo [.ShellClassInfo]>>"%~1\desktop.ini"
echo [{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}]>>"%~1\desktop.ini"
echo Prop2=31,Title>>"%~1\desktop.ini"
echo Prop3=31,Subject>>"%~1\desktop.ini"
echo Prop4=31,Author>>"%~1\desktop.ini"
echo Prop5=31,%Tags%>>"%~1\desktop.ini"
echo Prop6=31,Comment>>"%~1\desktop.ini"
attrib +h +s "%~1\desktop.ini"
attrib +r "%~1"
goto endof
If errorlevel 1 Echo %~nx1 is not a folder
If /i "%cmdcmdline:~0,6%"=="cmd /c" pause
Create a text file with above in it on the desktop.
Name it "TagFolder.bat" (use the quotes in the filename box when saving),
drop a folder on it and it will tag it.

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Re: Any app that allows folder tagging?

#3 Post by joby_toss »

XYplorer Highlights wrote:XYplorer supports assigning individual labels, tags, and comments of virtually any size and number to any file and folder (not just to media files).
I don't use it, so I don't know if it's a Pro-only feature or not.

Edit: looking here it would seem to be present also in the free version.
TPFC entry:
More info on this feature:

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Re: Any app that allows folder tagging?

#4 Post by Marc »

shnbwmn wrote:I would really hate to have to rename those folders with the tag in their name, and so the tool I'm looking for should preferably have a drag and drop type approach.
It seems you want to store the "tags" in the folder names. Where do you prefer to store them? If that's the case you can use a batch renamer app. Such as ReNamer v5.71 or "Ken Rename" that can rename based on rules. If you have a list with the tags, in ReNamer create a rule > Userinput and configure it to add the tags as a prefix or suffix. For that you have to supply the tags for each folder one-per-line.

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Re: Any app that allows folder tagging?

#5 Post by dot »

AFAIK, this is the only program that can do it: It didn't work on my computer, as it requires at least XP SP2 (it says differently on the page). And, I believe, it also requires a certain .netframework, but can't remember exactly.

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