YadaByte Disk -- Status?

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YadaByte Disk -- Status?

#1 Post by Yucca »

I have recommended several portable apps by YadaByte and another poster has recommended YadaByte Disk.

I have used YadaByte Disk for several months and am very pleased with it, but the website (http://www.yadabyte.com/Yadabyte_Portables.php) has listed YadByte Disk as "Temporarily Unavailable" for the last several days. There is no explanation on the web site for removing the download link for YadaByte Disk, so we cannot know if it was removed due to a security risk or for some other reason.

I personally have stopped using YadaByte Disk until the producer clarifies that it was not removed due to security concerns. I'm surprised that a security product would be removed without some assurance that it was not removed due to a security flaw.

This is just a heads up for others who may be using YadaByte Disk and may be interested in its current status. Also, it is listed in the PortableFreeware database but is not currently available.

I hope this product will be returned to a live link and that an explanation will be posted on its web site as to why it was taken down.

The other fine portable products on the YadaByte page are all still available.


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#2 Post by alphasurfer »

This is the email reply I got from them regarding the app....

"Thank you for your interest. Currently there is a technical issue with the Yadabyte Disk application. We will make Yadabyte Disk available for download as soon as this issue is resolved. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us."

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Andrew Lee
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#3 Post by Andrew Lee »

Thanks! I have posted a comment at the database entry to notify those who might be interested to know.

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