Participation requirements

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Participation requirements

#1 Post by Cornflower »

Moving this from comments to chit-chat

I am with @Pendrive. I contribute as I find something to say or find an update, etc. With my IT years receding behind me, it is not so common for me to contribute, but I appreciate all forums, comments, and of course submissions and updates. But, I am not sure I remember all the steps to submit, update submissions, etc.

So I am Okay with @Pendrive's, or anyone else's Comments stating there is an update. If it is one of the many PortableFreeware programs I use, I keep it in mind for updating. If not, it is 2 seconds out of my day.

So unless someone has mentioned @Pendrive in the last few minutes here, my simple search shows 142 posts by or mentions of Pendrive. Not too shabby, as Adam Sandler would say. Please stick around @Pendrive, and for all of us, let's chill and keep this a vibrant community.

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Re: Participation requirements

#2 Post by Midas »

I fully agree. 8)

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Andrew Lee
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Re: Participation requirements

#3 Post by Andrew Lee »

For those wondering what all the drama is about, please refer to the latest comments for Q-Dir.

Just a recap, the ranking system is based on:

1) the total number of entries submitted that has been made public (divided by 2)
2) the total number of posts in the forum (divided by 50)

Anyone can create new database entries, but need at least a rank of 1 to edit public entries.

Pendrive has a total of 38 forum posts under his belt, that's why he has rank 0. It also got me thinking that if he had posted his updates msgs in the forum (instead of entry comments), I think he would have way more than 50 posts by now!

We can discuss about ways to tweak the current system of calculating rank. Maybe include comment count in the calculation, maybe lower the post count from 50 (I think the original intention was to encourage people to post entries to the database, but I personally don't think it had any major effect) etc.

<< VENT ON >>

I hope I don't get too much hate for what I am about to say, but I just have to vent. Here's my honest opinion on the matter.

We all know text is a really poor way to convey context, that's why we all have experiences of being misunderstood by even close friends when texting. Sometimes, a light-hearted jab or throw-away humour is totally taken in the wrong way by the recipient, and may require some serious explanation later.

For someone to go into a rampage, triggered by a *single* comment from a *single* user (mind you, without any obvious hateful words in said comment), I can only imagine something deeper must be going on. Because every time I encounter such behaviour, I can't help but be reminded of my ex-girlfriend again. I must be lucky, because other than her, I have not experienced such behaviour from another person IRL, even some colleagues whom I hate with my guts!

<< VENT OFF >>

Anyways, @Pendrive, I hope you reconsider your decision. I don't think anyone meant harm in this incident, and it was all one big misunderstanding. Can't we all be friends again? :(

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Re: Participation requirements

#4 Post by Midas »

Although I believe the current ranking system works perfectly -- until proven otherwise -- I also believe (old GFs notwithstanding) we should all be friends... 8)

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