JauntePE NB18 is out...

Discuss anything related to JauntePE, the utlimate utility to help you tame non-portable applications. Share your experience about the apps that work with JauntePE, and the apps that don't.
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Stone Tablet
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JauntePE NB18 is out...

#1 Post by Stone Tablet »

JauntePE NB18 is out...

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#2 Post by m^(2) »

Where can we find it?
It's not on http://www.mybloop.com/JauntePE.

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#3 Post by crownixx »

In here

Code: Select all

==Nightly Build 18==============================================================

- Readmes
o added a brief discussion in "12 steps" about which config to use and why
o added a brief discussion in "12 steps" about using an "ignores" list and why,
  including the use of 2 of the new Toolbox\Extras archives
o modified the runtime readme (Runtime Ini->DLL Builds) to indicate that the lrg
  build IdentMode setting now only works as an on/off switch
o updated the Runtime Ini->Portablizer->File System->FilesystemIgnore example
  to what JPE Quickie now uses
o added an example in the Runtime Ini->Portablizer->File System->
  FilesystemExclude section of how to possibly "safely" get around the known
  limitation of possible problems occuring whenever the portable file system is
  rooted within a redirectable file system directory such as your desktop
  (requires the jauntePE Runtime DLL "relative path" fix below)
o bug fix: modified the toolbox readme to include JPE SnapShot
o bug fix: added a JPE SnapShot page to the toolbox help directory
o bug fix: updated the index to include a link to the JPE SnapShot page
o bug fix: modified the Introduction->Tutorials readme to indicate the new
  method for integrating the tutorials into the JauntePE main help directory
o bug fix: modified the Runtime Ini->Portablizer->File System->FilesystemExclude
  and FilesystemIgnore sections, which both have a discussion and gives examples
  where their non-special folder paths are associated with SpecialFolders paths,
  which is erroneous - FilesystemExclude and FilesystemIgnore paths are not
  associated with SpecialFolders paths and do not require a SpecialFolders path
  for each non-special folder FilesystemExclude and FilesystemIgnore path
o bug fix: modified the Runtime Ini->Portablizer->File System->Special Folders
  section to note that some special folders are only supported with some
  versions of Windows, e.g., 62 is only available on Vista or newer (workarounds
  are provided where possible)
o bug fix: modified the Runtime Ini->Portablizer->File System [Filesystem]Use
  description to note that special folders 40 and 62 aren't redirected by
  default and why and that it's possible to add them back in

- Toolbox directory
o created an Extras subdirectory
o moved JPEExample_jauntePE.ini to the Extras subdirectory
o added JauntePE Portable Dirs.zip file to the Extras subdirectory
o added JPE regsvr32.zip to the Extras subdirectory
o removed the JauntePE_jauntePE.ini file since it's no longer of any use
o JPEExample_jauntePE.ini
  o added the following to the [Redirection] section
    o IdentMode and its possible values
    o RegTokens and its possible values
    o UseSEH and its possible values
  o added the [RegistryTokenExclude] section
  o added the [RegistryTokenInclude] section
  o added the [HookInitExclude] section
  o added the [HookInitInclude] section
o JauntePE.ini
  o changed the Quickie default config to _Normal2.ini
  o added the JPE Configure "Enable processing method 3" tool tip
  o added the JPE Quickie "auto-use the default config ..." tool tip

- Toolbox\Configs directory
o removed the Custom.ini file, since JPE Quickie can't support it
o renamed the Normal.ini file to _Normal.ini to mark it as a "generic"
o renamed the Normal2.ini file to _Normal2.ini to mark it as a "generic"
o added a _Normal3.ini file which is a _Normal2.ini version with RegTokens on
o renamed the Stealthier.ini file to _Greener.ini to mark it as a "generic"
o added a _Greener2.ini file which is a _Greener.ini version that portably
  stores all of the redirected registry changes
o bug fix _Normal.ini: modified the path tokens to match those in _Normal2.ini
o bug fix _Greener.ini: replaced it with something that really was greener
  than "Normal"
  o started with the _Normal3.ini version config
  o only excluded dyn_data & performance_data from registry redirection
  o added file system includes, and corresponding special folder entries, to
    redirect all changes made within the "Documents and Settings" folder (note
    caveats to doing this in the usage text)

- jauntePE Runtime DLL
o added a "Special folders" section to the log file
o rearranged the log file's "Dirs to redir" section to group the long and short
  paths into their own lists (this is easier to read through than before)
o modified the lrg build so that any "on" IdentMode value is treated as the
  default "on" mode, to help reduce the size of the lrg build
o bug fix (partial): apps that use the standard shell api function SHGetFileInfo
  to retrieve a portable file system file's icon, and do so with a path and not
  a pIDL, should now be able to correctly retrieve that icon
o bug fix: HKEY_USERS\%SID%\restofpath (where %SID% stands for "a security ID
  string") registry key paths are now converted to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\restofpath
  registry key paths, if %SID% is equal to the current user's security ID string
o bug fix: FilesystemInclude path of %40%\.. now gets a good short form added
o bug fix: FilesystemExclude and FilesystemInclude relative file system paths
  are now converted to absolute file system paths (relative to the config's dir)
o bug fix: drive root paths, e.g., C: or C:\ are no longer converted to the
  config's directory in Filesystem... section's lists
o bug fix: GetFullPathName calls for paths that need to be "unredirected", and
  with an nBufferLength parameter set to 0, should no longer crash the app
o bug fix: some app's windows should no longer be drawn on when IdentMode is 0,
  or when all of the winIdent plugin's settings are turned off
o bug fix: code added in build 17, to try and get a more reliable "waiting for
  input" value when running on 9x, has been removed since it was causing some
  apps to crash during their startup, regardless of the OS version
o bug fix: fixed a bug introduced with a fix for a UNC pathing bug in build 16
o bug fix: apps that use the standard system call to set up system-wide hooks,
  no longer fail to have their hook dlls loaded into other processes when the
  hook dlls are stored in the portable file system - required the addition of 2
  new api hooks, SetWindowsHookExA and W (workarounds were to 1) add the hook
  dll's dir path to the file system exclude list, e.g., [FilesystemExclude]
  1=%38%\%appname% if it was in the Program Files folder, or 2) move the app's
  main dir outside of the portable file system)
o bug fix: the SHGetPathFromIDListA and W hooked file system api functions are
  now logging discovery info when and as needed
o research: MS has pseudo-documented the ntdll api funcs (probably because the
  DOJ made them do it) - which means that they may be considered to be semi-set-
  in-stone - so research has begun into what it'll take to replace the current
  138 file system api function hooks with the 8 file system object related ntdll
  api function hooks (there will eventually be a new setting to switch to this):
  o NtCreateDirectoryObject   - not started
  o NtOpenDirectoryObject     - not started
  o NtQueryDirectoryFile      - not started
  o NtCreateFile              - not started
  o NtDeleteFile              - not started
  o NtOpenFile                - not started
  o NtQueryAttributesFile     - full path objects are working re: redirection
  o NtQueryFullAttributesFile - not started

- JauntePE
o continued work on the 0.4.0 Beta gui

- JPE Configure
o bug fix: add IdentMode 3 as an option and set it as the default

- JPE Quickie
o changed the default config to _Normal2
o where possible, balloon messages are now popped up instead of message boxes
o changed popup message boxes to include a "Only prompt when necessary" checkbox
o added the Settings tab's "Select Config" button's functionality
o added a Settings tab option to always use the chosen default config if no
  app-specific one is found - defaults to off
o modified the "Configuration Selection" dialog box
  o it now always pops up after choosing "Run Portably->normally", except when
    there are no app-specific configs and the "always use the chosen default
    config if no app-specific one is found" option is on
  o to make use of the new "generic" configs (those named starting with an "_")
  o when used as part of the "Run Portably" procedure, a checkbox is shown to
    subsequently turn on the "always use the chosen default config if no app-
    specific one is found" Settings tab's option
  o list entries now are default sorted by version within name
  o name column header clicking now sorts by version within name
  o version column header clicking now sorts by name within version
  o description column header clicking now sorts by name within description
o bug fix: changed the default IdentMode to 3
o bug fix: the last used app and non-"new" Quickies dir are no longer stored and
  restored when the "Store and restore last selected app" option is off
o bug fix: the Quickies tab's <new> entry is no longer listed below entries that
  start with a number, e.g., 7-Zip
o bug fix: when using a config that has a RegTokens value explicitly set, that
  value is no longer overwritten when building the "to be portably run" app's
  runtime config
o bug fix: "Package Up" is no longer allowed when only launchers exist
o bug fix: "Run Portably" "Discovery processing only" now indicates when no
  discovery data was found to be processed
o bug fix: You no longer have to select a config when only doing discovery
  processing, and the app's launcher exe and config ini are no longer re-built

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#4 Post by joby_toss »

JauntePE made it to Softpedia:
http://www.softpedia.com/get/PORTABLE-S ... erPE.shtml

PS: already rated it! :)

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