rulesPlayer 0.95

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rulesPlayer 0.95

#1 Post by AlephX »


The official rulesPlayer home is now
Added Open URL entry to the default context menu
Added getinput command
Added compact mode feature
Fixed bug in saving config files related to the recently introduced escape sequences
Fixed problem with handling MPlayer output when it contains the 0xFF character (like ÿ)
Fixed the mouse cursor is now displayed after opening a context menu in compact mode


Added feature to dump the internet streams to file
Fixed URL playback (finally!)
Fixed 'Play DVD' menu not showing Z: drive if it is cdrom
Fixed the output of errors command


Keybindings different from space now work while the playlist button or checkboxes are focused
Removed strings 86 and 87 from translations because they were there by mistake
Removed two debug messages I forgot...
Improved inc,incf,dec,decf
Fixed dec and decf was actually increasing the value
Fixed $app_version variable to be readonly
wheelup and wheeldown mouse bindings now work
Mouse bindings now support shift,alt and ctrl modifiers (only shift and ctrl for wheelup/wheeldown)
Added default bindings for wheelup/wheeldown to adjust audio volume
Small performance improvements


Rearranged and documented lang_English.kfg
Updated the codepage menu to the original MPlayer encodings list
Small performance improvements
Fixed some problems with opening files from explorer


Added support for translations
Added support for custom help for commands
Added new commands: setstring,sethelp,setimage,updateui
Added new escape sequenses reconginized by the console - \n and \t
Added new syntax for variables - $#123 will be replaced with tanslatable string with id 123
The config files now support multiline commands
Re-introduced the feature to center along with "resize after movie", but this time optional
Updated the command for contextmenu/playback/play to playorpause
Fixed the time indicator showing negative values when holding left arrow to rewind at the beggining of the movie
Fixed bug where the recent files are lost upon relaunch of the player
Added missing command to the list of commands - info
Small performance improvements
The second startmenu shortcut is now optional in the installer
Fixed problem with faq.txt in the startmenu program group
Updated readme.txt with some of the new features


Added new command playorpause
Spacebar is now bound for playorpause by default, so it plays the movie even after it is finished
The movie is now added to the recent files list after it is really opened
Fixed the console and playlist buttons was not unchecked after resetall command when there is no movie playing


Fixed normal window size after maximize/fullscreen/unfullscreen/restore
Workaround the filematching problem for subtitles with [ and ] in the filename (due to the D's std lib)
Added recent files list
Added new commands - recentadd, recentdel, recentclear


Non English characters are now handled correctly (hopefully)
Removed bookmarks from todo list
Updated readme.txt


Added echo command
Added zoom command
Added disk writer audio output to the menu
Added predefined zoom commands to the default right click menu
A single subtitle file with language suffix is now loaded even it is not in the default languages list (in simple words if you have movie.avi and, the subtitle will be loaded although the gipsy language is not in your list)
The space is now valid language suffix separator for the subtitles too in addition to dot (i.e. movie is now the same as
$osd_messages now defaults to 0
Fixed menu radio items updating for some variables
Fixed the screenshot is now working again after it's been broken in some of the last releases


Fixed an issue with space/enter when bound to play/pause
Fixed screen power off is now really disabled
Fixed fullscreen is now on the primary monitor
Fixed URL input box is now centered on the primary monitor
Fixed typo in the default.kfg which was causing trouble with mouse1 binding
Fixed some size calculations (noticeable for small fonts)
Fixed playlist sorting for DVDs
Playlist can now be reordered via keyboard or drag and drop (see readme.txt for the keys)
Playlist can now save/load DVD playlists
Added pladddvd command for DVD titles/chapters/angels
Most key bindings now work while playlist is displayed
Removed -ass option cause it makes the subtitles yellow
The rulesPlayer playlists (.rpl) are now also registered with the rest of the extensions
The open command now works with playlists too
Setup is now adding faq.txt to the start menu
Setup's 'default' MPlayer is now rc1 instead of pre8
Documented some useful stuff in readme.txt


Fixed the DVD menu broken in the last release
The player's window is now centered on the primary monitor upon startup
The -ass option of MPlayer is now enabled by default
Changed the default subtitle language to "en,eng" instead of "en,bg"
Improved the default language loading
Added faq.txt
Improved ddeopener. Now enqueue for more files at once will probably work
Added freemem command


Window is no more centered after it is "resized after a movie"
DVD playback from the menu now works plus DVD contents is added to the playlist when opening DVD
Files can now be dropped on the rulesPlayer's shortcut
Mouse buttons can be bound as keys now (see help bind)
Internet addresses are now correctly displayed in the playlist (still not working though)
Better audio track handling
Better subtitles handling, although some 'fragile' code was changed so there could be bugs
Fixed wrong aspect ratio when adding black band at the bottom
Fixed issue where player is not restarted after changing some variables from the console instead from the menu
Fixed problem where MPlayer was started twice when selection some radio menu items
Added codepages to the subtitles menu (don't know if all of them are supported)
Added predefined aspect ratios
Added option to start in fullscreen
Added openurl and pladdurl commands and extend the functionality of open and pladd to open dialog if no parameters are supplied
Added yell command
Added feature for custom menus trough the commands menubegin,menuitem,menuseparator,menuend
Added @ prefix to 'echo off' the commands
Added sample context menu (change it as you like with notepad - contextmenu.kfg)
Added incf and decf commands for floating point numbers


Window menu is now called Tools
Fixed adding files from playlist menu
Fixed "resize after movie" bad size calculations
Better (more synchronized) MPlayer output handling
Added postprocessing to video menu
Added subtitle black band option
Added rebuild index option
Fixed not marking vobsubtitle on startup when autoselected by MPlayer
Fixed not working subtitles track menu
Fixed able to set windows_dir
Removed .gif from video extensions
Added 48x48 icons. Thanks to Ben Laufer.

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#2 Post by Fluffy »

Updated the entry, thanks!

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